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12 Yummy Soup Recipes to Warm Your Soul

Updated on January 29, 2019
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Victoria is a stay-at-home mom, author, educator, and blogger at Healthy at Home. She currently lives in Colorado with her family.

This seems to have been a winter with lots of snow and icy temperatures for everyone across the country. We've been loving watching the snow fall outside our back slider just about every day here in Colorado, and bundling up to make snowmen in the back yard every afternoon. My husband has even had a number of snow days where he's been asked to stay home because his business wasn't even going to open for the day.

We've been enjoying tons of hot tea and hot chocolate, and I've been making every yummy soup and stew recipe I can come up with. It's been an amazing winter. Most days we can stay warm and cozy inside reading books and doing crafts together. We've also been playing a lot of hide and seek and riding various bikes around the house. Thank goodness my kids are only 1 and 4 years old and so the bikes are still pretty small.

It's been fun coming up with new soup recipes every night and getting to enjoy them together again every afternoon. I thought, with the seeming to be no end to the cold weather this year, that you would appreciate sharing some of these yummy soup recipes with me. I know I promised them just before the New Year, but it's already been a crazy year for us. I am now finally ready to share them with you. I sure hope you find one or more that you really like. Enjoy!

Broccoli and Cheese Soup
Broccoli and Cheese Soup | Source

Broccoli and Cheese Soup

This recipe is one of our household favorites overall. I mean, who doesn't like broccoli and cheese soup. This one is packed full of chopped up broccoli, shredded carrots, and lots of honest to goodness shredded cheddar cheese. As this an all of the other soup recipes are 100% clean eating, you'll find no processed cheese product or table salt here. This is delicious soup that will feel just as good going down as the knowledge that you are filling your body with wholesome ingredients.

Creamy Baked Potato Soup
Creamy Baked Potato Soup | Source

Creamy Baked Potato Soup

I made this recipe for the first time this season on a really cold day just before Thanksgiving, when my husband's whole family went with us to the zoo. I think it was 30 degrees F outside, and after wandering for a few hours to see all of the animals, we were all ready to curl up to a nice hot dinner. This baked potato soup, loaded with crispy bacon and creamy shredded cheddar cheese straight off of the block, was just the perfect treat to hit the spot. I don't think a single person had less than two bowls of soup each. Yum!

Cheesy Hamburger Taco Soup
Cheesy Hamburger Taco Soup | Source

Cheesy Hamburger Taco Soup

This is one of those great recipes where you can simply dump all of your various taco themed ingredients into your Crock-pot, or into a large pot on the stove and cook. I think I have used different ingredients every time I've made it, as I've had different ingredients available in the refrigerator each time. Just think tacos, and I'm sure you'll come up will all sorts of great ideas! If it would sound good included on a taco shell, it would be fantastic in this soup.

Creamy Ham and Potato Soup
Creamy Ham and Potato Soup | Source

Creamy Hambone Soup

My husband first recommended this recipe to me a number of years ago before I really liked ham. Pregnancy really changes you in so many ways! Once my first little one came along, all of that changed. Now this is one of my favorite dinner dishes of all time, and that's saying a lot. We made the original base of our soup by cooking an entire ham, bone and all for about 24 hours in it's own juices in my large Crock-pot. We then divided out all of the ham meat and juices into about 4-5 separate bags and had the makings for many hambone soup meals in the future. I think we ate on just one ham for a year. I highly recommend this one!

Chicken Tortilla Soup
Chicken Tortilla Soup | Source

Chicken Tortilla Soup

This recipe is a really simple, basic chicken tortilla soup, without a bunch of flare and extra ingredients added, but I think that's what makes this one so delicious. We serve this soup with plenty of my homemade (from scratch) tortilla chips, and a huge bowl of guacamole. Being able to make it quickly in my Instant Pot was just a bonus!


  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1lb chicken breasts (1 really large one)
  • 4 cups diced tomatoes
  • 1 (16oz can) Rotel tomatoes and green chilies
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • shredded cheese, for topping
  • tortilla chips


  1. Turn your Instant Pot to saute and cook your onions and garlic in a bit of coconut oil until your onion is translucent.
  2. Add in your seasonings, and then top with your chicken. I chopped mine into smaller pieces so that it would cook faster.
  3. Top this with all of your tomatoes and your Rotel. And finally, pour your broth over the top.
  4. Close the lid to your pot and lock in place. Set to manual and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Let pressure release naturally for 10 minutes, and then you can manually release the rest of the pressure.
  6. Top with shredded cheese and serve with chips. (I personally recommend my Homemade Whole Wheat Tortilla Chips that are super easy to make.)

Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup
Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup | Source

Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup

Yum! Have you ever had Chili's famous chicken enchilada soup? It's delicious, but goodness knows that it's full of sodium, sugar, and other ingredients I wouldn't want for myself much less my children. That was the inspiration for this yummy soup. Except this one you don't have to worry about feeding to your family. As it's packed full of amazing ingredients sure to provide a wonderfully healthy meal to your family.


  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1lb chicken breasts, cut into small pieces
  • 2 cups black beans
  • 2 cups corn
  • 4 cups diced tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon taco seasoning, homemade preferred
  • 1/4 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 2 cups red enchilada sauce* (recipe below)
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Homemade Red Enchilada Sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon oregano
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 1 cup tomato paste


  1. In a small pot on the stove, melt your coconut oil for your enchilada sauce over medium heat. Then whisk in your flour.
  2. Add each of your seasonings and whisk to combine.
  3. Next add your chicken broth slowly and whisk to remove all lumps.
  4. Finally, add your tomato paste. Cook on low for 10 minutes or so until your sauce thickens.
  5. In the meantime, add all of your other ingredients to a large Crock-pot, except for the cheeses.
  6. Set temperature to high. Add in your red enchilada sauce right before closing it up. Cook on high for 4-5 hours, or low for 6-8.
  7. Just before serving, mix in your cream cheese and shredded cheddar cheese, and mix until completely melted.
  8. Serve with more cheese and some yummy tortilla chips. I highly recommend my homemade ones.

