How to Raise a Child, or Raise Them Up?
His Sister And I Did That to Him
Go Ahead Dad, Figure It Out For Yourself
Raising a child can be a challenge unless you learn to learn together. One of the most important aspects is laughing. Some people have children who have special challenges. We will address these notions. Always remember that you are the child for you must constantly grow. In this home mom does the tough stuff of pushing strict learning for high school scores. In this home and actually more outside dad gets the easy stuff. Teaching what questions to ask.
This young boy scored the highest in three grades on a test of what they do not teach in school. A strange concept for a school it seems. In other words a test of vocabulary and understanding far outside the school curriculum. My boy and I spend time doing such things as studying architecture to tracking animals to political structures. Sociology is a constant and cooking is daily. Yes these are worthless at his age of 9. But that is how Gabe and his father go at it. Working together on the concept of the trinity just stretching the mind – Holy Ghost? “Dad it is our spirit”. “Son that has a lot of meaning”.
If you are reading this you are the best. Nope not because it is special. Because you are for caring. The best instruction an adult can give a “child” is caring. Care how you look, care about others, care about grades and school, care about a buddy being bullied, care is mom is sad, care to care. How easy is that? Well it is not easy at all in this busy modern day world. Seems some parents do not have the time. We get that as a roof over the family is so important.
But the most important roof is the root. A foundation that allows for healthy growth. A canopy of a safe place to ask questions and drive your parents totally crazy and they get to see you go crazy so that being all crazy is understood.
Doesn’t that seem odd? And it is. Vulnerability in love is a gift to give. “Take that chance boy”. Do not just put your toe in the water. Dive in with all you got. Show off! Our next writing here is more like telling you what to do. Take it easy.
Go Light and Give Up The Light
Come On Join Our Hit Parade
It would be understood that a majority of families do not hug that much unless there is a problem. I run over outside to hug. No real good reason except to hug. Hugging is not a byproduct of living. Hugging is living. Hugging produces chemical reactions in the body. Hugging is way of saying “we are one”. “Hey there, your problems are mine also”. And better yet “thank you for sharing your love with me”. Support of such is the true concept of esteem. I am respected by my parents so I will respect myself. And for that reason respect others. Hug and hug often.
Single parents. Make full on sure that you do not lapse into pity pot. If you are a parent you have so much to celebrate. I have spent some time living fully alone. Please do not laugh. My first wife divorced me. I remember going to a large grocery store. I had not been in one for at least 8 years. I spent my time in court trials. I spent my extra time taking my children out in nature including our rocky California shores and swimming in the ocean. They could name a dozen types of trees by four. We address this because we, parents have our specialty as parents. A single actually gets to “cross over” how spectacular to be both to a child?
Yes, yes and yes. Easy is not a deal. When your children grow up to be awesome you should get in your favorite chair and kick back. Circumstances do not raise a child, hugs and love do. Our love, what I call God does not raise a child, our showing of love does. I like this fun one; do not get into the shower without soap.
In the last few years I changed it around. “Son, do not do as I say – do as I do”. How easy is that? Have we ever stopped to think that our foibles are examples of what not to do. Thomas Edison said that “I never failed, I just learned how not to do it”. “Well son, mess up like me so you learn how not to do it”.
I hope you are having as much fun here as I am. Please remember this is how we treat each other not just children. Heaven forbid I treat a child less than I treat others.
Start Anew
The Little Drummer Is The Finest Teacher
I Search For The Gift To Give
Roadrunner. I was on a straight up hike. I got in close to some bushes. A roadrunner came so close flying that I felt the wind from his wings. And then he hit the ground and cruised at over twenty. What does that have to do with raising a child? Well he was doing that to get me to chase him. That means the nest was the other direction. It was a ruse to have me go away and go after him.
A misdirection of nature. I scooted up the slope faster. Why frighten birds? Why frighten children and if you are that parent shield them with misdirection of stranger danger. Make them feel safe. This kicks butt in every facet of a child’s life. Security that you will not leave or abandon and security that failure is just dandy like candy in your love. Son of a bitch son you ate it hard on that move. Let’s try again. I cannot do that so well.
I can’t remember when my mom ever turned a blind eye to me. Heck I am talking into my forties with 3 children of my own.
Now this might sound strange. Take a break. Just back off. Just let go. School is a constant teaching. Here we are lucky. Early on I taught my son to imagine and play outside with only his imagination. Exercise without direction. He gets mad if I come out and interrupt his thought process of whatever dragons he is slaying. But I make no judgement of an hour on a screen. Just take it easy for a bit for both of you.
Do not even try to make a child to get into different foods. Go back to the concept of do as I do not as I say. He and I “do not care for cooked vegetables. But if mom cooks them we eat them with fish sauce. Accommodations?
We do not do, “have to” we do “get to”. We do not do, “give me some love” we do “let me give you some love”. Once again do not look at me. All I got is no smokescreen. I am rude with no boundaries. It would seem that raising a child should be an opportunity to break boundaries.
I look up, I mean really look up to children. That makes no sense at all I reckon. They should look up to you. During our last Volleyball I hit it hard – no not the ball, the ground. Just another day in paradise.
We conclude quickly. Do not raise your child. Let them raise you up. What a gift! The gift of receiving love is by far the best gift to give