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How To Light A BBQ Using A Chimney Starter

Updated on August 7, 2012
BBQ Grilling!
BBQ Grilling! | Source

"Come on Baby, Light That BBQ Fire!"

It's a little sweet, a little spicy and it rocks on your BBQ'd food! Mustard! Created from a tiny little seed, mustard brings to the bbq world a big boom of flavor and tasty rich texture. With a few simple techniques you can drop the 'wow factor' on your "grill" all summer long .

We will take a look at mustard for the bbq this summer. But first, we need to get things lit-up the best possible way. Unless you are willing to wear an asbestos suit, gloves and headgear, you may want to consider some of the options provide in this article.

When ash completely covers your coals, they are ready to cook!

It is important to have patience with your BBQ grilling coals, they should be covered in ash before they are ready to use!
It is important to have patience with your BBQ grilling coals, they should be covered in ash before they are ready to use! | Source

Lighting your "BBQ with a chimney" assures good flavor

Chimney Starters for your BBQ Grill make it easy to light any charcoal grill, and the bonus is that you won't have any leftover fuel flavor on your smokey good food!
Chimney Starters for your BBQ Grill make it easy to light any charcoal grill, and the bonus is that you won't have any leftover fuel flavor on your smokey good food! | Source

Why Is a Chimney Starter Better Than Lighter Fluid

When looking for the wow factor, make certain to keep your food tasting like food. This means, instead of using lighter fluid to light your charcoal, try using a chimney. The fire is easily ignited using paper (bio-degradable) with a little drizzle of cooking oil, leaving the flavor of your food tasting like your food.

When using ignition fluids, you can rarely escape that taste of fuel on your food unless you allow the charcoal to become covered over in ash. It can be dangerous and can coat your food with unnatural flavor. So, take the extra time to allow the coals to coat over with ash, assuring the fluids have burned away and that the flavor left behind is all natural smokey goodness and not charcoal fluid residue.

How to use a Charcoal Chimney (2 min. 47 sec. video)

Nice Steaks on the BBQ Grill!

These steaks are not just any plain old BBQ; they have a delicious MUSTARD-Q slathered over them for a unique grilled flavor experience.
These steaks are not just any plain old BBQ; they have a delicious MUSTARD-Q slathered over them for a unique grilled flavor experience. | Source

What Is A Mustard Q


Traditionally the tomato has long been the base for any and all bbq sauces. It's the rule, it has always been this way, wouldn't think of changing it because it's perfect the way it is, right? Ok. Maybe the bbq sauces we treasure every summer are really good,...ok, really, really good. But, what if I told you that you can keep your famous recipe just the way it is, full of flavour, rich and spicy, sticky and smokey with far fewer calories? Well, you can. By substituting mustard for the tomato base you can cross over to the NEW AN IMPROVED BBQ...ummm, MUSTARD Q! It's that simple. All of the awesome components that make your tomato based Q so delightful, become just as delightful in a mustard Q.

Why Make A Mustard Q

If someone who is joining in the 'Q' fun in the sun has a problem with tomatoes, allergies, acidic stomach issues and yes even those who just aren't fond of the red fruit (although I can't imagine not being fond of tomatoes) can enjoy the summer pit cookin' along with rest of us. The best part, no one sacrifices any flavour, at all!

NOTE: As an added bonus, mustard Q actually has less calories, less fat and less sugar than traditional bbq. Give it a try, let this humble little seed bring the mustard to your Q this summer!


On this "Webber BBQ" model the vents rotate to open and close

When you hear the the words "WEBBER BBQ GRILLS" you know it's all about traditional charcoal grilled goodness! The louver vents help keep everything cooking just right.
When you hear the the words "WEBBER BBQ GRILLS" you know it's all about traditional charcoal grilled goodness! The louver vents help keep everything cooking just right.

Once the BBQ is lit, how do I keep it?

Once your pit is lit, you want the heat to last so you can completely cook your food. The best piece of advice I have to offer on this subject is 'air flow'. You can regulate the air by opening and closing the vents on your pit. Open for more flame, close them to reduce flames. Try not to close them completely or the fire will go all of the way out. Now, the quality of your coal will play a roll as well. Buy the good stuff or chunk wood coal. You will notice the difference right away.

How To Add More Charcoal To an Already Hot BBQ

Always add new coals to outside perimeter of your coals. They will gradually heat up and ash over. Never add new coals to an already hot ashy grill, this will only lower the heat of your grill, causing your food to cook improperly.

Now you are armed with some techniques for your summer BBQ plans. Remember to be safe and never let your hot grill out of your sight! Let's go Q'n!

Secret mustard stuff...ssshhh!!!....

  • About 10 minutes before you need to use the mustard spice, mix the powdered version with water and blend until it comes to a pasty consistency. It takes just about all of 10 minutes for the real flavour of mustard to develop thoroughly.
  • Mustard flavour will not build or persist. Unlike other pungent spices it can be used to add flavour highlights to many recipes. (In other words, the humble mustard seed knows its place within a dish).

  • Mustard adds a flavour 'wow-factor' as well as acting as an emulsifier in salad dressing, making the blending of oil and vinegar a smooth situation!
  • Brown mustard -or- 'gourmet' mustard can add an extra kick of heat to your recipes. Use these sparingly, they generally have an added bite of horseradish which brings more heat that will build over time.

YIKES! Check out the "BBQ SAFETY" links to the left...hurry!

Knowing how to keep from burning down the neighbor's fence during the annual summer BBQ makes for good relationships! Grilling safety has got to come first.
Knowing how to keep from burning down the neighbor's fence during the annual summer BBQ makes for good relationships! Grilling safety has got to come first.

What You Think Really Does Matter!

Will you be trying a chimney starter instead of lighter fluid this summer?

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