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Grow More Food with Less Space with Permaculture

Updated on January 6, 2017
Chuck Bluestein profile image

At age 16 I was a volunteer at a hospital bacteriology lab. I became a chemist for U.S. government. Then I studied health & related fields.

Permaculture Food Forest

Permaculture food forest showing some of the foods that grow on it. Notice how it is safe enough for a little girl. It also shows that it does not need much space but that they can grow a lot of different things on it.
Permaculture food forest showing some of the foods that grow on it. Notice how it is safe enough for a little girl. It also shows that it does not need much space but that they can grow a lot of different things on it. | Source
7 layers of a forest garden.
7 layers of a forest garden. | Source

Permaculture Grows More Food

Permaculture is short for permanent culture and permanent agriculture. It is about working with nature instead of working against nature like conventional farms. Originally no food came from farms but all came from mother nature. By working with nature, you can grow more food with less space and a lot less work.

Instead of growing food like they do in a farm which is bad for soil, they grow food with a forest that has trees, bushes and plants. Trees can provide lots of food, can absorb lots of carbon dioxide, produce lots of oxygen, prevent soil erosion and the water vapor from them produce rain. Instead of trees that just produce leaves, you can have fruit trees that produce lots of food.

Here is an article called The 5 Key Principles of Permaculture, the Easiest Organic Gardening Method-- How to Easily Grow Your Own Organic Veggies with an Ecological Garden. It says that the 5 key principles are:

  • Plant densely
  • Plant a diversity of plants within a given area
  • Get a good composting system set up and use the compost as a surface mulch on bare patches
  • Allow some plants to go to seed
  • Only interfere with the system when a single plant species over-dominates (excessively crowding out other plants)

The wonderful thing about mother nature is that she works tirelessly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Nature follows very simple laws and works in the same way everywhere. When you create an ecological garden you are creating a living, breathing ecosystem. By doing this, you get nature working for you — not against you.

The solution is to create a garden that has tightly filled niche spaces so that weeds don’t have any opportunities to grow. You can do this by planting the garden very tightly with a diverse range of plants of differing shapes and characteristics. The result is a dense jungle-like planting arrangement that can yield an unbelievable quantity of high quality food.

Crop rotation simply isn’t necessary with ecological gardening. The mixed-up planting arrangement counteracts the effects of mineral depletion because a single species doesn’t dominate a single area.

Now maybe in Africa there are people that are naked or almost naked and there is nothing wrong with girls or women showing their breasts. But in America if you send your kids to school naked, they would take you from them. Sorry that is the best analogy that I could come up with.

One thing they do in farms is have a lot of bare soil. This causes the sun to dry the ground and the UV rays from the sun to kill bacteria. By using a ground cover that can be dead leaves or plants, it can have a beneficial effect on the soil. In fact using this method they were able to produce mushrooms that never grow in that area.

This is a side effect of using food forests but you have less chance of people stealing food from you when the see a forest than when they see rows or plants with food growing on them. By crowding plants together you have no room for weeds to grow and some plants help other plants to grow better.

The article above wants to sell you a course and whenever selling takes place there is a lot of exaggeration. But it says that you will save up to $5,000 a year on your grocery bill and it only takes 8 hours of work per year. Now even if that is an exaggeration that is pretty good. Ben Franklin said that a penny saved is a penny earned. But that was before taxes. With taxes you have to pay tax on money you use to buy food. But if you grow food and eat it, there is no tax to pay on it.

Instead of using water that you pay for to grow the plants, you can collect rainwater and use that. In farms they have one type of plant growing. Do see that in nature? Some plants help other plants grow. Basil attracts some pests but repel other pests. If all you have is basil growing then you will have tons of basil pests. But if you grow many different things then there are many plants that repel pests that others attract.

Please keep in mind that in America not everyone believes in God. Not everyone believe in love. Some people had never felt love so they only believe in sex. But all Americans believe in money and for most Americans, they want as much money as they can make. So beware of people trying to make money off of you. There is a lot of free information available.

Using experiments and other things they have built a huge amount of information on ways to grow more with less space and with a lo less effort. You can look at Free Public Domain Permaculture Pamphlets. This is an example of all the free information that is available.

There is a wealth of information on this. Here is a place called Permaculture Research Institute and they have many free articles you can read. They have a photo tour of this kind of gardening and how to make an income while homesteading which is life as a settler on a homestead that is a house and surrounding land owned by a family — often, it includes a farmhouse. Most people have homes, but not everyone has a homestead: that means your family owns more than a house. The homestead often consists of a farmhouse and land devoted to crops or animals. This also tells how to turn firewood into mushrooms that are very healthy to eat.

Knowledge of how to grow food the most productive way is much needed this world. Using it can make sure that there is plenty of food for everyone and we really need that.

Whole Systems Design homestead site visit - A Permaculture Skills Excerpt. THIS IS A FREE EXCERPT FROM THE PERMACULTURE SKILLS 4-DVD - Ben Falk takes students.

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