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Time is Figment

Updated on February 28, 2019

Salvador Dali's Clock

I love these paintings. They send me so many messages and thoughts about the irrationality of time. It is felt most heavily in past tense. It causes pressure & anxiety when a selected deadline is approaching. It is a great pretender. It boasts itself as abundant but in reality is very limited.

It would seem that I would spend my entire lifetime reflecting on it, attempting to speed it up or slow it down, wishing there were more of it, learning how to manage it, and watching it slip away.
The melting clock reminds me of this.

Time vs. Timing

Time favors no man & can be controlled by no man but is a tool of measure created by man to set the workable hours of the day and track the passage of time.

It feels like I have been away forever. Was it for lack of time... Lack of focused time maybe. Thoughts are always swirling in my head. Plenty of things to write about but no committed time to get them down. Such is life.

Am I back? I am not sure that I am. It doesn't feel like I have been away long. A writer or thinker at heart never stops.
So many thoughts scattered in there that I am not sure that I can organize them for delivery. It's like a Christmas string of lights all balled up. Avoidable fun. Who has the time?

Time is on my mind all day. What can I be doing? What should I be doing? Most of it focused on my Teens. Time with them feels like the sands in an hourglass. It is nearing time for them to spread their wings. I am part of a blended family now. I was upgraded from Mom of one to a four pack. All 16 this year. Challenge accepted. Most of my time foes to creating complete people who will not crumble under the pressure of this world... So far so good but the pressure is on and we don't not know of the success rate until they are out there. This is a hard, passionate work. After searching for groups that were designed for growth and strength vs. discussing the woes of parenting teen, & finding nothing, I decided to run a supportive, positive group for mothers on Facebook (#momsquad) because of my many adventures and lessons in parenting. I also draw from my experience as a school employee for this page. Sharing the good.

I was part of a Non-profit theatre for a time. It allowed me to support the teen that loved performance. It also allowed me to learn about the Non-profit world and its affect on community. My work there led to an invitation onto an inspiring women led non-profit who does a world of good for our community. I am excited about this adventure. In theory, my life had no time to support these blessings.

I guess this post was just a reacquainting post. I have missed a lot. I am not sure which of my old friends are still here sharing their amazing stories. I have intentions on returning to the world of writing, though I am so affected by what I do in life that it would not match the past writings.

The stream of poetry that flowed thru me while wounded and healing has dried up & evolved into growth. Seeds were planted. Blessings are there to be harvested & shared.

Tell me about you! Tell me about your evolution? What has changed for you since we last spoke or read from each other? What are your passions, lessons, un-planned paths & adventures?


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