Thinking of Going Vegetarian? Eating Meat Is Best for Your Health
Disease relationships between meat eaters and vegetarians and vegans
Eating Meat Isn't Even Close To Being Bad For You
The globalist entities of this world, those seeking to impose a global cabal to rule us all upon us, are completely against the consumption of meat, or rather, they are against us common folk eating as our ancestors ate. The United Nations says veganism is the diet that will save the world from destruction. It is rather unwise to adjust your personal diet to the whims of the ultra rich and well connected.
Humans have the right to feed themselves the diet they can afford and the diet they want. There are some pluses to the vegetarian diet, but if one is a proponent of such, it is their obligation to be aware of the negative aspects of the same diet. Vegetarians lead a lower quality of life than do meat eaters, and quality of life is very very important for the living.
For at least the past two point six million years humans have been eating meat. All humans are omnivores regardless of what they call themselves. It's all very very simple. You were born an omnivore, you will die an omnivore. Choosing to pretend you are not an omnivore is little other than a game of imagination.
Eating meat made us the humans we are now. There's no evolutionary or scientific question concerning this issue. There is denial, quite a lot of denial. Throughout our human history, denial of facts has stunted progress
In recent years a lot of studies have proven the old vegetarian and vegan diets as not nearly so healthy as studies in previous years.A study conducted by the Medical University of Graz in Austria found that vegetarians actually lead a lower quality of life. “Our study has shown that Austrian adults who consume a vegetarian diet are less healthy (in terms of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), have a lower quality of life, and also require more medical treatment.”
Much has been made about the recent World Health Organization study concerning a correlation between meat eating and cancer. Viewed objectively, the study provided nothing which wasn't previously known, processed meats have always carried some dangers. Homo sapien bodies weren't evolved to eat processed foods, but yet we continually evolve. Evolution works with what is available. It is scientific fact that those able to digest processed foods with less effort and damage will produce offspring also able to do so, as time passes humanity will become better equipped to handle such things in its diet. In the meantime, we would do well to remember that moderation is advantageous.
Most people who attempt a vegan or vegetarian diet give it up, in fact, the numbers are at 84% who attempt it, then ditch the failed diet for health reasons. Some folks have reported feeling so poorly and having health suffer so badly from vegan or vegetarian diets they believe the vegan diet nearly killed them. It would be far better to simply examine the science behind the claims of the vegans, and so never attempt such a poor lifestyle choice to begin with. Almost every science thing stated by a vegan is false, and made up entirely by Gary Yourofsky, the vegan messiah.
Is Eating Meat Bad For The Environment? NOPE
By now you've probably read commentary somewhere by some limp noodle progressive who claims that 1. eating meat is bad for the environment, and 2. eating meat is bad because the United Nations says so. Both claims are absolutely ridiculous, not based in anything but fantasy, and stem from the assumption that oligarchy is the basis for some nefarious and illogical form of "objective morality."
For every stretch of data used for propaganda the vegan or vegetarian creates, facts stand in the way, and so does approximately 97% of the human population. Were vegans or vegetarians to live far longer than the rest of us, we'd each and every last one of us know of it by now, as all the obituaries of the persons who'd lived past a hundred years would have made this wonderful vegan and vegetarian "science" perfectly obvious to us all. It has not done so, because it can't, it's not there.
Research has shown that giving up meat may not be as green as it seems. The Cranfield University study found that switching from British-bred beef and lamb to meat substitutes imported from abroad such as tofu and Quorn would increase the amount of land cultivated, raising the risk of forests being destroyed. Actual science and logic has proved that, environmentally speaking, tofu free Tuesday is healthier for the environment than meat free Monday.
It is important for everyone to recognize forever their biases are often based in ignorance or emotion. Ecology is something so huge there's not an Ecologist on the planet who'll understand but the smallest percentage of it.
Why even buy tofu? It costs more than meat, and is less healthy to eat.
I should maybe confess. I've never had tofu, and so I can't actually tell you I do not like tofu. A nice steak, however, is often cheaper here than tofu, and of course steak provides more nutrients per ounce than does tofu. I consider soy burgers or soy patty's a thing immoral for me to purchase, as you won't catch me knowingly buying something which is nearly certainly from the seeds of Monsanto. Purchasing anything I know to be grown from Monsanto seeds is to knowingly promote a fascist government and corporation, and to knowingly proliferate the sales of glyphosate - no thanks, I'll support my local Texas ranchers and buy some steak every day I can.
Vegetarians and vegans are living a lie if they think their meals are "death free," or something. Author Lierre Keith says, "The truth is that agriculture is the most destructive thing humans have done to the planet, and more of the same won’t save us. The truth is that agriculture requires the wholesale destruction of entire ecosystems. The truth is also that life isn’t possible without death, that no matter what you eat, someone has to die to feed you."
