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Dynamic Ways to Strengthen the Bond You Have With Your Grandmother; Use Kindness, Spend Time, and Gain Wisdom - Part 1

Updated on October 1, 2019
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Michele is a published author who loves to write on a plethora of topics including business, crafts, cleaning, family, and management.

This is a picture of my beautiful grandmother. It doesn't get more personal than this!
This is a picture of my beautiful grandmother. It doesn't get more personal than this! | Source


Too often we let moments pass in time that should have been priceless peaks of growth in our relationships. This may be true with your grandmother, especially if she passed away when you were either close to her or had the opportunity to be closer to her but found yourself too busy to take the time to develop that relationship.

This can lead to regrets, and you don’t want that. So, check out the ways below that will lead you to deliberate actions you can grow closer to your grandmother starting today; this way you won’t miss out on precious moments. Instead, replace possible regrets that you may have in the future with positive means of growing closer to your Grammy; so, don’t miss out on these great ideas that you should start doing RIGHT NOW.

Inspiration 101

Rather than storing memories in your already full head, capture the moments in time by the use of plenty of photo albums!
Rather than storing memories in your already full head, capture the moments in time by the use of plenty of photo albums! | Source

For an old, antique or special picture: use an antique frame to match the time period. Check out an antique shop or mall or even shop online for great deals on what you are looking for. Keep in mind that you don’t need to hurry in making this decision.

Instead, picture which frame you imagine as being “the perfect fit” for the photo you wish to put in the picture frame. Once you have it in mind, don’t give up until you find the frame you have now imagined. There is no reason to “settle” when making this decision.

Inspiration 102

Improve your relationships with your friends and family; you'll be glad you did it!
Improve your relationships with your friends and family; you'll be glad you did it! | Source

This is not the only article I have written on the subject of growing closer to your grandmother. Check out the next 3 hubs that will go along with this one. This article is about the overall subject matter including summaries, polls, tables, links, questions, a motivational video and high quality images, and other useful information.

Study Your Grandma!

This is a great topic to share! It's a topic popular with both granddaughters and grandmothers (plus other grand relatives)!
This is a great topic to share! It's a topic popular with both granddaughters and grandmothers (plus other grand relatives)! | Source

Grow Closer to Grandma: Follow this Topic

So check those articles out once you are done reading this one.

This is Part One, a summary of the other three.

Part Two explains how to get closer to your grandmother by doing more FOR her.

Part Three contains ideas on how to do more WITH her in order to strengthen your bond you currently with her.

Finally, Part Four helps you uncover ways that you can learn more FROM her starting right now!

Going to Grandma's House?

Do you love spending time with your grandparents? Well, guess what? They probably get more out of your visits than you do!
Do you love spending time with your grandparents? Well, guess what? They probably get more out of your visits than you do! | Source

Are you starting to understand why you should learn from your grandmother and why you should do things for her, with her, or learn things from her? It will make a difference in your life; in fact, did you know that your relationship with your grandmother is an amazing gift?

Imagine meeting someone for the first time who could shape your world, someone who could discuss your history and the history of your family, someone who you could learn from and who could learn from you, and someone who would cherish the time and effort you put into your relationship with them.

Now, close your eyes and think of all the possibilities that may come from this person. That is what you could possibly learn, gain and give to or from your grandmother.

Don't have a grandmother?

If you don't have a grandmother, no worries. You can apply the information from this article to anyone!
If you don't have a grandmother, no worries. You can apply the information from this article to anyone! | Source

Do you NOT have a grandmother today? Don’t give up on this topic! If you do not have one of these, consider the following replacements, people who could fill this roll for you, and if you wish to grow closer to him or her, apply this set of articles.

• Mother
• Mother in Law
• Step-mother
• Grandfather
• Grandfather in Law
• Step-dad
• Father
• Aunt or Uncle
• Sister in Law or Step-sister
• Brother in Law or Step-brother
• Great Aunt or Uncle
• Close distant relative
• Dear Friend
• Neighbor or Co-worker/Boss
• Husband or Wife

My Family (guess which "ham" is my father?)

Another original image of mine. My grandmother with her two children! Such a gorgeous family!
Another original image of mine. My grandmother with her two children! Such a gorgeous family! | Source

Eye Candy for What’s to Come on this Topic

Before we jump right into all that can be expected from this article, let me give you a taste of goodness here.

• Imagine your grandma with tears of joy on her face when she reads a sweet card you sent her.
• Watch the goose bumps form on your arms when you ask her to a movie or play and she loves it!
• Did you know that you can earn a wealth of knowledge from the elderly? It’s an obvious question, but it’s one we often overlook. Listen to her talk about your ancestors, your family’s traditions, or just the history of old photos and who is in them.

Learn from your family history

Find out more about the origins of your family!
Find out more about the origins of your family! | Source

Was your grandmother there the day you were born? Ask! See if she has a picture of you and her.

