Fun Facts About Chocolate
This hub is written by a chocolate maniac whose craving for chocolate is expressed not only by eating but also through writing. Enough of the formal introduction, I'm just here to give you some trivia's on the world's most favorite dessert.
- Chocolate is derived from the seed of theobroma cacao tree. They say that during the old times, only the royal bloods are allowed to eat chocolate. This might be true, because "theobroma" is a Latin word that means food for the gods.
- There are several types of chocolates available in the market: dark, milk, white, and candy chocolate. Although most of the chocolates contains three main components, cocoa butter, cocoa solids (together with other fats), and sugar. Different variations on the amount of the main components determine the type of chocolate.
- The dark chocolate, also known as bitter sweet chocolate, contains more cocoa solids and less amount of sugar, and in some, none (just like the ones used in baking).
- Milk chocolate is actually a variation in which milk is added as a form of fat mixed with moderate amount of cocoa solids and butter and sugar.
- White chocolate is the combination of cocoa butter, milk and sugar only. Unlike the other types, it is white in appearance because it lacks cocoa solids.
- The last one, candy chocolates are the ones which are commonly available on the market. These are popular among the kids because of its sweetness. Lot's of brand especially those manufactured in the United States belong to this criteria.
- Unlike the usual belief, chocolate contains only small amount of caffeine. The happy mood that one feels after eating chocolate is actually a result of endorphins, which are also naturally released by our body.
- In a recent study in UK, scientist found out that consumption of dark chocolate produces the same mental excitement effect as kissing, only longer.
- Chocolate consumption is also found to have good benefits for the heart. It is also rich in antioxidants.
- There is no scientific evidence that chocolate causes acne. Although some acne patients are advised to limit the consumption of sugar (which are commonly associated with candy chocolate). So if you still doubt this fact, just switch to bittersweet chocolate.
- Chocoholism is usually the term to describe the addiction to chocolates.
- Cacao beans are used during the ancient times as currency.
"Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted power. It is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits." - Baron Justus von Liebig