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Food Contamination or Why America is Not Like Other Developed Countries

Updated on January 17, 2016
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Lana has a Masters in International Affairs and writes on topics related to politics, transpersonal psychology, and counterculture.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”Abraham Lincoln

A child's brain is particularly vulnerable to toxic chemicals in food, and most of this garbage is specifically marketed to kids.
A child's brain is particularly vulnerable to toxic chemicals in food, and most of this garbage is specifically marketed to kids. | Source
Monsanto spends millions in the attempt to stop GMO labeling.
Monsanto spends millions in the attempt to stop GMO labeling. | Source

American Food Experiment

Aspartame, potassium bromate, DPA, chlorine, peroxide - these are just a few of the harmful chemicals banned in developed countries that are still widely used in America.

Even more disturbingly, over 60 countries have laws that ban or require mandatory labeling of GMOs, while the U.S. is still debating over the safety of 'frankenfood' at the expense of the people.

As with the environmental protection laws, the goal here is to create "reasonable doubt" to stall the legislation banning or labeling questionable ingredients.

Meanwhile, most American consumers are treated as lab rats in this nationwide experiment in food modification. What gives?

Toxic Ingredients Found in Typical Supermarket Food

  • Aspartame
  • Fluoride
  • MSG
  • Carrageenan
  • Azodicarbonamide
  • BVO (brominated vegetable oil)
  • HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup)
  • Olestra (brand name Olean)
  • BHA and BHT
  • Potassium bromate
  • Synthetic hormones rBGH and rBST
  • Coal Tar
  • Diphenylamine (DPA)
  • Arsenic
  • Yellow Dye No.5 and No.6
  • Blue Dye No.1 and No.2
  • Red Dye No.40

Why America is Not Like Other Developed Countries

Like almost any issue in this country, it can be traced to the corporate oligarchy culture in America.

In this case, multibillion agricultural and chemical corporations like Monsanto or Syngenta are playing Russian roulette with the very foundation of our survival - air, water and food.

They pay millions of dollars in marketing campaigns to keep the public in the dark about the critical health risks of these chemicals, to block every legislative initiative labeling or banning their products, to prosecute small family farms for "violation of patent rights," and to manufacture "scientific evidence" that the chemicals and GMOs they sell are safe for human consumption.

“No other developed country that we know of has a similar system in which companies can decide the safety of chemicals put directly into food,” says Maricel Maffini, a senior scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

Yet in this country it is common practice for these chemical companies to hire their own experts to test their products. So it comes as no surprise that these hired quacks always confirm the safety of the chemicals. Even Monsanto's director of corporate communications, Phil Angell, openly admits that

"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA's job."

Even heart disease can be traced to the garbage we consume. 4:01

Health Risks Associated with Toxic Food Additives

And you ask why Americans are fat, lethargic, diabetic, artery-clogged and depressed? Why we're having the 'cancer epidemic'?

Studies show that only 5-10 percent of cancers have genetic causes. The other 90-95 percent are linked to environmental factors such as diet, physical activity, exposure to toxins, pollutants, smoking, drugs, alcohol, stress etc.

Many of the typical food additives used in the U.S. are known cancer-causing agents. The link between the quality of food and pathological health issues is more than obvious, yet these poisons are still used in food production.

So the question is: How many more people have to die of toxicity-related conditions for the FDA to ban these substances, or at least to label them?

A typical American grocery store is loaded with products that would not pass safety standards in Europe and most other developed nations.
A typical American grocery store is loaded with products that would not pass safety standards in Europe and most other developed nations. | Source

What Can You Do?

Like with any chemical warfare, your best defense is knowledge.

To learn about how to fight back against this chemical attack on our food and our planet, click HERE.

This is an Important Human Rights Issue

If the food is contaminated with harmful chemicals or genetically modified without consumers' consent, this isn't just a consumers' issue.This is a human rights issue.

After clean air and water, food is our most important necessity. Without it all the money and power in the world won't make a difference. So we have a right to know what ends up on our plates.

I want to know if there are toxic chemicals in my cereal, or pink slime in my burger, or coal tar in my cheese-flavored chips.

I would also like to know if my food was created in a lab by the same company who've been poisoning America since 1901, when saccharin was sold to Coca-Cola as an artificial sweetener.

Yet I feel as if these...companies, these psychopaths with unlimited resources really, do not want me to know all these things. For that reason I feel the need to shed light on this criminal corporate takeover of the American food industry, and I will continue writing on this issue.

To reiterate, health experts are adamant about the link between food additives and life-threatening conditions, including cancer and heart disease. Yet public health takes a back seat whenever corporate interests come into play.

© 2015 Lana Adler


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