Three Super Foods in Your Kitchen
Top three superfoods
Ginger: Uses and Health benefits
Ginger is a common ingredient in Asian cooking, especially in Indian cooking. However, ginger is used for medicinal purposes in many cultures around the world.
Ginger is pungent, spicy, and sometimes a little bitter in taste. When used in curry preparation, it emits a nice aroma. Food researchers strongly recommend that the use of ginger in daily meals has numerous health benefits.
The rhizome (underground stem) can be consumed directly after washing. A combination of ginger and garlic in the curry is known to give a fantastic taste.
Eating ginger lowers the risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart ailments. It helps in maintaining a good complexion, hair and reducing body weight.
It is rich in antioxidants, gingerols, beta carotene, capsaicin, Caffe JC acid, curcumin, and salicylate. All these contents in ginger are beneficial for keeping good health. Keep using ginger in your daily meals, for better health.
Ginger as a Remedy for Everyday Health Problems
Women consume ginger syrup for reducing the pain related to the menstrual cycle. It relieves gastrointestinal problems, bloating, inflammation, nausea, vomiting sensation, and other ailments. It reduces the risk of colon cancer. Ginger reduces ovarian cancer cells. It boosts immune system functioning if consumed daily in a small quantity of 1/4 inch.
The University of Georgia found that daily consumption of ginger in small quantities reduces exercise-induced body and muscle pain by 25%. Because we generally consume ginger in small quantities, it does not significantly add any carbohydrate, fiber, or calorie as such.
Garlic- Uses and Health benefits
Alluvium Sati vum, popularly known as garlic has a compound called allicin (the sulfur compound) that has medicinal properties. Garlic has a strong smell. It is used in many food preparations.
Consumption of fresh raw garlic has the highest health benefits rather than eating it cooked or fried. Garlic has manganese, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and selenium in it.
Daily use of garlic in a small quantity can combat the common cold, reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Garlic is Good for Preventing Alzheimer's Disease
The antioxidant in garlic helps in preventing Alzheimer's disease. It lowers total and LDL cholesterol. It fights against infectious diseases among the elderly or people with dysfunctional immune systems.
Garlic detoxifies heavy metals in the body (lead exposure) and protects against cell damage. It is known to improve bone health. Eating garlic reduces estrogen deficiency in menopausal women. It has a beneficial effect on osteoarthritis.
Garlic complements best in most savory dishes, especially soups and starters. It gives a punch to otherwise bland foods.
What is Bad in Garlic?
There is nothing bad in garlic, except it gives bad breath after eating. The strong smell stays in the mouth for a very long time. Eating cardamom or clove may beat this smell and freshen up.
Flaxseeds-a Store House of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Flaxseeds, also known as linseeds are tiny, silky, brown-colored seeds that are high in plant-based omega 3 fatty acids named Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Flaxseed contains good fat which is heart-friendly. Let us see the benefits of consuming flaxseeds.
According to the Centre for disease control and prevention, approximately one in three Americans have high blood pressure (hypertension). Eating flaxseeds daily will help reducing blood pressure. This fact is supported also by Greek researchers.
Flaxseeds Prevent Skin Cancer, Depression, and Liver Diseases
We apply sunscreen daily to protect our skin. Along with this, if you consume flaxseeds daily, in a small quantity of one teaspoon, you can reduce the risk of skin cancer or melanoma tumors by 63%, as reported by Omaha researchers. Added to this, your skin gets natural luster and glow.
According to a Japanese study, simply adding flax seeds to your daily diet proves useful. People suffering from depression have low levels of docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. Flaxseed has the same compound in it. Eating flaxseeds daily will alleviate the depression.
People drinking alcohol regularly have a higher chance of getting liver diseases. They could reduce the risk by taking flaxseed capsules, as per medical guidelines.
How Much Flaxseed You Should Consume Daily?
Ginger, garlic, and flaxseeds can be consumed in a small quantity in your daily diet. If you skip it for a few days, doesn't matter.
Including them in your food routine will boost immunity, helps to keep good health, and also makes you live longer. As far as possible, try to eat them in natural form for getting maximum benefits.