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Dump Cake With Creamy Fill-in-the-Blank Fruit

Updated on July 4, 2019

The Transition From One Cup of Sugar to Two Cups of Sugar

My husband handed me this recipe from the Sparks Magazine
My husband handed me this recipe from the Sparks Magazine
My coworker said, no, add 2 cups of sugar
My coworker said, no, add 2 cups of sugar

Fruit Variations

strawberry - egg slicer worked, but bent the wires
strawberry - egg slicer worked, but bent the wires
rhubarb - make sure to slice very thin
rhubarb - make sure to slice very thin


  1. Oven 350 degrees.
  2. Mix cake mix as directed on box. Mostly cake mix, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup oil, 1 cup water. Use mixer for 2 minutes. I used two smaller glass Pyrex baking dish, brownie size. Dish to pass for party.
  3. Cake batter in pan. Fruit on top of batter. Sugar on top of fruit. Whipping cream on top of sugar. Place cake pan on some sort of drip pan, like a pizza pan, just in case it bakes up and over your pan.
  4. Bake one hour.


  • 1 box cake mix, in bowl
  • 3 eggs, in cake mix
  • 1/2 cup oil, in cake mix
  • 1 cup water, in cake mix
  • 4 cups raw fruit of your choice, on cake mixture
  • 2 cups white sugar, on fruit
  • 1 pint heavy whipping cream, on sugar

Cook Time

Prep time: 1 hour
Cook time: 1 hour
Ready in: 2 hours
Yields: serves one or more people

The Process

The biggest decision is deciding what filling you are going to make. We have tried Rhubarb. Strawberry. Strawberry/Rhubarb, Blueberry. Pineapple. Raspberry.

All good.

It doesn't really matter what cake mix flavor you use as well. The original recipe called for a French Vanilla cake mix. We have tried it with plain Vanilla. Strawberry. Have never tried it with a Chocolate Cake. The possibilities are endless for the cake mix. You can get as creative as you like.

After you mix the cake mix according to the box, you are free to add four cups of whatever fruit you decide to add. I'm talking raw fruit. Just dump it across the top of the raw cake batter.

Then, take two cups of sugar. I used white sugar. Have never tried it with brown sugar, but I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad. Sprinkle the sugar across the fruit and try to coat evenly.

Then, pour the entire container of heavy whipping cream over the sugar. You do not have to stir this at all. It is a dump cake and will separate while it is baking.

The fruit, sugar and cream will form its own layer on the bottom, the cake mix will bake and when the cake is baked to a golden brown, you simply let the cake cool and, when you scoop it out of the pan, flip it over onto the serving plate and voila, fruit cream custard covered cake.

It's that easy!

three eggs, 1/2 cup oil, 1 cup water
three eggs, 1/2 cup oil, 1 cup water
follow cake mix ingredients
follow cake mix ingredients
Just a plain, ordinary cake mix
Just a plain, ordinary cake mix
cake mix
cake mix
use mixer on medium
use mixer on medium
All mixers are different
All mixers are different
two minutes
two minutes
clean beaters by lifting slightly out of the batter while running. Not too high, just above the batter.
clean beaters by lifting slightly out of the batter while running. Not too high, just above the batter.
batters ready to lick off?
batters ready to lick off?
fruit on top of batter in glass Pyrex
fruit on top of batter in glass Pyrex
2 cups of sugar
2 cups of sugar
sprinkle evenly on top of fruit
sprinkle evenly on top of fruit
cream on top of sugar
cream on top of sugar

Magic Trick


Watch me make a cake... disappear... would you like some? Here's a plateful. Or a bowl full.

Poof. It's gone.

I'm sorry. I forgot to take photos.

I'll make it up to you. I'll start again with a fresh cake and actually take photos this time.

**I know what happened to the last cakes I made. One I took to a party and didn't get to cut it open. Another thing. The hostess saw the cake and immediately carried it to her house and hid it for herself. No. I do not have my pan back, yet. The other cake, well, I don't know what happened to the photos.

So, the following is the new cake.

I Made Another Cake

Since I lost the photos from my original cake, I made another cake tonight, and, you'll be proud of me, I took pictures.


This cake, in as much as it is still a Strawberry cake mix, rhubarb, and the sugar and cream, I did change it up a little. I added some cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg to the sugar.

I went out to my strawberry patch and picked a few fresh strawberries, about a half a cups worth, and four blueberries. Yes. You read that correctly. Four. 4. You can laugh if you want. Then, I added what pineapple I had left from a fresh pineapple cut the other day.

Yep. Another flavor variation. Its slightly sweet, and although the whipping cream solution in the bottom was soupy when I removed the piece for the photo shoot, it thickened up nicely as it stands. Pudding, so to speak.

Tonight's Cake: Rhubarb, Blueberry, Strawberry and Pineapple

a few stalks of rhubarb
a few stalks of rhubarb
strawberry patch is a ways from the house
strawberry patch is a ways from the house
strawberry patch in old hollow tree
strawberry patch in old hollow tree
had to pick the strawberries
had to pick the strawberries
a few strawberries
a few strawberries
4 blueberries
4 blueberries
oh, yes, and some pineapple chunks
oh, yes, and some pineapple chunks
Mixed cake mix in pan. I used metal. Last time I used glass.
Mixed cake mix in pan. I used metal. Last time I used glass.
Fruit on top of cake batter.
Fruit on top of cake batter.
2 cups of sugar, plus cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger, gently stirred to mix up.
2 cups of sugar, plus cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger, gently stirred to mix up.
Sugar evenly across cake
Sugar evenly across cake
2 cups of cold heavy whipping cream across the top of the sugar and the fruit. Not cool whip, mind you, but heavy whipping cream.
2 cups of cold heavy whipping cream across the top of the sugar and the fruit. Not cool whip, mind you, but heavy whipping cream.
350 degrees for one hour.
350 degrees for one hour.
After one hour, cake is browned and cracking
After one hour, cake is browned and cracking
Cracking is okay.
Cracking is okay.
Cake is moist and drippy immediately after baking, but does thicken as it sits. Needs to be refrigerated once cooled.
Cake is moist and drippy immediately after baking, but does thicken as it sits. Needs to be refrigerated once cooled.

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