Subway End Tomatoes!
Ugh! End tomatoes again!
One of my biggest pet peeve when eating a Subway is the high degree of end tomatoes in their subs. What am I talking about? The part of the tomato closest to the part that connected to the stem. As everyone knows when you cut a tomato starting from the bottom up eventually toward the top you are slicing tomatoes that have have either a white or green tough round part in the middle. These are generally not the most desirable slices as the middle part is tough and tastes a little bitter and unripe.
Being somewhat health conscious these days as most people are I have often switched from eating at McDonald's, KFC, or Burger King over to Subway. Even though it is clear that subway is much more expensive, which seems odd to me considering that their subs consist mostly of vegetables which are very low cost.
But the biggest thing that bothers me about the subs they serve are end tomatoes. Now if you are cutting a tomato the most end tomatoes you should be seeing from one tomato might be one or possibly two. How does it happen then that when you receive your sub and it has possibly 8 - 10 tomato slices that almost all of them are end tomatoes? That can't be coincidental. Something must be going on.
I mean do they have a deal with a supplier for lower grade tomatoes? Maybe an agreement to take all the end tomatoes at a much lower wholesale cost? Perhaps it is Subway's practice to always have their workers get rid of the end tomatoes first and I am just coming in at the wrong time? This sounds silly I know but I am at a loss to understand just how I can get subs on a fairly regular basis with almost all end tomatoes.
I suppose there are no easy answers. I could tell the sandwich artist that I want fresh tomatoes that aren't end tomatoes but what happens when you look down and see just end tomatoes to choose from. Also the embarrassing nature of having to tell them that is something I am not willing to do every time I go there.
Oh well, I suppose it isn't the end of the world. At least they're fresh. But I have a task for you, the reader, next time you eat at Subway open up your sub, check your tomatoes and let me know what you think. Can it be normal to get mostly end tomatoes? Also let me know if you have any pet peeves about a fast food restaurant in the comments below. I'd love to hear it.
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