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Burger King's Veggie Burger in Harford County Maryland

Updated on July 23, 2019
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Alex has been a photographer since he was in grade school. He has a diploma in digital photography. He thoroughly enjoys various arts.

The Burger King Veggie Burger

Burger King has a veggie burger. Some of my readers may be surprised by this. This is a different item choice than is offered by many "fast food" chains. But, it is a thing. Moreover, it is fantastic! A single veggie burger isn't the cheapest thing one can buy at one of these restaurants. Still, it is worth every penny. I went to Burger King #13880. There, a veggie burger costs $3.79. With the 6% Maryland sales tax, the total (of the veggie burger alone) comes to $4.02. For Burger King prices, $4.02 is not bad at all. For those who believe that this is expensive, these people should consider a couple of items. One, minimum wage has gone up significantly in the state of Maryland. And, two; inflation generally evens everything out. I was a 90's child, so sometimes these prices seem to me to be higher than they are. The fact continues to be that the value of the US dollar has done down since I was a kid.

Burger King And Innovation

The veggie burger is one menu food item which shows just how innovative Burger King is. Many restaurants try to stay in safe territory. However, stagnant water may not always dry up - but, it tends to go stale. This is not a concern for Burger King. That's not to state that all of their ideas are perfect. Moreover, many of their ideas do make them unique and desirable. When Sonic made their pickle slush, there was obvious concern in the air. The question for this company was "why?" For Burger King's veggie burger, we can answer why. I am currently on a low meat diet. As a Mormon, this is part of what we call 'the word of wisdom'. We abstain from eating too much meat for our health. For similar reasons, we stay away from tobacco and heroin. For people who are health conscious, Burger King has us covered. For Mormons, Burger King is here to help. Whether one wants to lose weight, protect the body in general, or is a vegetarian; Burger King offers a sandwich for our distinct needs. Veggie burgers are more trendy than they have been in the past. Burger King knows how to succeed; to sell a product that competitors ruse to make.

My Experience In Maryland

Today, I visited a Burger King which is located in Harford County, Maryland. More specifically, it is in the city of Aberdeen. One of the first things that a person may notice, is how handsome and beautiful the employees are. My server had an adorable smile, a beautiful face, and she was very sweet. The service was very quick. Moreover, the burger was so hot and perfect that I finished it before I got back home! It was juicy and made just right. It was far better than I had expected it would be in those ways. I enjoyed the veggie burger thoroughly. It was great! I had a great time at this location, and I recommend it to anyone who is in the area and hungry. I would also recommend going when they are less likely to be busy. Today was fantastic, because there were almost no customers present when I arrived. One should not forget the responsibility of the customer. Regardless, these people are awesome even when they are rushed. I've been here during a particularly harsh rush, and they were still helpful and polite. I love these guys. Please feel free to give them some love (in a good way, of course). They deserve some praise and appreciation at least once in a while.

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The Burger King located in Aberdeen, Maryland.
The Burger King located in Aberdeen, Maryland.

Final Thoughts On Burger King And Her Veggie Sandwich

Although I have never worked a day in my life at a Burger King, I heavily respect the workers and their food. The veggie burger is a great example of Burger King innovation, but it is far from the only one. I had a great experience at a location in Maryland, and would recommend others to think about this particular store. I hope that all of my readers stay healthy and happy. There is so much food in our country that we can chose to be a little picky from time to time.

Burger King Gift Card

Burger King Veggie Burger

5 out of 5 stars from 1 rating of Burger King Veggie Burger

© 2019 Alexander James Guckenberger


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