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Traditional Rice Pudding

Updated on August 8, 2020
Ladymermaid profile image

Mother of two daughters and grandmother of seven, I strive to achieve an optimum level of health and happiness. Life is all about balance.


An Old Grain Revisited

Rice has traditionally been a staple food in many countries around the world and it has withstood the test of time to remain a staple food product in most modern homes today.

Generally served as a side dish with the noon or evening meal this grain can also show its sweeter side served as a dessert. As a delicious pudding it is a tasty treat that is relatively simple to prepare. It is a dish that has been prepared in many homes throughout the years.

The first rice puddings were served using honey as a sweetener and using goats milk to create it's creamy texture, but over time and as this dish moved to different countries, it was refined into the rice pudding that we now know today.

Convenient and low cost to prepare, this simple recipe may be one that you may want to take a little closer look at.

Low fat, low sodium, and safe for most people with allergies to other grain products this dessert is a deliciously nutritious treat to serve one's family. It doesn't take a lot of time to prepare and it is a healthier alternative to packaged pudding mixes.

Some Individuals Experience An Intolerance or Allergy to Grain Products

Which Grains Do You Consume?

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From Grain to Dessert


Traditional Rice Pudding Recipe

2 cups cooked rice

3 cups milk

1/4 teaspoon of salt

1/2 cup of sugar

1 egg

1/2 cup of milk

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1 tablespoon butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup raisins (optional)

1. In a large pot combine rice, three cups of milk, sugar and salt. Stir constantly while you cook this mixture over medium-high heat for approximately fifteen to twenty minutes or until rice mixture begins to form a thick creamy texture.

2. Add in raisins and cinnamon. Beat egg into remaining one half cup of milk and then add into the rice mixture. Stir constantly while adding the egg to prevent it from cooking too quickly. Cook for approximately three to five minutes more.

3. Remove from heat, cool slightly, and then add in margarine and vanilla. The pudding will thicken as it cools so don't worry if it appears to be quite liquidy. Rice pudding tastes best when it is served with either a quarter cup of milk, or a scoop of ice cream added into the dish that it is served in.

Rice is Well Tolerated by Most People

You can use white or brown rice.
You can use white or brown rice.

A Few Additional Substitution Suggestions:

When it comes to rice you have a fabulous base to begin with and a variety of methods you can use to personalize this dessert so don't be nervous twhen it comes to a little experimenting. It is pretty easy to get this pudding to taste pretty great regardless of your current cooking expertise. Choose which add ins you think will make your dessert taste amazing.

  1. Raisins
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Walnuts
  4. Maple syrup
  5. Peaches stirred into the fully cooked pudding
  6. Raspberries stirred into the fully cooked pudding
  7. Pineapple chunks sprinkled on top
  8. Diced pear sprinkled on top
  9. Apple chunks sprinkled on top
  10. Blueberries sprinkled on top
  11. Strawberries sprinkled on top
  12. A dab of yogurt on top
  13. A sprinkle of chocolate chips on top
  14. A sprinkle of sunflower seeds on top
  15. Serve it with a scoop of vanilla, strawberry, or maple walnut ice cream.

Should I Choose Brown Or White?

A general rule of thumb is that the less refined a food product is then the more nutritious it is. This applies also to rice. Brown rice is closer to its natural state and as such should contain more nutrition than its white counterpart.

White rice has been stripped of its husk, bran, and germ which increases both its flavour and shelf life. Unfortunately this process also decrease the health benefits you would otherwise receive from consuming it in its natural state. This is why white rice is often fortified to increase its nutritional content can bring it almost in line with the benefits of brown.

When it comes to choosing which food is the best fit for your family it is always wise to read the ingredient and nutrition labels found on the product and use those to help you in your choice. As individuals we have our own personal taste preferences which factor in as well.

Short on Time - Make it Quick!


Rice pudding is generally served with raisins as one of its ingredients but for something a little different simply delete the raisins when preparing the traditional recipe. When pudding is slightly cooled add in a different fruit of your choosing. As cooked rice generally has a bland flavour virtually any fruit or flavouring will liven up its taste.

You can add in one can of diced peaches to create a wonderfully delicious peachy rice pudding. If your tastebuds are craving something with a little more zip skip the raisins and the peaches and instead add in one can of diced mandarin oranges to give your rice pudding dish a truly unique flavour.

Never be afraid to experiment with your recipes. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you can create.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2009 Lorelei Cohen


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