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Gazing at Teas of the World - White Tea

Updated on November 2, 2020
Pamela-anne profile image

Pamela-anne is a certified Freelance Writer who enjoys writing her own articles and ghostwriting for clients on Upwork.

White Tea

Out of all the teas of the world white tea is the least processed it also has 3 times the antioxidants that black or green tea have. It has been enjoyed for over a thousand years by the Chinese but has only recently become available to the rest of the world. It was drunk only by emperors and high ranking people at one time as it was a tribute tea to emperors.

Made from Select Buds and Leaves

The white tea is made from select leaves and the buds of the tea plant; which are steamed and dried. It gets its name from the white-silver hairs that adorn the buds. The highest quality white tea is called "Silver Needle" which only consists of buds. The buds are handpicked before they are fully open and are taken and air-dried right away. This is one of the most expensive and rarest teas but it will be worth the expense when you consider the health benefits you will reap from drinking this wonderful brew.

Combats Aging

The free radicals that can lead to sagging, wrinkles, and ageing are cleared up by the polyphenols found in the tea. The Chinese have known for hundreds of years that tea is a great aid in combating ageing. There are also other properties within the tea that help in battling certain cancers.

Not picked for Several Years

The white tea has to be nurtured; temperatures, soil, as well as altitude must be right as they play a big role in the quality of the tea. The white tea is not picked or ready to harvest for several years. It is then picked during a short time in early Spring; it is not picked in the rain or if frost is still on the ground.

Inspired Japanese Tea Ceremony

White tea became popular during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) it was a favourite tea of the royal court. The leaves and buds were ground up into a silver powder which was then whisked in a bowl during the Song tea ceremony. This was what inspired the Japanese tea ceremony.

Search for the Perfect Tea

It is said there was an emperor of the Song Dynasty that loved white tea so much and with such passion that he became obsessed with finding the perfect tea. The emperor (Hui Zung) became so wrapped up in the search for the perfect tea that it ended up costing him most of his empire. White tea powder and the Song ceremony were abandoned over the next several centuries for loose tea.

Less Caffeine than Green or Black Tea

The brew of white tea has a very delicate sweet flavour that is said to sharpen one's senses but is not overpowering to the taste buds. If you are someone who is trying to cut back on your caffeine intake but still enjoys a good brew; well white tea has less caffeine than green or black tea. Give it a try you may like what you're sipping on which is a cup full of benefits! If you are someone that is seeking a healthy brew that offers many health benefits then I would certainly recommend that you give the medicinal white tea a try! I am sure that you will not be disappointed in this fine tea that emperors treasured! At one point in my life, I found myself drinking way too much coffee that was filled with too-much caffeine. I thought switching to tea would be better--but I was surprised to learn that teas also contain caffeine. However, during my research on teas, I discovered that white tea has far less caffeine compared to black and green teas. I have been trying to make better and healthier choices in life. Deciding to trade in my black coffee for some white tea seems like a good start in the right direction! Of course, making changes in our lifestyles is never too easy, even if it is changing bad habits for good or healthier choices! However, I can assure you that you are going to feel an overall feeling of contentment in knowing you have decided to choose the healthier option! You will look forward to sitting down in a comfortable chair to sip on your special brew of white tea while all your troubles seem to slip away with each precious sip!

Signed: Sipping Tea


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