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Our Tainted Food Supplies: GMO corn now sold in the U.S.A.

Updated on October 27, 2013

Vile Vials of Poison

Is this our intended lot in life
Is this our intended lot in life | Source

Death by G.M.O.

GMO foods:

The poisoning of America.

Controversial and extremely dangerous to mankind.

Are we all simply guinea pigs?

Can we protect ourselves against huge monopolies?

Are profits now more desirable than human safety?

Are the American public the subjects of the latest governmental experiment?

Answers to these question to be found in the next generation.

Corn: an American food staple. Will it be the next Silent Killer? Only time will tell.

Feeding our kids ? corn. Is it safe any more?
Feeding our kids ? corn. Is it safe any more? | Source
corn on the cob
corn on the cob
fresh corn on the cob
fresh corn on the cob
Feeding our kids ? corn ?   I don't think so.
Feeding our kids ? corn ? I don't think so.

The Poisoned foods:

P-O-I-S-O-N-E-D foods: Specifically corn. (The most proliferate)

There is NO escape from it.

We are ALL exposed, every day of our lives.

There is no where to hide.

A few examples:

  • P popcorn, pudding, and pies.
  • O onion soup.
  • I inverted sugars
  • S soups and sandwiches
  • O oil, of Corn
  • N nutrient bars
  • E ear-rot (a corn condition where it is used for fodder {animal food} and ethanol)
  • D domestic animal food products (cat food, dog food..)
  • --
  • F fructose corn syrup and fractionated oils.
  • O olfactory exposure from burning corn husks
  • O oleo (margarine)
  • D diet foods
  • S salad dressings ingredient

Corn and its byproducts are used in every aspect of our diet:

  • food manufacturing, it is is everything we consume in one form or anther,
  • domestic animal feeds eaten by the animals whose meats we consume (milk cows, sheep, horses, beef cattle, etc...),
  • and pet foods (corn meal).

We eat corn on the cob, canned whole kernel, canned creamed corn, part of canned mixed vegetables, popped corn, corn meal in cooking and baking, corn oil for cooking, baking, frying, corn fritters, corn bread, corn pudding, coca cola (main ingredient: high fructose corn syrup), corn liquor,.... the list goes on endlessly in our American diets.

The great Monsanto industries has paid our government to allow G.M.O. food sources in this country and corn is the latest and largest ingestible foods to be introduced in this country.

(GMO foods are banned in many European countries and those that are not banned must label these products as genetically modified).

[as usual the U.S. is behind the rest of the world]

However, even banning GMO foods (especially corn) today will not stop its spread.

GMO corn has already infiltrated every state in the U.S. and will over power real, or natural, corn in just one or two growing seasons.


How to eradicate an entire nation

You may be asking yourselves: Why the concern? Who cares? What's the big deal? Won't our government protect us ?

The answer to all of your questions is: the potential for these GMO foods to cause "genetic shifting" in the human genomes is a real and valid possibility and health concern. A potentially eminent and real danger to human and animal life as we know it today.

There is not one single person on this planet that can quantify, or dismiss this threat as paranoia, or guarantee that this genetic shifting will not take place. NOT ONE!!!!

The effects may range from mild birth defects to total eradication of human life as we know it on this planet.

These dangerous possibilities cannot be ignored or dismissed for the sake of profits.

If the genetic shifting does not take place, then there is the eminent danger of, the introduction of, a whole new strain of bacteria or virus.

We all know and understand that bacteria and viruses have the capacity to alter themselves to whatever environment they are in to survive and thrive. This possibility alone should have been enough for our government to act and stop this dangerous practice by those few whose only interest is furthering their riches and wealth and net profits at the expense of all else.

The introduction of a new strain of bacteria, or virus, could cause a global pandemic that would wipe out most of mankind, animal and plant life.

Allowing this makes little or NO logical sense at all.

So, what can we do about it?

As individuals - NOTHING. As a collective group - EVERYTHING.

We have become a nation so divided by party, politics, class warfare, religious rivalry, and other nonsensical distractions, we are beyond caring about REAL threats to the very survival of our own species.

These petty diversions are by design of man, or a few men, at best, that only have their own self serving in mind.

Our event horizon

Are we foolishly standing on the brink of disaster?
Are we foolishly standing on the brink of disaster? | Source

Already too late to stop it

The first major step is to start phoning, emailing, writing and otherwise contacting those who we elected to congress to represent "US" "we the people" as a whole, not only the wealthy, or the religious mouthpieces.

  • We must stop Monsanto (and others like them) from taking over of our global food supplies
  • Start reading labels before we buy food products
  • Demand full disclosure of ingredients in the foods we buy
  • Only buy natural, organic, or locally grown foods
  • Stop buying foods from third world countries that have less food regulations than we do.
  • And firstly stop buying ANY food products that have corn, or its byproducts in them.

(Sorry to say that this might entail some effort, and taking some personal responsibility for ourselves, and the need to give up a few conveniences that might upset our exceptionally important daily tasks)

The only thing corn will EVER be fit for from now on is its use as a bio fuel (ethanol) for our automobiles. And even at that there is no guarantee that the emissions from that fuel burning will not still produce those altered GMOs into our atmosphere.

Ask yourself: "Do i feel lucky"?

With the past apathy of the American people, there will be NO demands of any kind for our ensured safety, the safety of our children, or future generations.

Sadly, we have become a race of beings that exist only in the present and the past, with no regard for the future welfare of humanity whatsoever.

So, ask yourselves. Do i feel lucky?

How easy would it really be to destroy a nation?

The radical alterations of a food staple such as corn would be an ideal catalyst for national terrorism, and total annihilation. And that process has already begun with the genetically modified tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, milk, meats, and many more that we don't even know about.

Parts of Europe will survive, as some of them are smart enough to see this danger and put barriers up to avert this disaster. They are banning GMO foods while America is welcoming it because it give corporate America greater net profits.

But maybe this total destruction would not be such a bad thing for those who would like to see us return to the those good old days of total repression, oppression, and control by a few dictators.

We all could benefit from going back to a world where religion reigns with fear, terror, and total control over our very thoughts, behaviors and life itself.

We could re-instill those wonderful values that so many fight for to preserve today. That is assuming there will be any children left to brainwash.

What a wonderful and joyous world this would be after all. Filled with conservative bigots and ruled by a God that no one has ever seen, or heard.

And all the while believing that this is their God's intended lot in life for them. After all they would have all those written scriptures to prove that, that is what God intends for humanity after all. Another faitour fairy tale story beginning.

An apathetic humanity deserves nothing less.

by: d.william 06/02/2012

Summary of How to read PLU Food labeling:

  • Organically Grown Produce labeled with a PLU code will be (5) five digits long beginning with the digit 9. Think to yourself: “If it doesn’t start with 9, then NEIN!”
  • Genetically Engineered Produce labeled with a PLU code will be (5) five digits long beginning with the digit 8.

For more information on Price-Look Up codes, please visit the International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) website.

A must see warning about the dangers of GMO foods

Dangers of GMO foods


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