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Watching A Grandchild Sleep

Updated on April 1, 2013

My Sleeping Grandson...Much Younger

This is my sleeping grandson many months ago! He has grown to be quite the little man now!
This is my sleeping grandson many months ago! He has grown to be quite the little man now! | Source


I sit here next to his “big boy” bed and watch him sleep. Occasionally, his face will have a little smile and his eyebrows raise, and I wonder what he is dreaming about. He hugs his favorite teddy a little tighter and twists around in his blanket. His little body is lying across his pillow – it’s not just for his head, you know.

My computer screen lights up his face as he sleeps. I think once again about what a handsome little man he really is. His dark hair and his big brown eyes and darker complexion make him one of the two handsome little men that I know.

He is wearing his favorite warm pajamas – the ones with the teddy bear on the shirt and the brown camouflage bottoms. He looks warm and comfy, but I pull the covers up a little more, just the same. I don’t want him to catch a chill, he already has a cough, and I don’t want it any worse.

He’s had a tough evening. He pulled every toy out of the toy cupboard and pulled them all around the house. He played with his blocks, his books, his balls, and his little basketball court. And of course, his teddy. He even found some plastic Easter eggs from somewhere. After all of this playing, he also had to clean his mess up. And what a big help he was. I had to help him a little, but all in all, he did a great job for a twenty month old!

It has been a couple of weeks since he has been able to spend the night with his Grammy and Papa. I have been sick with dizziness and I didn’t feel that I could really take care of him the way he should be cared for. Papa would have done his best, of course, but he had been worried about me and didn’t feel that he could give our little man the attention he needed.

Right now, my little man has smiled again. I am sitting close enough to his bed that he reached out and put his hand on my knee – just to make sure I was still there. I am…I always will be.

We found out some great news this past month. Our daughter and son-in-law to be and our little man will be moving across the street from us. Really just across the drive. So that means Papa and I will be able to see our little man even more often than we do already. This is good.

We have another grandson. One who is just as special as our little man. Unfortunately, he lives clear across the state from us. A three or four hour trip away. We see him as much as we can, but it is not that often. I love it when both of our boys are together. They are only six months apart and love to play together. I almost fear the two of them together as teenagers! I can almost see the trouble they can get into.

We have a third grandchild on the way soon. I hope that I can have as great a relationship with this grandchild as I do these other two. He or she will at least live in the same town, so visits will be often.

I have to stop writing now. My little man has now grabbed hold of my hand, and that makes typing a little tough. And I don’t want him to let go….


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