Role of mother in a family
A family is a small unit of society where people live together. They are tied to each other in different relations and Mother is the base of all these relations. She is a kind of glue that holds the family together. She is a symbol of love, affection and sacrifice for each member of the family. Mother is the very reason for anyone being in this very world. She nourishes the child for about 280 days inside her. The stage that turned her into a mother – i.e. childbirth, is one of the most difficult tasks in the world. Science says that human body can bear a pain up to 45 Dels but the mother bears a pain of 57 Dels during childbirth. It is just like breaking 20 bones of the body at the same time. This is one of the initial sacrifices she bears for her child. Since the birth, the mother is all love for her children. They might not realize it at the early age but gradually acknowledge it as they prepare themselves to be parents. The mother cares, nurtures, protects and takes care of the children in every possible way. She often has to sacrifice her own likings and choices for the sake of the children and family.
Who do you think struggles more for the family?
No role in life is more essential, eternal and demanding than that of being a mother. I am not trying to prove that fathers are of less value and do not do anything for their children. I myself am the father of two daughters who are very dear to me. I have experienced the situations when you have to sacrifice your own choices for the sake of children but I have seen that a mother goes a step ahead, sometimes to the extreme level to comfort her children in the best way she can.
From the very start, she does everything she can for her child. She has to wake up several times during night when the child demands for food or to change the clothing. First six months of parenting after childbirth are very difficult. Their sleep is disturbed a lot.
The child stays with mother for most of the time. Therefore, the major part of the responsibility lies on her shoulders. She is constantly and consistently engaged in that. When children grow up and go to school, she is all prayers for them to reach school and back home safely. As the relationship between the mother and the child is very deep, she is always able to understand the needs and demands at every age, even when the children do not express it explicitly. She is so intelligent that she understand well the individual needs of every child.
Acknowledging all these efforts, mother should be given a special place of honor, in the family by every family member. She actually spends her own self in making her children a success. She deserves our high gratitude.
Here are some of the things you can do for your mother. This would definitely give her happiness.
- Always respect her, listen to her attentively, trust her as she will never think ill of anyone in the family.
- Try to learn from her strengths. She takes the responsibility of the whole house when most of the family members go out for study or for work.
- Fathers can also help their wives particularly on weekends. Spend time with the family. Time spent with family and kids is the best investment in life. It always pays back.
- Always spare some time to sit and talk with your mother, particularly when she grows old. Your company will give them immense pleasure. Talk to them. Old people always like to talk about their own times. Younger generation always have something to learn from in that conversation. Advices from the mother are the extract of her life experience, which is a golden rule for the younger generation.
- When you are done playing with your toys, help your mother by picking up the toys yourself. Wash the dishes yourself that you eat in. When you grow up, do your bed cleaning yourself.
- Tell your mother most often that you love her. Hug her when expressing this love.
- Try to help her in her work, when you have spare time. This way she will feel happy and you will learn new things about how to do things in a better way.