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Delicious Vegetarian meals Everyone wil Love.

Updated on February 7, 2018
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Tony is a curry addict. Ask him what he wants—the answer will always be a curry. He has travelled to India many times in search of recipes.

Welcome to my kitchen

Hi there, glad you can join me. I’ve been working on some ideas for recipes for my vegetarian and vegan friends. My cooking is mostly Indian recipes some that I make up and some that I copy an idea but give it a bit of a twist, I also like to cook a little bit of Italian when my friend Fabio is here to guide me. So what I have done is come up with a mixture of foods that I hope will provide some food for thought as well as for dinner.

I recently published a couple of vegetarian recipes on a hub, so I will refer you to them to start with, just use the link.

Super Delicious Starter.

serve with an assortment of toppings
serve with an assortment of toppings | Source


Delicious Starter

Here’s a good starter, and I know there are hundreds of recipes for avocado, but I think this will interest you. We certainly enjoyed it.

Obviously you need an avocado for each diner.

I blended a number of different nuts together first, pecan, pistachio, walnuts, almonds. Added a little lime juice a couple of tablespoons of crème fraiche and mixed it all together with the flesh scooped from the avocados. We also added a little cress and finely chopped up Greek Basil, please note not ‘baysel’.

We finely chopped some feta cheese and sprinkled that on top, with some Parmesan.

There many options, try it with different cheese, dates, pineapple is divine.

I love the colour, when you top with something it just looks great. We added a few raisins and more cress.

Beautiful fresh herbs

fresh basil and cress
fresh basil and cress | Source
crush the nuts
crush the nuts | Source

Vegetable Curry

Any curry can be made into a veggie curry, simply leave out the meat, but your diners need something to focus on.

Veggy Kedgeree

kedgeree but without the fish.

The veg,

Aubergine, gherkin or courgettes. Chop them into cubes and then place in a colander, sprinkle a little salt over them, place a plate on top with something to weigh it down, a tin of beans will do. The water should slowly start to drip out of the veg.

2 white onions finely chopped.

3 garlic cloves crushed and chopped.

About an inch of fresh ginger or try lemon grass stalks.

Gently fry them all together finally add the aubergine mix into the pan.

You can add cubes of carrot, potato, and parsnip if you like.

How to boil your eggs.

If you don’t eat eggs, leave this bit out; I promise you will still have a great meal.

First boil six eggs, I know a lot of people boil the water and then add the eggs, which chills the water and it has to be re-boiled; instead of that add your eggs to the cold water, bring it to the boil and then time it, for seven minutes. Put the eggs straight into cold water to stop them cooking too much, because you want them slightly soft. Get them out of their shells and slice in half.

For the gravy

2tsp of fennel seeds

2tsp of mustard seeds

Oil whatever you like, I use a mixture of olive, rapeseed, and mustard.

Heat the oil and put in your seeds, when they start to crackle take your pan off the heat because they will soon burn if left.

Sprinkle into the oil; 1tsp turmeric, 1tsp cumin, 2tsp coriander, mix into a paste adding a little water if there is not enough oil. Place it back on the heat keep mixing, wait for the aroma to really fill your head and then add 300gms of parried tomatoes or passata. Keep stirring this will spoil in a few seconds if left.

Boil 2 cupfuls of long grain, preferably Basmati rice until almost soft, don’t let it go mushy make sure it is dry when finished. Add a little salt to the rice as it cooks, also add ½ a teaspoon of black and green cardamom, a single clove, a star anise and a teaspoon of mace.

Chop some green leaves of baby spinach, parsley, coriander,

Okay let’s put it all together, stir the mixed veg into the rice, and then pour your gravy mix over everything, now add the greens and place the eggs on top.

Aubergine long-boats

Aubergine long boats.

My friend Fabio brought a couple of aubergines with him, I have to admit that I’m not a particular fan of this vegetable, but Fabio’s said he had a fairly good ideas for making a really tasty dish.

ready for the oven
ready for the oven | Source

Word Recognition

Nothing to do with the cooking, but I thought I’d share this with you; I often use a word recognition programme to help with the typing, but sometimes it types some pretty bonkers interpretations of what I am saying. It just did a real classic, the sentence from above ‘I have to admit that I’m not a particular fan’ it wrote as I have crabmeat and article pan’ sometimes I think that it is easier just to type myself.

Instructions for Longboats

  1. Mix together the dates, rice, cheese and Basil.
  2. Beat egg and add it to the above mixture.
  3. Add seasoning.
  4. Fill your longboats with the mixture. Make sure you squash it down.
  5. Sprinkle more cheese on top.
  6. Sprinkle paprika or cinnamon over the cheese.
  7. place on tray
  8. place in preheated oven. Gas Mark 5 or 190 C or 370 F for twenty-five minutes.
  9. When the cheese has melted and ingredients are cooked remove from oven.
  10. Garnish with Basil leaves, or try Corriander. sprinkle cinnamon, nutmeg, or paprika for effect.


  • Aubergine, Hollowed out
  • mushrooms, chopped in small cubes
  • celery, finely diced
  • celery salt, to taste
  • pepper, white or black
  • 1/2 teaspoon allspice
  • grated parmesan cheese, coursely grated
  • one egg, beaten
  • water cress, for garnish
  • Greek basil, for garnish
  • dates, chopped
  • rice, long grain

Cook Time

Prep time: 45 min
Cook time: 25 min
Ready in: 1 hour 10 min
Yields: a longboat per person.

Aubergine Longboats

5 stars from 1 rating of Aubergine Longboats.

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