Chicken and Wild Rice Soup
Chicken and Wild Rice Soup | Source

Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

This recipe is a favorite among our friends and family members. We have requests to make this soup all the time, and that's great is that it's simple, easy to make, especially if you have an Instant Pot, and it's incredibly delicious. This is an all-around great recipe to keep on hand for a busy night when you need something fast and healthy for your family for dinner. I know I keep saying, "this is one of my favorites," but I'm a big fan of all of these great soup recipes.

Black Bean Soup
Black Bean Soup | Source

Black Bean Soup

Here's another delicious soup recipe that you're really going to enjoy. Most black bean soup recipes suggest starting from dry beans, but I don't. It takes them way too long to soak up the necessary liquids they need and then start cooking. Thankfully I can my own black beans for just this purpose so I don't have to worry about sodium and preservatives in the store bought canned black beans. I just dump these into the pot, with their juice, and look forward to the tender beans in this hot soup at the end of the day.

Spicy Carrot and Ginger Soup
Spicy Carrot and Ginger Soup | Source

Spicy Carrot and Ginger Soup

This recipe is definitely going to surprise you. It's hard to think about hard, crunchy carrots becoming a soup. And who eats carrot soup anyways?! We do! This specific recipe is a little spicy, so I highly recommend either keeping some sour cream or extra heavy cream available when you serve it, or simply lower the amount of spice you use in the recipe if you have sensitive taste buds, like my husband does. If you've never tried it before though, I really think you're going to enjoy this one. Serve it up with some crunchy homemade french bread and that will help too. It's the perfect companion to this yummy dish.

Chicken Pot Pie Soup
Chicken Pot Pie Soup | Source

Chicken Pot Pie Soup

So we made this recipe again this week. I've been craving it for a while now and finally found the perfect time to make it again. I even include my amazing homemade whole wheat biscuit recipe with this dish so you have something delicious and wholesome to top your soup with. I typically just roll the dough into balls and cook them, but this week I rolled the dough flat and cut it with a biscuit cutter. It is a lot of fun experimenting with all of these soups. By the way, it turned out amazing, of course.

Vegetable Quinoa Soup
Vegetable Quinoa Soup | Source

Vegetable Quinoa Soup

Ooh, this recipe is fun to make. Just like my taco soup recipe, this soup is one of those that you can toss just about any vegetable into and it's delicious every time. I don't worry a lot about having just the right ingredients. Instead, I try to use what I have in my refrigerator already that needs to be used. This way I can make the best use of the food I have purchased and save money on groceries by not wasting anything and not having to go out again and buy specific ingredients for anything. Have fun with this recipe and spice it up with all of your favorites!

Sausage and Winter Veggie Soup
Sausage and Winter Veggie Soup | Source

Sausage and Winter Veggie Soup

I'm always on the lookout for new and interesting dinner recipes to make my family. I don't want them to get bored with the same old meals all of the time, and it's fun to make new discoveries and come up with new recipes that become favorites. Sometimes, like this recipe, I just take good old tried and true recipes and mix them up a bit with some new ingredients. This one is a lot like my minestrone soup recipe, except that I included some ground sausage, squash, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin to make a great winter stew. Use what you have on hand I always say!


  • 1lb sausage
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 4 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 1 sweet potato, chopped
  • 3 white potatoes, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons Italian seasoning, homemade preferred
  • 2 teaspoons oregano
  • 2 cups diced tomatoes
  • 2 cups tomato sauce
  • 6 cups beef broth, or substitute with veggie broth or water
  • 2 cups winter veggies (squash, pumpkin, corn, etc.)
  • 8 ounces pasta, any whole wheat variety


  1. Set your Instant Pot to saute and cook your sausage, onions and garlic with a bit of coconut oil until the onion is translucent and sausage is no longer pink.
  2. Turn off the saute function and add in all of your other ingredients.
  3. If you don't have 6 cups of beef broth, try mixing half broth and half water, or add in some veggie broth instead.
  4. Set your Instant Pot to manual and cook for 6 minutes.
  5. Let the pressure release naturally for 10 minutes, and then you can manually release the rest of the steam.
  6. Stir and enjoy!


I wanted to pick out one or two specific recipes to tell you that they were our favorites and you needed to at least try those, but I found myself with the whole list written down again. Haha There's a good reason why I suggested these particular soups. They are all amazing.

Grab the one that gets your attention first and make it tonight and I promise you'll be hooked. You'll have to try another one and another one. We've made each of them so many times this last couple of months, I'm surprised that my family isn't sick and tired of them. Surprisingly they keep requesting that I make them again.

I made the baked potato soup again last night, the chicken tortilla the night before for the second time, and will likely do the cheesy chicken enchilada soup again tonight. It's just so good. While eating our soup last night we were discussing some of the other options we had for soup with what we had in the refrigerator and both my husband and oldest son perked up to me mentioning the broccoli and cheese. We've already had it four times! I told you they were good.

Give one or two, or all of them a shot in the coming winter months and let me know what you think. I always enjoy the comments and sometimes learn a lot about what you like and are looking for in the comments. So drop me a line, let me know what you liked or what you want to see! Happy eating!

© 2019 Victoria Van Ness


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