How to be the Best Granddaughter – 7 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship
This article will help you grow closer to your grandma by doing more FOR her. It is probably the easiest out of the three parts. Purchase something for her, send something to her like a plant or bread basket, mail her a nice “Thinking of You” card, write her a long letter or shoot her an email, or run an errand for her.
This is just one example that you will attain from the articles in this hub on grandmothers, so read on to learn more about this topic.
This part (doing thing for her) is probably easier than the others
“Why is this hub different than the others? Why is it easier?” You may be asking. This list should answer that question.
Part two
This part is possibly the cheapest to do if you hand-make whatever you plan to give her (the part you are reading now).
What can you do FOR her?
Part three
Part three
This Part works best if you choose to do something physical or emotional for her, like taking her to the store, will lead you closer without breaking your bankroll, and without spending too much time if you short on a schedule.
Out of all of the options, she will most likely wish to just spend time with you. However, if you just don’t have the time, then send her a special gift like a box of goodies; that way she will know you are thinking of her out of the blue.
Part four
Part Four
Finally, learning from her may be the most difficult to do, because it not only takes a huge block of time to do, but you almost have to make plans, motivate her to go to a place where she can teach you, if the location is not in her or your home.
So check those articles out once you are done reading this one. This is Part One, a summary of the other three. Part Two explains how to get closer to your grandmother by doing more FOR her (this article that you are reading). Part Three contains ideas on how to do more WITH her in order to strengthen your bond you currently with her. Finally, Part Four helps you uncover ways that you can learn more FROM her starting right now!
Inspiration 101
Watch her tear up when you give her a personalized item, something that she will love. This act of kindness can often benefit you more than her! This is a very rewarding gift for you to give; it’s rewarding when you get this reaction from anyone! A simple example might be embroidered table cloths for her big Thanksgiving dinner.
Inspiration 102
Do you have a famous dish that you cook for others? Have her watch you make it so that you can learn from her tips as you cook it next to her. Consider using her tips and cooking tricks. The other option is to just cook it yourself and take it over to her so that you can do something sweet for her. Anything that you do for her she will cherish. It can be as easy as a short text or phone call. Be creative!
Spend time with your grandmother
Start Getting Close to Her Today!
Love your grandmother and show that love by doing something nice for her. There is so many ways to show someone how you feel about them – it’s very easy to come up with these things so explore this topic frequently.
In fact, put together a list of all that you could do for your grandma; as you go about your daily, weekly, monthly goals or aspirations, add to the list you have just created so that you may have a clear blueprint on how to best spend time of your relationship.
Use this book to help keep her memories alive
Love Her
Do even MORE for her!!
Here are some other great things you can do for your grandma. Check them out and give them a try!
• Have a surprise birthday for her on a milestone birth year inviting all of your relatives
• Take her on a vacation that would be special just the two of you
• As a gift sometime, give her a canister full of “thinking of you because_____ cards
Examples of Thinking of You Things to Say
Thank you for taking me to the zoo when I was 10
I love our heart to heart talks
I am blessed to have such beautiful eyes that I got from you
First Thoughts on Where to Start
Have you been brainstorming for ideas on this topic? What did you come up with? Is it a new idea, not coming from this article or topic? Share it please in the comments section below. I would love to hear the options you have come up with for this topic!
So, when you do a selfless act, one you are trying to do for someone else and not gain anything from it that is obvious, it might seem almost too easy or too complicated at first. The easiest ideas are often super simple, fast, and cheap.
Your grandmother would probably welcome any gift that comes from you, so don’t over think it.
Ideas on what to do FOR your grandma
- Flowers
- Chocolate dipped strawberries
- Spa day with manicures, pedicures, and massages
- A simple telephone call
- Prayers for any medical issues she (or someone you both know) may be having
- A personalized item (Like a towel set with her initials on them)
- Spend a few hours playing games with her at home
- Send her a “thinking of you” card in the mail
- Send her an e-card online to her email
- Homemake something for her like a sweater or a special dishcloth
- Take her places she needs to go like the grocery store or to a doctor’s office
This article contains ways that you can make precious moments with your grandmother to have a lifelong friendship and bond with her (or other relative you plan to use). Purposefully strengthen your relationship with her to avoid having any regrets. The goal should be to find baby steps that will lead to the ultimate action of having a better relationship with your grandmother.
Celebrate Grandparents Day
Give me your opinion
How often do you do things for your grandma?
Things to do with your grandma at least once!
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Is it any wonder we Southern grandchildren love our grandparents so dearly? When Dad said no to cookies at the store, Grammy would bake you two dozen
Dear Readers:
The images in this article were created and published by Michele Kelsey or they are from Morgue File for free.
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Michele Kelsey