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Weston Pro 2300 Vacuum Sealer Countertop Size Professional Power

Updated on March 9, 2011


Money in the bank is earning less than 2 percent. The price of some food items increase by that much nearly every day. Maybe your money is worth more invested in food instead. Think about it - if the price of a food item raises 10 percent from what you pay for it today – you have just earned 10 percent on your investment. This really holds true for food items such as meat, vegetables and fruit. Just as you would ladder an investment such as CD’s (certificates of Deposit) you can ladder steaks in the freezer.

Laddering an investment simply means that you invest a little now and a little later. Food is perishable so it is important to eat it before its “safe to eat date” is not past. Throwing food in the trash is losing your investment. Why not just go to Vegas?

The Weston Vacuum Sealer is a kitchen accessory that is designed to help you make good food investments. Just buying a stack of steaks and multiple packages of hamburger meat is not the answer to making a good food investment on its own. Preserving the meat is important – it must be frozen to last over time and freezer burn is an enemy of frozen food. Removing air from the packages is very important and the vacuum sealer you choose is important as well.


There are numerous vacuum sealers available for less money than the Weston Vacuum Sealer. However, few lower cost units have the power and the features that the high-end Weston has. For example, you have the choice of one-touch vacuum sealing or you can choose the custom mode that allows for your hands on operation, vacuum bags up to 15 inches can be used and they have a limited warranty for 1 year.

The Weston 2300 is a very powerful vacuum sealer. That is a great feature when sealing meats, cheese and other solid foods. You will see in the video that an aluminum can is totally crushed with the vacuum power of the Weston 2300. Household items can be sealed as well – both to protect them and to store them in an organized fashion. Soft foods such as bread, marshmallows and chips are best vacuumed on the manual mode so that you can decide when enough air has been removed.


Vacuum sealing liquids is an issue that has to be handled in a specific way. Some meats, fruits and vegetables are soft and could be crushed from the pressure. The problem – liquids can permanently damage a vacuum sealer. Avoid this problem is to the cool or freeze the food or liquid previous to vacuum sealing. You will be amazed by how much pressure is exerted on the contents of a vacuum bag during the process of sealing. Be careful ff you see liquid easing to close to the sealing edge of the vacuum bag.

While still being considered a countertop unit the Weston Vacuum Sealer measures larger than most home vacuum units. That allows for more variables in its use such as the ability to use the 15 inch vacuum bags. It measures 22.5 inches long x 12.25 inches wide x 6 inches high. The top-front area has a see-through blue cover that closes over the Teflon sealing bar. Behind that and under the stainless steel body is the double-piston vacuum pump, a fan cooled motor and there is even an open tray that stores the power cord.

Replacement parts if needed are available for the Weston 2300 Vacuum Sealer. Bags can be purchased in multiple sizes from 8 inches to 15 inches wide. They can be the Weston brand or other brands can be used. Some Weston 2300 owner’s feel that the Weston brand vacuum bags work best but that would be your call as to which works best for you.  


The amount of food you buy and vacuum pack would determine how long it would take for an investment in a Westin 2300 Vacuum Sealer to pay for itself. Remember to add in the travel time and expense as well as the shopping time that is saved when you buy food in bulk. Vacuum packed food takes up less space in the freezer and actually helps the freezer to use less electricity by filling it up on a consistent basis. Another tip on saving electricity in your freezer is to add frozen water bottles to take up empty space.

Food can be a profitable investment when purchased at sale prices or in bulk. On an everyday note - store brands are typically priced lower than name brands. A freezer pen is necessary to date the foods that you vacuum and put in the freezer. Vacuum sealing does not preserve food forever but it does typically extend the life of the food. The Weston 2300 is rated to extend the life of food five to six times longer than their original packaging does.


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