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Health Benefits of Garlic

Updated on October 28, 2015



There are some amazing health benefits to garlic; it has been used over the centuries to treat a variety of ailments. More health benefits have been given to garlic than just about any other food out there, and there’s a good reason for this.

History of Garlic

Did you know that Egyptians rationed garlic out to the pyramid builders to help boost their strength? Not only that, but it helped to prevent dysentery. The Chinese and the Indian healers used it to help thin the blood back in 1500 BC. It is reported that Hippocrates used garlic to treat cervical cancer, and in the early 1700’s the French grave diggers would drink a brew of crushed garlic and wine in hope they could stave off the plague.

The first person to really investigate the benefits of garlic was Louis Pasteur, the great French scientist. This is the same man that discovered its anti-bacterial and antifungal powers in the mid 1800’s. Albert Schweitzer used garlic in a hospital in Africa to treat dysentery, and later during World Wars 1 & 2 it was given to the soldiers to help prevent gangrene.

What’s in it?

Garlic is filled with great chemicals to help with your health, but they depend on how fresh the garlic is, the fresher the better. Garlic has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties which adds to its other benefits and thus makes it a great home remedy for healing of wounds, athlete’s foot and getting rid of worms.


There have been some studies that support that garlic can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. There are even claims that it can help to prevent the common cold, reduce the risk of prostate and some other cancers such as stomach and colorectal cancers.

When eaten on a daily basis it seems to help lower the risk of heart disease.

Garlic strengthens the immune system and helps to fight chest infections, congestion, and coughs. This is especially helpful during the winter months. You can boost your immune system by eating garlic; this may help to prevent colds and the flu.

Did you know that garlic is high in iodine? It is and it is an effective treatment for hyperthyroid conditions.

Garlic contains a good amount of vitamin C, and B6. B6 is great for your disposition.

Garlic helps to control blood sugar and improves the levels of insulin in the blood. You should always seek the advice of your doctor before depending on garlic alone to help your condition.

Word of Wisdom

  • When consuming 5 or more cloves of garlic per day it may cause heartburn, flatulence and intestinal distress.

  • Due to the fact that garlic is a good blood thinner people that are taking aspirin or anticoagulant drugs as well as someone with blood clotting disorder should check with their doctors before taking medicinal amounts of garlic.

  • Drying garlic alters the active ingredients in fresh garlic; don’t substitute dried powdered garlic when using garlic medicinally.

  • Garlic, because it is a good source of vitamin B6 is great for the growth of new cells.

  • Garlic belongs to the onion family and is closely related to the onion.

  • The French, Spanish and the Portuguese introduced garlic to the New World.

  • People who eat garlic at least 2 times a week seem to lower their risk of lung cancer.

  • Garlic may also lower your risk of getting a cancerous brain tumor.

  • May reduce the risk of a premature delivery, microbial infections are the biggest reason for premature births and garlic helps to prevent infections.

  • You can grow your own garlic in your home garden all year round in mild climates.

  • Allicin found in Garlic not only helps to lower blood pressure but it seems to help control weight also. The only problem with that is Allicin is only in the fresh garlic, cooking destroys it.

  • Eat garlic in moderation.

  • Rub garlic on the gums to lessen the pain of a toothache do this several times a day.

  • Clear the sinuses by melting some butter and adding minced garlic cloves and spread on toast and eat.

  • For warts take some fresh garlic cloves and crush them and apply to warts until they disappear.

Velzipmur aka Shelly Wyatt

Health Benefits of Garlic

Minced Garlic

Love Garlic


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