Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Kids
I believe one of the things that children should learn is love expressed through kindness. For love is kindness in action. If adults around them are kind, kids learn to be kind. If they are exposed to things that show kindness, they will learn the different ways to show kindness.
Once I was feeling really low and down in the dumps when I hailed a taxicab for a ride home. As I sat down, I couldn’t help it, tears were falling down my face. I was glad it was dark as I hoped the driver will not notice that I was crying. When we arrived at the destination, I reached for my wallet and to my dismay saw that I lack the money that I needed to pay for the cab. Haltingly I apologized and asked if I could go down to get some money from the house. The driver looked at me straight in the eyes and in the kindest tone said, “It’s okay, I’ll take whatever you have.” I thanked him profusely and somehow it helped dispel whatever bad feelings I had. I still remember that little act of kindness up to this day.
Here are wonderful acts of kindness ideas for kids of all ages. You can use these activities in school, at home or clubs / organizations.
Be a Guardian Angel to Someone
Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. ~ Seneca
Kids love games especially secret games. Have a child choose a person that he would like to be a guardian angel today. Do something nice for that person anonymously.
Variation for a Group Activity in school, clubs or even your family: Write down the names of the kids or family members on tiny pieces of paper. Let the kids pick a name. Remember to keep the name a secret. All guardian angels will do something nice for that person but making sure they are unidentified. At the end of the week or how long you decide it will be, everyone can try to guess who their guardian angel was.
This is my all time favorite kindness activity. All the other ideas written below can be incorporated by being someone's guardian angel for period of time. Well, sooner or later, it becomes a truly feel good activity, that you begin practicing the art of being kind to someone all the time.
Write Thank You Notes
He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. ~ St. Basil
Being kind and loving is appreciating people including their work and service. Be the first to write that thank you note. Write one to your spouse and to your kids. One liner notes are fine such as “Thank you for taking care of your baby brother.” Or “Thank you for loving me the way you do.”
If you want kids to learn how to write thank you notes, you have to sit down and do it with them. For instance, when the child receives a gift from her grandparents, you can tell her, let’s write a thank you note to grandma or grandpa. It would be a good time to do things together.
Writing have become so much easier with internet and cellphone on hand. An email or a text message is equally important. But nothing beats writing a handwritten note on a paper or card as they can keep the paper or card as long as they like.
I have written thank you notes to family members but sometimes I tried writing short thank you notes to some people who have done a good job or provided extra care in their service. Once I gave a thank you note to a lady who was in –charge of the gift wrapping section. As I handed her the note, I hurriedly walk away and turn back to see her face lit up with a smile.
Say Nice Things and Say Things Nicely
When words are both true and kind, they can change the world. ~ Buddha
If we want to teach kids about kindness, we have to teach them to use nice and kind words too. How lovely it is to hear kids say “please or thank you.” Giving another person sincere compliments is one way of showing love.
When children see the beauty in people or in circumstances, it will be easier to give as well as receive compliments. I love hearing the kids in our preschool when they notice the little stuff and compliment their classmates or teachers, “Your drawing looks nice or you look pretty today!”
Give a Flower or Personalized Gifts
A six year old girl would often drop by our office bringing little violets and place it on our table with a shy smile saying, “This is for you.” Giving a flower is another way to show love and kindness. The flower can be accompanied with a little note expressing gratitude or a compliment. “You did a good job.” Or “Thank you for cooking food for me every day.” Or “I love you.”
Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~ Mark Twain
Offer to Help When Someone Needs Help
“Can I help?” are beautiful words that come out from a helpful child. One of our students exhibits this kind of helpful spirit as she would rush to help a smaller child carry her bag, offer to clean up or arrange the tables and chairs or help someone up when they fall down. When other kids see this, they too follow and later on would also say, “Can I help too?”
If there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not deter or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. ~ William Penn
Say a Little Prayer
If you believe in God, you can pray with your child aloud. When kids hear you pray for other people or thanking God for the people in their lives, they will learn that sometimes prayer is one of the best gifts we can give one another.
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness; it usually comes back to you. ~ Anonymous
Flash that Smile
A kind smile, a loving smile, a happy smile - these smiles can make a difference in someone’s life. A child who loves to smile is a pleasure to be around. Let your child know that her smile is important. A smile can connect her to another soul and builds friendships. It can reassure and encourage and say “You can do it.” It can say, “I see you and you matter to me.”
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~ Mother Teresa
Give a Hug
As a little child, I never had the chance to be hugged a lot as I lived far away from home. I only learned the value of a hug when I was older. Sometimes when words fail us, a hug says it all. Give your children many hugs – hugs that make them feel secure, safe, loved. When I was tutoring a three year old girl, I told her to sit still for that day as I wasn’t feeling well. She looked at me if I was serious, sat down and with her tiny hands, placed my head on her shoulders with the words, “You rest. You rest.” I swallowed a lump in my throat as I feel her love so pure and innocent shine on me.
When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world. ~ Harold Kushner
There are so many things you can do to teach kids to be kind. In a nutshell: If you do all things with kindness and love; and allow your child to see, feel and experience it, for sure they will be learn to love by being kind. And what a beautiful thing to teach them!
May kindness bless your life.
BY: Michelle Simtoco