White Peach & Lavender Creme Fraiche Ice Cream Recipe
This recipe for white peach & lavender ice cream, part of a series on white peach & lavender recipes, combines two of summer's most fragrant ingredients in one of the season's most sought after confections.
Peach sorbet recipes and indeed most peach ice cream recipes generally call for cooking the peaches before integrating into the custard. This works well with yellow peaches, but the delicate perfume-like aroma of white peaches is lost when cooked for too long. This recipe uses fresh white peaches, adding a tablespoon of lemon to keep the white flesh from turning color but not enough to add acidity to the taste.
- Chill peaches, creme fraiche and lavender syrup thoroughly before starting. This will speed up chill time for the final mix considerably.
- If you are using organic peaches, leave the skins on. This will give the overall a peachy color and little flecks of bright pink that you don't get from using the white flesh of these peaches alone.
- Be sure whole mix is very well chilled before adding to your ice cream machine.
Cook Time
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Ingredients (US cups)
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 5 egg yolks
- 4 white peaches
- 1/4 cup lavender syrup
- 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
- 3/4 cup creme fraiche
- Warm the milk and sugar in a saucepan, stirring often until sugar is dissolved.
- While milk mixture is warming, whisk egg yolks until smooth.
- Pour warm milk mixture into egg yolks, whisk, and return to pan.
- Cook over medium low heat, stirring constantly until thickened. The custard is ready when it coats the back of a spoon. Place in freezer for about thirty minutes to chill (just don't let it freeze).
- When custard is cold, stir in cold creme fraiche. Return to the refrigerator.
- Puree the peaches with the Tablespoon of lemon and the lavender syrup. Mix into custard and chill thoroughly.
- Freeze chilled mixture in your ice cream maker according to manufacturer instructions.