Where Did The Parents Go Wrong ?
Where did parent go wrong.. I have my observation, but I can be very wrong.
I read once that affections in decision are not always right..
I learnt that sometimes love blinds you from sticking to what you know is true.
The parent I believe are 70 percent to be blame.
How ? They love their kids to much, and hate to see them go through thesame pain they did when they were growing up.
This is mostly the case.
Statics shows that 80 to 90 percent of the American youth or better still youth in general do not read and careless to what goes on in the environment (News).
They spend endless time surfing the web. Not to read but to search dirty sites and listen to rotten songs that has no lesson to teach.
And parents fear so much to loose their kids, they dare not lay a hand on them.. Did the Bible not say "spare the rod and spoil the child". Did it not say rebuke and shun every evil act..
Most parent are just too scare they might loose their kids if they try to mend their way. They are scare that they may go and never return in the quest of trying to find their own path. Their last resort is to watch them leave and pray to God they grow to become the children of their dreams. What can I say, the youth has too many privileges they do not deserve, they make them believe that they are as priceless as the sun and that there is nothing they wont do if they treating to leave..
It is not old fashion.,it is the world that has lost it's pride, misuse of information and children who can't differentiate between a mothers love and the secret deceit hidden behind those walls the world calls civilization..