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From Scratch: Pumpkin to Pie

Updated on January 1, 2018
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Kim was raised on fresh-made everything. When she isn't in the garden, she is in the kitchen exploring new recipes for foods she has grown.


Fresh Pumpkins!!!!!

Right before christmas a friend of mine wanted to know how to make pie...I shot her a message with my favorite recipe. She responded rather quickly with, "from scratch". Ok....

Susie Homemaker to the rescue ......!!!!!!!

A little about pumpkin.....its a can use any pumpkin for a pie. Big ones, little ones, pink ones, blue ones, warty ones.....doesnt matter. A pumpkin, is a pumpkin. Different pumpkins taste different. Like apples, they are unique. Sweety pie is my favorite, but I have also discovered that squash just tastes great made into pie.

A few years back was a record year for pumpkin......I had pink, and blue, and sugar pies, and mini's, and whites, and.....well.....we had the time winter rolled around I had to locate storage for all the pumpkins. About fifty of them, and they weren't all ripe.

The good news was, pumpkins store well. That's what makes them so popular. And if stored correctly, they will ripen on their own, slowly. The bad news is.....finding the spot to store them. Not everyone has room to store fifty plus pumpkins.....

So I call my turns out that can of pumpkin you buy at the store? That's it. It's pumpkin. Nothing more. Just pumpkin.

Thank goodness for preserving....

So Many Pumpkins!!!!!

Click thumbnail to view full-size
So many varieties of Pumpkin!Sugar PieJardinJack-Be-Little
So many varieties of Pumpkin!
So many varieties of Pumpkin! | Source
Sugar Pie
Sugar Pie | Source
Jardin | Source
Jack-Be-Little | Source

What do I do with all these pumpkins??????

Pie.....and cookies, and breads, and more pie.

Our pumpkin in the can is simply pumpkin. There are lots of different ways people have instructed me on preparing the pumpkin, but I prefer simple and mess free. So I came up with my own way of quickly processing my pumpkins, mess free, for pie and other favorite winter treats. My steam juicer.

First cut your pumpkin in half and gut it. Place seeds and guts aside in a bowl for later. Those pumpkin seeds are high in protein and can be seasoned and roasted for a delicious snack. Or fed to the chickens......Once your pumpkin is scraped clean, quarter the pumpkin. This makes preparing the puree easier later on.

Place the pumpkin pieces in the top of your steamer. I could fit one very large pumpkin or several small pumpkins in the steamer at once. Steaming times will vary. I check the pumpkin in thirty minutes by stabbing it with a fork. The pumpkins will be done when the fork inserts smoothly.

Now about this steamer/juicer...I'm not advertising, but this is the best gadget ever. I like things simple, and this guy is simple. And it's a multi tasking utensil. this gadget/tool juices fruit for jams and jellies or can cook an entire meal! A must have in my world.

Remove pumpkin from steamer. They will be HOT!!!!! As soon as you can safely touch the pumpkin, use a large spoon to scoop the pumpkin from the rind. Place the pumpkin in a food processor and blend until smooth.

For pumpkin pie you will need 30oz of pumpkin puree. More than likely you will have extra pumpkin. I use ziploc freezer bags to store my extras in. I pre measure what I need for my recipes, place in a labeled bag, and freeze.

It's that simple.

Pumpkin Pie from Scratch

  • 30 oz Pumpkin, Puree
  • 1 1/2 c Sugar
  • 2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Ginger
  • 1/2 tsp Cloves
  • 4 Eggs
  • 2 (12oz) cans Evaporated Milk
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • Pie Crust
  • 3/4 c Butter
  • Salt
  • 2 c Flour
  • 2-3 TBL Water

Step by Step

Click thumbnail to view full-size
Cut your pumpkin in half and scoop out the seedsSeeds can be saved and dried to replant, soaked in salt and lightly roasted for a snack, or given to my chickens as a high protein snack.Place the pumpkin in the steamer.Scoop out steamed pumpkin from the rind and place in a food processor to pureeMeasure puree for recipes.Recycle rinds to compostMeasure remaining pumpkin and label and date your chosen preserving containerFreeze
Cut your pumpkin in half and scoop out the seeds
Cut your pumpkin in half and scoop out the seeds | Source
Seeds can be saved and dried to replant, soaked in salt and lightly roasted for a snack, or given to my chickens as a high protein snack.
Seeds can be saved and dried to replant, soaked in salt and lightly roasted for a snack, or given to my chickens as a high protein snack. | Source
Place the pumpkin in the steamer.
Place the pumpkin in the steamer. | Source
Scoop out steamed pumpkin from the rind and place in a food processor to puree
Scoop out steamed pumpkin from the rind and place in a food processor to puree | Source
Measure puree for recipes.
Measure puree for recipes. | Source
Recycle rinds to compost
Recycle rinds to compost | Source
Measure remaining pumpkin and label and date your chosen preserving container
Measure remaining pumpkin and label and date your chosen preserving container | Source
Freeze | Source


  1. Place puree, sugar, spices, and salt in a glass bowl. Blend with a whisk. Cover and let stand one hour
  2. Add egg, and evaporated milk, blending well.
  3. For pie crust: Soften butter, add flour and salt, and blend until fine.
  4. Add water and mix until pliable.
  5. Divide. Using a generously floured surface roll out pie crust and place in the bottom of a pie plate
  6. Fill shells with pumpkin mixture
  7. Preheat oven to 425*. Bake fifteen minutes. Turn to 350* and bake for an additional 50-60 minutes Insert toothpic. Pie is done when toothpic comes out clean.

The art of pie

There are a lot of recipes out there for pumpkin pie, using a variety of spice blends. I have tried recipe after recipe looking for the perfect blend. The winner is Libby. On the back of every can is their traditional recipe, and it comes out perfect every time.

This is Libby's™ recipe for pie with my twist on marrying the spices. Marrying the spices is a method of infusion. By allowing the pumpkin and the spices to mingle while you prepare your pie crusts, you enhance the flavor of your pie ten-fold. The longer the spices have to marry the more intense of a flavor.

Preheat your oven to 425*, Place the pies in the center of the oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes, then reduce temperature to 350*. Bake an additional 50 minutes. At about the thirty minute mark I swap my pies position in the oven for equal baking.

When toothpic comes out clean, remove pies from oven and allow to cool completely. Cover and refrigerate.

Serve with fresh whipped cream.

So that's how my family uses pumpkins.......

It's that simple. Thanks for stopping by.

From our house to yours.......happy preserving......


© 2017 Kim French


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