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Tropical Fruits: Durian (And The Benefits Of The Fruit)

Updated on December 21, 2014

Durian has a sweet flavor, soft in the mouth and finger Licking good


Durian is an exotic fruit that has many benefits and definitely tasty and addictive

Durian is kind of exotic fruit that comes from South East Asia. We can find durian in various places in South East Asia. Yes, durian is sold in the markets and stall all over South East Asia and it is also imported to the United States and Europe. Durian fruit is very easy to recognize because the fruit has spiked all over the skin. Durian in English means spiked because the fruit is entirely coated by spiny skin. Durian has a distinctive smell. Not everyone is liking this fruit because some people don't like its distinctive smell. But, for people who like to eat durian, they would say that it was definitely tasty and addictive. The meat characteristics of durian are soft and creamy like butter, the variety colors of the fruit are yellow, gray, green or white. Durian is easily peeled and we can eat the durian meat right away. Even the seeds can also be eaten, but usually should be boiled first, because durian seeds are contained cyclopropene fatty acids that can harm your body because it will poisoning you if you swallow it. Durian is a seasonal fruit so it is only available in certain seasons. However, because of the growing interest of the durian nowadays, durian can be harvested at any time depending on how the durian trees are planting.

Durian also referred as the king of fruits because it tastes good and distinctive. The texture of the durian fruit is buttery like avocado because durian contains monounsaturated fat that usually found in fruits. Beside the taste is sweet, creamy, and delicious, some durian can taste bitter or savory. Not only durian is delicious to eat. Durian also has a lot of potential and great benefits for health. Some benefits of durian are said to be one of which can assist the treatment of jaundice and cure the fever. Durian is rich in iron; the iron can help our body in producing white blood cells. In addition, it is also rich in vitamin E. Durian can also make our skin become healthier and soft, making the hair becomes more beautiful and shine and also help maximize the performance of the brain. But also, don't too much eat durian because durian can raise your blood circulation just like coffee and therefore, eating durian with coffee is prohibited.

Durian is rich in fiber so it is good to help to maintain the digestive system which can act as a laxative. The benefits of its fiber are able to maintain the digestive system such as protecting the intestinal mucosa from harmful bacteria and also for the prevention of cancer because of its function that is able to clean out your colon. Besides protein, durian also contains natural sugars and monounsaturated fats where it is very useful in revitalizing as well as to provide additional energy for our body. So, durian can be categorized as well as dietary supplements prior to gain weight.

Besides rich in vitamin E, durian is also rich in various vitamins and other minerals including almost all of the vitamins B including B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 which are very important for the human body. Durian also contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is quite high. The amino acid tryptophan is known to relieve insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression, as well as give rise to feelings of euphoria by increasing serotonin in the brain.

Tips to recognize durian:

  • A good durian is a durian that has fewer spines when the durian already ripe.
  • Durian that already ripe has a good flavor and has a sharp and characteristic odor when smelled making it easier for us to recognize it when we wanted to buy durian
  • Colors of durian meat sometimes are dark green, yellowish or brownish green if it’s already ripe.

Other advantages of the durian fruits are able to put in the fridge for a few days and can be added as a flavor to any kinds of desserts such as ice cream, cake, bread, cookies, or make it as juice.


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