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How to Make Three Delicious Egg Recipes

Updated on June 2, 2015


Eggs are a food basic. They are versatile and easy to prepare. The following recipes will help you create three basic eggs dishes whenever you wish. Eggs are inexpensive and a dozen can go along way.

Nine minute hard boiled eggs

Place eggs in saucepan. Be sure the eggs are covered completely, at least one inch over top of the eggs. Bring water to a rolling boil on high heat. Place pan on burner set on high then bring to a rolling. When water reaches a rolling boil, reduce heat to a lower medium boil and cook another 9 minutes for hard boiled.

2. Remove from heat. Place eggs under ice cold water or in a bowl of iced water to chill. This will help yolks to remain yellow. Let eggs chill until cool to touch. Do NOT omit this step. If the egg is not chilled immediately after cooking an unsightly dark greenish ring will eventually appear on the outside of the yolk.

3. Peel eggs by cracking on all sides, then roll egg between hands to loosen shell, then remove remaining shell. Add sea salt, black pepper or hot sauce to taste.

If you are using an egg cup then, place egg in cup small end down, slice off large end of egg with knife or egg scissors and eat from shell with spoon.

Refrigeration is necessary for hard boiled eggs if they eggs are not to be consumed within a few hours.

Refrigerated boiled eggs, kept in the shell, can be kept for up to 1 week.

Devilled eggs are a traditional picnic treat but as they are easy to make and delicious to eat, consider them anytime you want to add a taste of summer to your meal.

12 Deviled Eggs

· 6 hard boiled Eggs (large)

· 2 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing (your choice)

· 1 teaspoon mustard (honey mustard is an interesting option)

· 1 teaspoon vinegar

· sea salt & pepper to taste

· paprika (optional)

For easier peeling use older eggs near the SELL BY date, as fresh eggs are extremely difficult to peel.

Cook, cool and peel as above.

Remove shells from eggs, and halve lengthwise with a knife.

Carefully remove the yolks, and place in a medium bowl.

Mash yolks with a fork, and add remaining ingredients.

Spoon mixture back into the egg white halves. Garnish with a light sprinkling of paprika (optional).

(Egg salad)

· 4 Hard Boiled Eggs

· 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

· 1/2 teaspoon honey or regular mustard

· 2 tablespoons shredded cheese of choice

· 1/3 cup chopped yellow bell pepper can get colourfuld with red and green peppers

· 1/3 cup white sweet onion (peeled & chopped)· Salt & Pepper to taste

Boil, cool and peel eggs as above.

Chop with a clean stainless steel knife until the eggs are nicely diced.

In a medium sized bowl, mix together chopped eggs, with all other ingredients. Chill.

Great as a side dish or for making sandwiches. Keep refrigerated until served.

Enjoy! A dill pickle or some lettuce add colour and flavour.


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