The moral vegetarians believe that it’s possible to eat a diet that includes no animal suffering or animal deaths. The political vegetarians believe that if everyone was a vegetarian, we could feed the world and stop various kinds of environmental destruction. And the nutritional vegetarians think that animal products are the root of all dietary evil and lead to heart disease and cancer. Each category is sorely mistaken, and the vegetarian diet does not provide the nutrients to repair the human body. Lierre Keith is hardly the only intellectual to recognize that human agriculture is the root of environmental degradation and masses of animal extinction, but you should read her interview just the same. Of course most American and European vegans are cult like persons, and also they're often violent, regarding human life as LESS important than the lives of chickens or cows, and so Ms. Lierre Keith is always under threat of life, limb, and property due to the sickness of veganism.
Permanent nervous system damage from vegan and vegetarian vitamin b-12 deficiency
Another confession, I love fried chicken, but the one time I tried to fry chicken myself, I jacked it up so badly I had to scrape the burned skin and batter off and finish cooking the bird slowly on a skillet. I apparently got the oil way too hot. I'll try it again someday. I love fried chicken with pickled jalapeno peppers and some bread. I also love to have it with mash potatoes and fried okra - it's a Southern cuisine delight.
We've got hundreds of chickens here on the property I live on, but we do not eat our chickens, we eat their eggs. The unfertilized eggs, of course, are wonderful foods, foods the vegan feels should never be eaten. Yes, vegans feel that wasting unfertilized bird eggs is the more moral choice in a world where every single day people are starving to death. Then again, what would you expect from a nutrient deficient brain such as one in the head of a vegan? 68% of of vegetarians are vitamin B-12 deficient, and 83% of vegans are. Vitamin b-12 deficiency can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system. Ask yourself is the risk is worth it for your not eating meat, dairy, eggs, etc. I'm going to eat meat, and every day too.
There's no reason to feel guilty for eating meat
When it comes to reasons to not eat meat, there aren't any good ones, there are only mistaken beliefs concerning it all. Eating meat in moderation is the healthy thing for everyone to do, but no particular diet can be said to be universally beneficial to humans as we've all got different goals, metabolism rates, and we live in different places. In any case, humans are omnivores, and nothing can change that about any human living today - poor diet choices don't change you from being an omnivore. Eating meat, of course, is what made us the humans we are now - as without it, we'd have never developed our large brains. According to some nice studies, humans have been eating meat for 2.6 million years, and fishing for 40,000 years.
Anyone ever again attempts to assault me with their feelings about my diet, I'm going to be rather blunt with them about the situation. I don't give a flying giraffe what someone decides to not eat, it's their choice, and their body to mess up. I think everyone who has someone trying to beat veganism or vegetarianism into them should be righteously offended by it, and if it ever comes to someone going at me in public for eating meat, well, they're definitely putting themselves in harm's way then. Of all the people I've ever known, I've never known anyone who endorses cruelty to animals. I think the largest portion of humanity wants as little cruelty involved in our meals as is possible. I don't feel guilty for eating meat, and why would I? I am biologically designed to do it.
Ultimate Meat Lover's Plate
Animal liberation?
If I lived closer to the coast I'd eat a lot more shellfish, and probably a lot more salt water fish. As it is, I live way inland, and sometimes I get to go fishing and will catch and eat some bass, catfish, or both. The animal world is not all created equal in terms of intelligence. Princeton bioethicist Peter Singer, the guy who once wrote a book titled Animal Liberation, said, “I think there’s very little likelihood that oysters, mussels and clams have any consciousness, so it’s defensible to eat them.” Well guess what, Mr. Singer? I didn't need your permission, and nobody else did either. Myself, I draw the line at cows or pigs. I don't want to eat anything more intelligent than a pig. Oh pigs are quite smart, but when you consider the truth that a pig will absolutely eat you if it can - it kinda takes the moral argument of the dinner table for me.
These animal liberation nuts are some scary people, and they're often rather criminal, and cause all sorts of carnage for their actions. While I'm not the guy who supports testing/torturing animals of any kind to make something idiotic like a new mascara - the animal liberation nut isn't even too often thinking about that. A female friend told me a story about the animal rights folks in her community, she said some cut down a lot of barbed wire fences to free the cattle, well, a few people died when their automobiles slammed into some very large cows at a high rate of speed, oh and the cattle died too, of course. There's a reason Mr. Gary Yourofsky is considered an international terrorist, very good reasons.
According to the World Health Organization, as much as 30% of the global human population suffers from iron deficiency. Yes, you can get iron from vegetables, but you can't get the good kind of iron, heme iron from vegetables. The vegan diet is atrocious for your health, just don't do it.
In the end, what you were told when you were a child is true. A balanced diet is the healthy diet, and a balanced diet includes meat. You should definitely have some in moderation.
© 2014 Wesman Todd Shaw