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Tequilajuana, Cold Brew Process

Updated on October 18, 2021
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Herbal Infusions are widely popular, offering many health benefits. Some recipes bring infusion to new levels... Like this one!

What You Will Need

  • 1.75L High Proof Tequila, Blanco, Silver
  • Up to 7 grams Herb of preference, Chopped, whole, shake, trim... no problem
  • Up to 4 Mason Jars, with lids

Decarb your Herb

3.5g of herb will infuse 1.75L of tequila no problem, try not to overdo it, especially if you're using high test herb. If you're using trim or lower test, you can use up to 7g per mason jar.


You can follow any decarb instructions you like, we prefer this method, it keeps the essential oils intact.

No Instant Pot?!
You can decarb in the oven using your mason jars, set the oven to 200° F and bake for 45 minutes, let cool, remove lids, and proceed to add your tequila.

Choosing the Right Tequila

Whenever you're infusing alcohol, a higher proof is recommended. With that being said, don't discount your 80 proof tequila, it will infuse nicely, however it will take a bit more time for maximum infusion.

Regardless of your experience with tequila or mezcal, you'll want to buy the clear stuff, 80 proof or higher, and keep in mind the value of quality plant material, don't muck it all up with some low-quality tequila you won't want to drink at all. I highly recommend something along the lines of Tequila Cabeza, it's 86 proof for approximately $35, or a Pueblo Viejo, 104 proof and about $30.

Fill 'er UP, Shake and ... Wait.

Once you've made your choice of tequila, pour it over the dry, decarboxylated tea bag in your mason jar then top it with a fresh lid. Store in a temperate, dark place (under the counter, in the liquor cabinet, etc.) for two weeks, only visiting the jar(s) every 3 or so days to shake it up. At this time, the higher proof tequila is usually ready, it will be darker brown to deep green in color, test just a dropper full to taste. If you feel the sensation of sweet bud in your mouth, it's ready!

Squeeze out the bag the best you can and discard

If you made more than one mason jar, you may want to "age" them differently.

If you used (80 proof) tequila, you might have another 1 to 3 weeks to wait, but it's going to be TOTALLY worth it. Keep shaking, keep checking, If you feel the sensation of sweet bud in your mouth, it's ready!

The flavors are blended, the herb is quite pronounced, you can certainly blend this with any other number of fine tequilas now. Experiment with your favorite drinks like a medicated margarita, tequila sunrise, or La Paloma. Enjoy a sip on its own, or if you made a higher concentration, you can use it straight as a tincture and drop a little under your tongue for a smooth, mellow ride.

Drink responsibly! Remember this is high proof tequila, a single shot of infused alcohol can affect somebody like 4 or more shots of regular... it is intended to be enjoyed in moderation.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Mira Juana


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