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Simple Vegetable Cake Recipe

Updated on July 14, 2020

Are you an adventurous eater who actively seeks out foods that you have not tried before? What about vegetable cake for dessert? Before you decide whether it sounds good or nasty, think about all the health benefits from eating vegetables. Yes, they are good for your health and they do make a difference in your diet. They contain vitamins, minerals and fiber that are crucial for your health and well-being. Vegetables help provide several nutrients that are necessary for growth and development of children. Sometimes it’s good to try new foods because it introduces your body to new nutrients. It just takes a little creativity, effort and an open mind to try new things and it’s definitely worth it.

In a recent trip to a cookout party at a friend’s house, I was inspired by the guest demonstrators how food and healthy cooking can make a difference in our lives. The fact how easy it is to prepare still bothers me because I had never thought about making a vegetable cake for dessert. I feel like I had missed all the important nutrition from a simple healthy desert. My dessert selection is quite poor which usually includes ice cream, cake, and yogurt. When it comes to cooking, choice of cookware is very important as well as the selection of food. However, I am not here to write about what type of cookware that is best and safe for us.

It is hard to believe the simplest recipe can be the healthiest food if you are willing to experiment. This new found recipe made me feel like I've been stuffing myself with all the unhealthy desserts throughout my adult life. Lack of creativity is the main reason for my ignorance. I’m so glad I was invited to the cookout party which was organized by a friend of mine. Not only did it open the door for me to explore new healthy recipes, I also got to meet new friends and friends I haven’t met in a while.

A few days later I decided to try out one of the recipes they demonstrated at the cookout party. It was my new favorite vegetable cake recipe. It didn’t take me long to prepare the mixture as I already had all the ingredients in the refrigerator. It was very simple yet very healthy and believe me, you will never feel guilty after eating it. At the time of writing this article I had already eaten several slices and still thinking of getting more.


Here are the ingredients for the delicious and healthy vegetable cake:

1 whole medium size zucchini

1 whole medium size carrot

A handful of shredded cabbage

¾ of Betty Crocker French vanilla flour mix

2 eggs



1. Pre-heat the oven to 375oF (190o C).

2. In a mixing bowl, grate carrot and zucchini.

3. Add shredded cabbage, 2 eggs and ¾ Betty Crocker French vanilla flour mix.

4. Mix the ingredients until they are even.

5. Pour the mixture into 9” x 5” greased pan.

6. Bake at 375oF (190oC) for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of the cake comes out clean.

Tip: You can also try other vegetables like cucumber, potato, lettuce, celery, pumpkin, etc. Also, you can try other flour mixes besides Betty Crocker French vanilla.

Incredibly Tasty

This simple vegetable cake recipe is very easy to prepare. It is a great way to use leftover vegetables, and get more of the good stuff into your diet. Aside from that cakes made with vegetables can also be incredibly tasty. The image below is the baked vegetable cakes made from the ingredients above.

Simple vegetable cake for healthy eating
Simple vegetable cake for healthy eating

Children Dislike Vegetables? No Problem

If your children do not fancy eating vegetables, this could be a great way to make them eat this nutritious food. My children love chocolate and vanilla cake and the only way for me to get them eat vegetables is by camouflaging them in with their favorite food. In this case, I use chocolate cake mainly because my children won’t be able to see the mixture once the cake is cut into pieces. All they see right in front of them is just a normal chocolate cake. Your children might be able to spot some vegetable pieces in the cake once it’s cut into pieces. You can hide this by spreading whipped cream to the sides of the sliced cake. Add some sprinkles to make it look attractive and to divert your kids’ attention away from the slices. You can use either colorful or chocolate sprinkles to make the cake look irresistible.

Knowing how to eat healthy food can be likened to doing a chore but the fact is it doesn’t have to be that way. It will be a lot easier if you know what you are doing. It’s not about depriving yourself of the foods that you like to eat. Rather, it’s about having more energy, feeling great and improving yourself. Eating healthy vegetable is not complicated at all. It is your overall dietary pattern that is most important. Vegetables have tons of nutrition that are beneficial to your body. A little creativity goes a long way. Remember, vegetables are good for you only if you eat them.

Do you consider vegetables important for your health?

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More Vegetable Cake Idea

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2011 ma45frost


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