Learn more about you; there’s a good chance that they were there when you were born, and they can fill in the details from your birth to your first memories. They can fill in the blanks for you or perhaps you could find a memory book that she can help you put down your information and complete it by supplying you with memorabilia and/or old photos.

Start bonding over this awesome book

Grandmother Remembers 30th Anniversary Edition: A Written Heirloom for My Grandchild
Grandmother Remembers 30th Anniversary Edition: A Written Heirloom for My Grandchild
My grandmother and I completed this book before she passed away. It will forever help me to keep her memories alive inside of my heart! This book is an original keepsake book for grandmothers to record memories, family traditions, recipes, stores for her to pass along to their grandchildren. This book appeals to new generations of grandmothers.

3 Great Ways that You Can Grow Closer to Your grandmother Starting Today

Learn from these Parts from this subject. Check out the links below. They will lead you to the detailed articles so be sure to follow the links to each one!

Do More FOR Her; Show Acts of Kindness to Your grandmother

Do More WITH Her; Spend Precious Moments Together with Your grandmother

Learn More FROM Her; Gain Valuable Wisdom from Your grandmother

She is probably a wealth of information when it comes to you!

You grandmother is probably a great source of Intel on your childhood!
You grandmother is probably a great source of Intel on your childhood! | Source


This article was meant to be one solid Hub. However, as I dove into the topic, I ended up having two solid ideas that were not related at all. So, I saved one of them to work on later, and started doing the research for this article.

It quickly became too much for one article, so I broke down the main point into four parts. One was a summary (what you are reading) and the other three hubs were from the three points of this series. The breakdown is as follows:

Don't resist the lull you have in checking out the next parts!

Detailed Information
Part One
Summary - (the one you are reading)
Part Two
Do more for her
Part Three
Do more with her
Part Four
Learn more from her

Part Two is next and it's juicy!

Follow the passion you have on this subject

As you approach each method for growing closer to your grandmother, ask yourself 2 questions:

• Is it feasible for me to do this for my grandmother?
• How can I adjust this method in a way that my grandma would love?

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Are you great with excuses and poor at commitments?
Are you great with excuses and poor at commitments? | Source

Excuses and Solutions

Are you full of excuses, unable to commit to even one of these simple things to do? Take 3 minutes, pick up your phone and either shoot them a text, or give them a sweet call. It would mean the world to them and should not interrupt your life that much.

Check out this table for more assistance in making time for someone when all you feel like doing is make up excuses.

No more excuses!

Alternative Solution
I can’t afford this or that
Handmade something or just give her a call out of the blue
I don’t have the time to do that
Say a “thinking of you” on social networking sites or have your assistance do something on your behalf
I don’t have the time to do anything
Make an official once a week “appointment” for your grandmother to have a 15 minute talk (or alternative times that work better)

This table could appeal to your relationship with ANY family member or even a friend!

Check out this 5 minute video; it may change your life

Better yet, look at it this way:

Does it seem like you are always coming up for excuses in a ways that it interferes with your ability to do the acts found in this article?

Check out this 5-minute you tube video by Mel Robbins where she explains a 5-second rule that will help you during indecisiveness and times where you lack motivation.

It’s a very handy tool that can help you out of a rut when you are stuck; so, check it out.

Check out this why this viral video went off the charts!

Which of these methods to benefit the relationship you have with your grandmother is the MOST appealing to you?

Which option sounds most appealing to you?

See results

Continue to grow ever closer to her

Fall in love with her over and over again
Fall in love with her over and over again | Source

Benefits in Growth with Your grandmother

List of some of the benefits starting with or improving upon your relationship with your grandmother

• Built in support system that helps with both physical and emotional problems
• Provides actual wisdom because she has experience so much in her life
• Delivers confidence when dreaded birthdays appear
• Allows for children to grow more by themselves than to listen to complaints
• Provides a confidence boost whenever needed without criticisms
• Helps complete history needed for a family tree and happy to talk about it
• Allows kids to increase their desire for self improvement
• Cooks the best meals that have ever been tasted and able to teach you
• Always gives the best hugs and advice

Make her day! Get flowers to sent to her front door!

Sometimes the smallest action can have the most impact to your grandmother, so pick out or order some flowers just because!
Sometimes the smallest action can have the most impact to your grandmother, so pick out or order some flowers just because! | Source

Love her and build on this relationship

Love each precious moment with her!
Love each precious moment with her! | Source


This article contains summary information on how to grow closer to your grandma. The gist of it is to purposefully strengthen your relationship with her to avoid having any regrets.

The goal should be to find baby steps that will lead to the ultimate action of having a better relationship with your grandmother. This involves precious moments in order to have a lifelong friendship and bond with your grandmother.

More to come...

Stay tuned for more articles on this subject!


Dear Readers:

The images in this article were created and published by Michele Kelsey or they were provided for free on the website called the Morgue File.

Please feel free to ask a direct question about any of the information provided in this article.

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Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoyed this article.

Michele Kelsey


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