Tips to Make Cooking a Pleasure
Cook With Pleasure
Cooking is Unavoidable
Cooking is one household chore which someone likes to do it or not does not matter at all. One has to do it especially the ladies of each and every family goes through this phase. I am one who never preferred cooking but as I said being the lady of a family there is no option left.
My mind goes through confrontation every day before I enter my kitchen. The reason is that I am not fond of cooking so I always try to find out the shortest menu for the day so that there is no need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Ultimately, when I enter the kitchen to cook, the first thought which comes to my mind is to cook perfectly and properly. Due to such a thought I hardly come out of the kitchen in a very short period. Well, no regrets when I see smile on the faces of my loved ones after having a bite of their food. That does not mean that I always cook something which has a lengthy process but yes, I try not to compromise on its delicious state.
Pleasure in Cooking
It is a proven truth that whatever the emotional condition or the financial condition is, no one can avoid cooking. I am sure nobody will deny this proven truth. Thus, it is better to enjoy cooking rather than trying to make some excuses to avoid it. Now, the point is those who love cooking they are the great cooks automatically. There is another truth that if you enjoy doing something then it is quite natural it will turn out to be an extraordinary one but what about those who do not love cooking. Here, I offer some tips to those who do not love to cook but still turn out to be a really very good cook:
1. Add Your Special Touch: Cooking is an every day regime. It is quite obvious that any kind of regular work makes it monotonous especially when the same kind of stuff is being prepared repeatedly. Here, there is a need to do something different. The cook must add some innovation. That brings in a special touch. Add a little bit of innovation in the year old recipe and just see the difference. It makes a whole lot of difference not may be quite much in the dish but definitely the attitude and the mood of the cook change a lot. You can say it’s just a look which brings pleasure in cooking. It is as similar as ‘old wine in a new bottle’. For example: Bring in a minor change in flavour, garnishing or serving and witness a significant difference in the mood of those who do not love cooking.
2. Keep Your Loved Ones' Taste in Mind: Cooking in no time becomes a pleasure when a cook particularly adds some specific ingredients to suit the taste bud of the loved ones. There the cook never tries to compromise only in return wants a very warm smile. As for example I sometimes deliberately add raisins to some dishes which make my son very happy. Obviously, I take care of the fact that raisins can go well or not in a particular recipe.
3. Schedule Your Time Properly: Usually the cook who dislikes cooking mainly because of its monotonous ways must act a bit smartly. Today’s kitchen is equipped with all the modern cooking appliances. Then, simply use them in a very calculative manner. A cook before cooking needs to do all sorts of cutting, chopping, slicing, grinding, making paste of some ingredients and much more. In the free time this can be easily done and stored in an air tight container in a refrigerator. This breaks the monotony as well as at the moment of cooking there is no hurry to manage this and that. In this way the mood of the cook remains happy because of less stress and tiredness.
4. Decide Your Menu Before Hand: This is very much needed to make cooking pleasurable. If a cook is not mentally prepared about the menu then at the time of cooking the kitchen will turn out to be a battle field. Ingredients and time become a constraint. Thus, all seem to be in a mess and ultimately the experience of cooking becomes a nightmare.
5. Make a Wish: I consider it to be the most important aspect in making the cooking a pleasure. I always believe that whatever is to be done whether cooking or something else and is unavoidable then just make a wish to complete it with efficiency. The wish to cook with perfection as well as to make the family relish the food helps to put in extra zeal in cooking.
Have a happy family
The basic tips mentioned above which if followed will make cooking a pleasure. A cook by profession has a separate goal to fulfill but a cook of one’s own family has some other matters to look after along with cooking. However, those who love cooking does not get bothered. They can easily manage it along with other priorities at ease but the problem lies with the cooks who lack interest in cooking. Those who cook just for the sake of it go through a regular mind stress. My tips are for these cook and it is quite tested too with a great result because I myself have undergone this phase and the net result turned out to be fabulous.
By experiencing this I don’t mean you will become a lover of cooking as I have never become the same. The difference will be while you cook there will be no stress, dissatisfaction or disgust rather your mood will be quite nice and sweet. Your attitude will be appealing and with such a mood and attitude when you serve the food your loved ones will love it more. If possible follow the tips and experience the change in yourself while cooking and also the joy of your loved ones. I assure you cooking despite of not loving it will result into a great pleasure. This Pleasure is the Beginning of a Happy Family.