Your Best Recipe: May only be as good as the food you put into it!
The question is: Do we have the right to know what goes into our food?
Well, my answer is emphatically...YES! I might not be the sharpest pencil in the box, but I know that if what goes into my food source is not good for the natural pollinators which help produce it, then is probably isn't good for me, my family or my community. (and most sources say it isn't) Oh, and how about the rest of the world too? See the link below for one such analysis and comment.
Ask this something worth knowing?
What is a GMO Food?
- What is GMO? | The Non-GMO Project
An up-to-date list of food ingredients that are at-risk of being genetically modified. - Genetically modified food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Killing the Pollinators...A Recipe for Disaster
Our Opinion Counts
I don't fancy myself a political activist or a fighter for just any cause. The fight to keep a fair and equal playing field for all American people against the proliferation of the corporate greed in my opinion is far beyond the talking stage. Thus, prompted by a cause which impacts all of us, the use of GMO's (genetically modifies organisms) and genetic engineering is the correct one to start my political activism. Why? Because if we lose the fight to know what's in our food and or what genetically modified organisms are capable of doing to our environment, we may be creating a monster we cannot overcome. Is that a chance you are willing to take?
This isn't about putting up a traffic signal at a busy intersection or contesting an electoral outcome, this is about our food source. It's about our survival. Don't take it from me...investigate for yourself. That's my goal in writing this hub. Otherwise, the powers that be will run roughshod over anyone and everything to get the biggest bang for its buck and that may be at the expense of everything we've come to know and love. That is what your choice is about here. Don't you want to know?
Your opinion counts too! I need you to know, we need you to know and to care and voice your opinion, pro or con or whatever!
GMO's not the only issue
There is more than GMO's to understand. There are Genetically Modified Organisms being introduced into trees and plants and there is the fluoridation of our water supplies all of which are or were supposed to be good for us? Are they? Are they? If not, why do our federal, state and local governments support their proliferation. My answer: Proponents believe there is enough public apathy that protests will be minimal and support for their positions will be economically beneficial for everyone.
Well, economic benefit is fine...if we all have a quality of life to enjoy it. I've never been an environmentalist or active in politics and I still have no desire to be either. However, this is too important to gloss over and I refuse to stand by and watch our natural world be decimated by a conglomerate without compassion for our world or the nature within it!
Please join me. Educate yourself and in the process you can help educate and inform others, including me. Isn't it at least worth a healthy debate before we potentially destroy ourselves?
Taking it to the streets
All Over the World
A problem that spans all ages
Protests Around the World
- Photos: The World Marches Against Monsanto | Earth First! Newswire
A Project of the Earth First! Journal: Celebrating 30 Years of News in Defense of Planet Earth. - Protesters around the world march against Monsanto
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Organizers say two million people marched in protest against seed giant Monsanto in hundreds of rallies across the U.S. and in over 50 other countries on Saturday. - Occupy Monsanto
What the proponents say
- Top 10 Genetically Modified Food Products : Discovery Channel
The top 10 genetically modified food and products are changing the way we shop. Read our list of the top 10 genetically modified food products.
What the farmers say
What consumers are saying!
- Rejection of Bill to Label Genetically Modified Foods Sparks Global Protest Against Biotech Giant Mo
Hundreds of thousands of Americans joined a global protest on Saturday against biotech giant Monsanto, the largest producer of genetically engineered seeds and creator of the herbicide Roundup.The “March Against Monsanto” protests took place in 52 co
What does one respected MD say?
- GMO | Information on Genetically Modified Foods by Dr. Mercola
Be aware of the dangers and health risks of genetically modified foods by reading the GMO news and articles from Dr. Mercola.