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Elderly Parents Love and Patience

Updated on September 17, 2011

Your Elderly Parents & You

Parents put out an amazing amount love and or work for their children to try to

ensure they do grow up to be healthy above, all well-balanced individuals. As an

adolescent makes the transition into adulthood, that person realizes (or they should)

the extent of what their parents have worked for, as well as it is possible to give back

when their parents reach the age of transition to senior-hood. You want them to have

peace of mind even though they’re sometimes seem confused and not sure of things

around them. Don't take thing personally.

Usually in families of more than one sibling, their is usually one that takes on the

responsibility of actually taking care of the parent or parents and one or more

looking solely at the bank account, and on the siblings back all the time about

everything but taking care of  the mom or dad needing the assistance. In this day

and time it is more than smart to do what a person or family can to help with the

senior than throw six or seven thousand dollars down the drain just to get the same

treatment a senior can get without a dime. It's just not right to rape a senior of their

estate because they worked all of their life to put some money in the bank for a rainy

day and they can't enjoy it. It's cheaper to live in a Holiday Inn with a weekly maid

service than to go to an assisted living facility.

As a family there are certain things that can be done to improve the quality of life for

the senior or seniors. There are many practices you should avoid in order to become

more useful for your family by bringing all the members of the family closer.

As parents with children growing up there are many responsibilities that you are

expected to do and as a son or daughter with parents of old age that are still alive

again there are many different situations you have to adjust to as to make life livable

for them and yourself. Some people just can't find it in there ability to make these

changes. It gets rough sometimes and it's hard not to take everything personally.

In different parts of the world there are different trends and norms to follow. Some

areas of  the world the children end up living with the parents till their , lets say up to

38 or 40 before they move out on their on and even then they have a rough time of it

unless they find a wealthy widow or something of the sort to take care of them as

 their parents did. Usually in this situation the siblings were as a rule also used to

having their grandparents there also. On the other had as here in this States the

children, when they graduate from high school are ready to move out and get from

under their parents rule. The problem is, even now when it is harder to find work,

they need money and their so called President is only making things worse for all.

So they sometimes come back to the nest. If they make it they are not used to

having their parents around all the time.

When your parents grow old, you have a responsibility to give back all the love and

care that they dished out you, changing your diapers, feeding you, trying to build you

into a strong individual so you could make it on your own, without further

assistance, but when in time of need who did you turn to? Your parents, over and

over again. Some people never do, but as a rule, thay are always there for you unless

you burnt your bridges long ago. maybe you even have a friend that will help out

from time to time. In one case I spoke with a family that has a Cosmetologist  that

will keep their mom from time to time at the shop for an hour or so to give them a

break.  Even though it’s a short period of time it gives you a much needed break. Be

creative in asking for help. Later we will talk Hospice.
When your parents reach old age, it is your responsibility to do what you can for

them. Slamming them in a nursing home just because you can is not the solution.

Is that where you would want to be? Get up, take your medicine, and sit around a

table with a bunch of deadbeats (pardon the expression but I hear the old men go

through the women like exlax goes through them ) that are so lonely because their

kids never come to see them at all and about to lose your mind because some

 attendant is on their ass 24-7. You have to learn to respect the old age of your

parents. Unless you don't make for some, God forbid, reason, you will be in the

same boat one day and I;m sure you don't want to become Jack Nicolson as in

"One Flew Over the CooCoo's Nest".

Patient's is a virtue especially with older parents. It can get rough when they aren't

exactly themselves, but you juat can't take everything personally. Some things, they

just can't but saying but don't mean them. Lighten up my friends. I'm certainly sure

there were times when you were young that they would have beaten you to an inch

of your life if they could have but did not raise a finger in anger. They spent much

time doing their best to show you what they considered the ride road to take as so

you could reach your finally destiny in the best way possible. Give it back to your

parents, grandparents, or whoever raised you. Don't take thing personally. They

don't mean it. You can do it. Keep them in their home and save money too! Move

in with them if you can.



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