The Worst Television Programs Can Affect Young People
Hanging out with our teens can be inspirational
Does Negative Television Programs Affect Our Young People
One of the previous concerns by parents was whether, their children should be allowed to watch #MTV's television series called, #Skins. It is described as, "a comedic teen drama that follows a group of teenagers from Bristol, England, as they grow up. Fast paced and full of angst-mid ridden fun, Skins deals with the teens' personal struggles with highly-charged issues of race, religion, sexuality, drugs and eating disorders." This program was a huge success in England with ratings of more than 3.3 million viewers. One third of these viewers are under the age of 18. Complaints by parents concerning Skins, was that it focused on such subject matters as sex, pornography and child abuse. Most of the roles were played by actors about 16 or 17 years old. The madcap possibilities of parents being unable to make decisions about what is good or bad for their children, placed many of them in a quandary. So what can we do as parents, who want to help our children make the right choices?
Parents should not allow #peer pressure from their environment, change or make decisions for them or their children. For example, one day your child may come home and tell you about this great new television program on MTV called Skins. Other parents may have watched it with their children so that they can learn about sex, drugs and things young people are really doing today. Your child even quotes Dr. Michael Bradley who believes, you can watch this type of television program with your children because, "It is sexy to them. Ask them questions. Get at your child's belief system." The pressure is now upon the parents. Although through family discussions, you and your mate have reviewed scriptures which taught them, "The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty." (Proverbs 22:3)
Your family has spent hours talking to your children about sex, drugs and problems that exist in the world. You have established a nice relationship, where you and your children can listen and talk to each other. Your standards have been set, but the pressure of your child's peers cause you as the parent, to question or think twice about the training you've established that seems to work. As a parent, you owe it to yourself to live by your convictions and not be controlled or changed by whatever may be hot or interesting for the moment because it carries an audience of more than three million viewers. The readjustment of your standards to the thoughts of others, can cause you to become a potential puppet. To be tossed by every new teaching created by man. This can create instability in your family, and the possible lack of trust by your children. If you have standards that work within your family as far as training your children, maintain them without allowing the environment to influence you and your family.
The beautiful letter given to us by our Heavenly Father pleads that we, "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5,6) This has been the best advice given for millions of families today. If we put the trust in our #Grand Creator to instruct us regarding what is wholesome or right for our children, since God created us all, we just may get it right. Taking a firm stand for our convictions, will finally present a stable environment not only for ourselves but our children as well.
Practical Suggestions Regarding Entertainment for Your Children
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