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Best Quiche Lorraine Recipe

Updated on March 6, 2024

Recipe Rating

5 stars from 2 ratings of Best Quiche Lorraine

Every Christmas morning, my family and I gather in the kitchen to make our favorite quiche recipe. The kids are always excited to help out, especially because they know there will be plenty of bacon and cheese involved. As I preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, the familiar aroma of sizzling bacon fills the air, creating a sense of warmth and comfort in our home.

I carefully cut the bacon into small pieces and place it in a frying pan over medium heat. The bacon starts to sizzle and pop, filling the kitchen with an irresistible smell. I let it cook until it is almost done, then remove it from the pan, leaving behind the delicious bacon grease.

Next, I finely chop some onions and sauté them in the leftover bacon grease. The onions caramelize and release a sweet aroma that blends perfectly with the smoky bacon. Once the onions are golden brown, I remove them from the pan and discard the grease.

In a medium mixing bowl, I combine the cooked bacon, sautéed onions, shredded cheese, and a hint of flour. The mixture is rich and savory, with the perfect balance of flavors. In another bowl, I whisk together eggs, milk, salt, and pepper, creating a creamy and smooth base for the quiche.

I gently line the bottom of the pie crust with the bacon and cheese mixture, creating a layer of savory goodness that will melt in your mouth with every bite. I then pour the egg mixture over the top, allowing it to seep into the cracks and crevices of the filling, creating a rich and velvety texture that will make your taste buds dance with joy.

Before placing the quiche in the oven, I take a double layer of tin foil and line the outer edge of the pie crust to prevent it from burning. This small detail ensures that the quiche cooks evenly and comes out perfectly golden brown and delicious.

As the quiche bakes, the smell of bacon and cheese fills the house, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement. The kids eagerly gather around the oven, waiting for the moment when they can finally dig in and enjoy their favorite Christmas breakfast.

When the quiche is done, I carefully remove it from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before slicing into it. The crust is flaky and buttery, the filling is creamy and decadent, and the bacon and cheese add a perfect touch of smokiness and richness to every bite.

We all sit down at the table, plates in hand, eager to taste the fruits of our labor. The kids take their first bites, their faces lighting up with delight as the flavors explode in their mouths. The quiche is a hit, just as it is every year, and we all revel in the simple joy of coming together to create something delicious and memorable.

As we finish our meal, the kids are content and satisfied, I can't help but feel grateful for this tradition we have created. The quiche may be simple, but it holds a special place in our hearts, a symbol of love, family, and the joy of coming together to share a meal. Christmas morning wouldn't be the same without it, and I know that this quiche will always hold a special place in our family's holiday celebrations.

Cook Time

Prep time: 20 min
Cook time: 50 min
Ready in: 1 hour 10 min
Yields: 6


  • 8 Slices Bacon
  • 1 Cup Swiss Cheese, Shredded
  • 1/3 Cup Onion, Finely Chopped
  • 1 Tablespoon Flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon Pepper
  • 9 inch Pie Crust
  • 4 Large Eggs
  • 2 Cups Half and Half


  1. Preheat oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Cut bacon into small pieces, then put bacon into frying pan over medium heat. Cook bacon until almost done. Remove bacon, but keep the bacon grease in the pan. Add finely chopped onion to bacon grease and saute' onion. Remove onion and discard grease.
  3. Next in a medium mixing bowl add bacon, onion, cheese, and flour. Mix together.
  4. In another medium mixing bowl mix together eggs, milk, salt, and pepper.
  5. Line the bottom of the pie crust with bacon and cheese mix, then pour the egg mix over that.
  6. Line the outer edge of the pie crust with a double layer of tin foil to prevent it from burning while cooking.
  7. Place pie crust with mixture onto a baking sheep and place it into the oven for 40-50 minutes or until done. You will know when the quiche is done when a tooth pick is inserted into the center and comes out clean.

This is my favorite quiche recipe. We make this every Christmas, the kids even love it! I always add in more bacon and cheese then what is called for, but we love bacon and cheese!

Quiche is a great dish for anybody. You do not need to put bacon in it, you can add in ham, broccoli, turkey,.. almost anything.

Just remember to have fun while cooking, try not to make it a chore.

© 2016 Darline S.


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