The Best Bing Cherry Muffin Recipe | The Cupboard Drawer Recipe Book
Having absconded with the best woman England ever produced, I soon came to realize how much we were separated by a common language. It was expressed very well in the food arena in the 1936 Movie “Little Lord Fauntleroy”, adapted from the book of the same title. In it the English Butler on arriving in America laments That he will never understand a country where “Muffins are biscuits and biscuits are cookies!”. When we watched it the first time together, you could see the light go on in Zena’s eyes and she said see I told you! Fortunately these muffins are muffins the world over, (correct me if I’m wrong please) and this recipe is one of many tasty variations in “The Cupboard Drawer”. So Bake in the Love and Do Enjoy…