Making Bitterleaf Soup (Ofe onugbu)
Ingredients for ofe onugbu
Bunch of Bitter leaf (you can also purchase the already-washed shredded leaves)
Yam paste (as thickener) (5 tablespoons)
Crayfish (4 tablespoons)
Meat, fish, stockfish, dry fish, ponmo and periwinkle (as you wish to consume)
Ogiri (local seasoning) (1/2 tablespoon)
Palm oil (1/4 of a litre)
Dey pepper (as spicy as you want it)
Bouillon cubes (2 cubes)
Salt to taste
1. Boil the meat, fish, stockfish and dryfish till soft.
2. Add water to the the same pot used in boiling the meat, fish etc.
3. Add palm oil immediately and allow to boil for 5 minutes.
4. Add the yam paste (if in powdered form, dissolve to form a thick paste) to the boiling liquid and stir. Allow to boil for 10 minutes.
5. Add crayfish and ogiri and stir.
6. When the soup has thickened to your taste, you add bouillon cubes and salt according to your taste.
7. Add the bitterleaf (I included it's pre-preparation in the summary) and allow to boil for 3 minutes
8. Add washed perewinkle (the de-shelled one) to the soup and allow to boil for 30 seconds.
9. Take the soup off the cooker and allow to cool for 15 minutes.
10. Your delicious bitterleaf soup is ready. You can use it to consume any kind of swallow e.g fufu, eba, iyan, amala, cornmeal etc.
Bonne Appetit!
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