How to make VEGAN truffles!
Hello Vegans Truffle lovers and curious parties all!
I have been away for a while but I've decided to come back and post some of my favorite recipes and how -to's starting with my favorite Vegan Truffle Recipe! It's great for everyone that loves chocolate, not just vegans. It's simple and as far as chocolate candies goes, much healthier than it's cow's milk/cream alternative. So try these out, they're sooooo gooood!!!
Makes about 24 – 1 inch-ish truffles.
Ingredients and items
* 6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
* 6 ounces semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
* 3/4 cup coconut cream or soy whipping cream (don't reach for the low fat version!!!)
* 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
* 1 tablespoon of your favorite liquor (you may omit this if you just want a plain chocolate flavor)
* 3 tablespoons of vegan sour cream (or vegan cream cheese for a fuller richer flavor/texture)
* 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (or 1/4 cup powdered sugar, or powdered coconut, or powdered hazelnuts, etc.)
- a pot for boiling water
- a pot that fits inside the pot for boiling water (this is called double boiling)
- wooden or silicone spoons (metal spoons make the truffles taste funky!)
- silicone or glass mixing bowls
- spatula
- saucepan
- vegan cooking parchment (real parchment is not vegan!)
- plate
- melon baller/small ice-cream scooper/oddly shaped spoon
- cookie sheet
- fridge
- sink
Okay so remember to read the instructions all the way through before you attempt this. It's not terribly hard but there are some steps that are pretty important to making these taste right and hold together well! Like put your can of coconut cream into the fridge the night before making these!
Now then make sure to remove all cats and gerbils from your cooking area prior to starting this recipe, chocolate is really terribly bad for most smaller mammals so we don't want your little friends getting sick! Now let us begin the TRUFFLING!!!
Step 1 -Chop up your chocolate and place it in your smaller pot.
Step 2 -Fill the bottom of your larger pot (the one that the smaller pot fits into) with a few inches of water, and set it to boil.
Step 3 -In a small saucepan, bring the coconut cream (or whipping cream) just to an almost boil (you know right when it forms little tiny bubbles and it gets that "I'm 'bout ta boil" feel) remove from heat and pour it over your chocolate.
Step 4 -Gently mix the coconut cream(or soy whipping cream) and the chopped chocolate in the smaller pot. set them back into the larger pot (the one with the water in it) and continue, stirring until the chocolate is completely melted.
Step 5 -Once the chocolate and coconut cream are melted together, stir in vanilla, liquor, and sour cream. Make sure these are all stirred together completely!
Step 6 -Now remove from heat. (this pot will be very hot so handle with care!)
Step 7 -Using your spatula scoop all the mixture out and into a nice heat-safe bowl ( I use glass. some plastics are good or you can use silicone or whatever you'd like as long as it's heat/cold safe) .
Step 8 -Cover with vegan cooking parchment and a plate (to hold the paper down) and refrigerate until the mixture is firm enough to handle (about three hours).
Spanking (shaping) your truffles!
This is where you get to get your hands dirty! I like to keep a trickle of water on in the sink so that if I need to wash up quickly I don't get chocolate all over the handle and then back on my hands... my phone is much happier for this reason! If you do this in a two-part process you can keep the flavored powder/cocoa/powered nuts from soaking into your freshly made and there-for sticky truffles. Since these are vegan truffles they have no trans fats, that means they stick to EVERYTHING! But this 2-step process should make this step a lot simpler for you! If you find that the mixture is getting to warm to work with (too slick/melty/limp) you can stick the bowl of chocolate mixture back in the fridge for about twenty minutes. Don't use the freezer or the outer parts will get frozen and the inner parts will stay warm!
Step 9 - Right before you pull the truffle mixture out of the fridge you can get your work area ready. Cover your cookie sheet with vegan parchment paper, and get out your melon baller/small ice-cream scooper/ or funky spoon.
Step 10 - Once you chocolate mixture is nice and firm take it outta the fridge and working as quickly as you can scoop out about a teaspoonful and shape it into a ball with your hands (you can also try other shaped if you're very brave, but balls are easy and fast and we want fast right now!). You can try keeping a bowl of ice water next to you work area so that if your hands get too warm and begin to melt your chocolate you can put you hands on the outside of the bowl and cool them... OUTSIDE) Don't get your hands wet while rolling!!!! .
This is also where having the water running in the sink is helpful. you will get messy and you will want to clean off your hands periodically!
Step 11 -Set the rolled truffles on the parchmented cookie sheet, and keep going until you’ve finished rolling all of your chocolate mixture into about 1" balls.
Your truffles will look odd right now... that's just fine, they're not done yet!
Step 12 -Place you truffles back in the fridge for about 20 minutes.
Finishing touches:
Step 13 -Add cocoa powder (or whatever other powder/powered mix/coconut or powdered nuts you chose) to a small round-bottomed bowl.
Step 14 -Now that it's been 20 minutes you can remove the truffles from the fridge.
I try to do these in sets of 5-8 so that the whole batch doesn't get too warm. So take out 5-8 and proceed with the following then put them back in the fridge and then take out another 5-8 and repeat.
Step 15 -One at a time, pick up your truffles and roll them between your hands for a few seconds to just bring a touch of warmth to the surface.
Step 16 -Lightly place the truffle in the bowl with you choice of flavored powder (powdered coconut?). Toss the bowl a bit until the truffle is completely covered in powder, then set it back on the cookie sheet.
If there is too much powder on your truffles don't worry! once they've been in the fridge about 10 minutes (or until firmed up again) you can lightly shake them off into another bowl (waste not want not).
Step 17 -Now once they're all rolled in powder flavored powders (hopefully you used a bunch of different types for different flavors) the last step is to put the finished truffles in the fridge for 30 minutes and then they're done! You can store these in the fridge in an airtight storage container for up to 2 weeks or you can store them in the freeze in an airtight storage container for 2-6 months! They never last that long though so don't worry about it! *smiles*
Tips: Try using exotic powder flavors like chili or basil for a truly gourmet chocolate experience!
-Try putting the finished truffles in shiny foil cups and place them in a box with little paper tags that describe each one! This makes a wonderful gift to any of your truffle lover friends or family!
Thanks for reading! Enjoy your truffles and happy making!
Lady Make