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Hectic-Lives Call for Quesadillas Eat-in or On The Go

Updated on January 23, 2020
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Kenneth is a rural citizen of Hamilton, Ala., and has begun to observe life and certain things and people helping him to write about them.

Hungry yet?


Many Years Back

when my wife and I were first married, having fun with each other, even with the grueling jobs that where we worked in order to make our living. But still, we had fun. We soon realized that the Monday through Friday “rat race,” was taking its toll on us. Then at the weekend, my wife and I would have heated-discussions (no profanities) about what “she” could cook in order for us to have a nice Friday night meal.

First off, she decided on chicken and she knew well how to fry southern fried chicken and I loved it. In fact, while we were eating, I went ahead and put in my order for more fried chicken the next day, Saturday and we did not have to work, just relax. Then dinner would be our highlight with fried chicken as the main dish. I didn’t mind at first, but I did see my wife try her best to cover her disgust about having to cook (and eat) the same thing—day after day after day. So I did speak-up and ask her if there was somewhere that we could afford in order to have a Friday or Saturday night off and eat some of our local eateries. She loved the idea. And had some money that she had saved and with the rest of my paycheck, we had dinner! Party time!

In our hometown there was a new restaurant entitled, “Sortoes,” Authentic Mexican Restaurant. And with us being the proverbial, wide-eyed married people, we jumped on this idea because both of us had never visited a Mexican restaurant, so we were off.

Then Something Strange Happened

that caught our eyes: Quesadillas. We were both stunned at such a simple dish to be served in a restaurant. Honestly, I told my wife that the Quesadillas looked more like southern fried pies, but she only giggled. We both took a good chance and fell in love with these strange-looking foods that all of the restaurant patrons were eating and the cooks were working like ants to keep the orders filled.

Are you thinking what I am thinking? Well, before the evening concluded, I did my best to negotiate with our very-nice waiter where could I get the recipe for the dish that had stole our hearts. At first, he only grinned, said nothing and went back to fill more orders. The next trip, I did the same thing, but this time, I offered to pay him cash if he would just let me have that Quesadilla recipe. He looked at my cash, laughed, and then in a flash, gave us written in ink, the recipe that we both knew that we would be having the next evening. Sure, I gave my waiter the money that he had seen me trying to buy the recipe and left it as a tip.

Long story short. My wife and I did have several Quesadillas the following Sunday evening. Who ate the most? Do I have to answer that?

Quesadillas: you will love them the year around.

These Are Not Just Food, But Treats


Yummy Ingredients:

Start-out with Six Flour Tortilla or the eight-in. Size, and make sure that they are warmed

One and Half Cups shredded Monterey Jack, (in six-ounce amount)

Now slice Two delicious green onions (not one) then gently slice them about one-fourth cup. Be sure to be careful if you are using a knife.

The Three-quarter Cups of Pace Chunky Salsa and Two really tasty canola oil will finish your ingredients preparation.

Now To Make Your Tasty Quesadillas

Start out with One quarter cup of tasty cheese, two teaspoons green onions and a tablespoon of spicy salsa. Bring each edge of the tortilla smoothed out with water. Now fold-in the tortilla over the filling, then you can press to seal.

Your are almost finished and ready to eat. Heat the oil in a 12-in. skillet with medium-size heat. (Still, be careful). Add quesadillas, cook in batches until they are lightly-browned on both sizes and the cheese is melted. Serve these super-tasty food items with the remaining salsa. This was a genius of an idea.

And the truth be told, Quesadillas, can be used for a quick snack or for a quick full-meal if you and your companion have fast-paced jobs and always on the go. Quesadillas is the food that I found (years ago) that can be enjoyed slowly or swiftly.

January 24, 2020_____________________________________________________

© 2020 Kenneth Avery


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