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Best Organic Coffee Beans

Updated on February 6, 2018


Cup of Coffee
Cup of Coffee

The Best Organic Coffee Beans - Why You Should Buy Them and Where to Find Them!

I made it my personal mission to try every brand of organic whole coffee bean at I'm almost through them all. It's been fun, I just don't sleep much anymore. Seriously, I'm a long time coffee lover who believes you haven't had coffee until you've ground your own beans. Here are just a few of the reasons to try organic and fair trade coffee beans:

Coffee Bean Direct Organic Fair Trade Nicaraguan SHG, Whole Bean Coffee, Light Roast, 5 Pound Bag (Pack of 1)
Coffee Bean Direct Organic Fair Trade Nicaraguan SHG, Whole Bean Coffee, Light Roast, 5 Pound Bag (Pack of 1)
This large five pound bag of coffee is the most economical buy of organic coffee beans I've found online at just over 20 cents per ounce. For the sake of freshness, it's probably not a good idea to purchase in such bulk unless you have several coffee drinkers in your home and go through the beans very quickly. Another option is to buy in bulk and vacuum seal these beans into smaller containers help them retain freshness.

Information on Organic, Fair Trade Coffee Beans

Benefits of Organic Coffee Beans

*Organic standard doesn't allow GMO, or genetic modification.

*No synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are placed on the crops that will eventually pollute the land, rivers, streams and oceans.

*Organic is better for the overall health of the planet and the people and animals that live here.

*Organically grow crops are more nutritious.

*Protecting our next generation be protecting the earth's natural resources.

*Promote soil health and a sustainable agricultural environment.

Benefits of Fair Trade Coffee Beans

*Better yet, when you purchase coffee beans labeled organic AND fair trade, you are promoting:

*Small-scale farmers, farm workers, and artisans

*Democratically owned and controlled producer organizations

*Labor rights and the right of workers

*Safe and sustainable farming methods and working conditions

How to Make them Affordable - Buy in Bulk!

When you begin drinking your coffee from your own organic, fair trade beans, you will feel as if you've never truly had coffee before. It is so much better! How can you afford it? Try the online sources below:

Cafe Altura Organic Coffee Beans

Cafe Altura Whole Bean Organic Coffee, Sumatra Dark Roast, 2 Pound
Cafe Altura Whole Bean Organic Coffee, Sumatra Dark Roast, 2 Pound
These are my favorite coffee bean. After you open the bag, they will be oily for a few days. (Weeks if you use a container that is very air tight) That is when they are at their strongest. After the oil dries they lose some of their flavor. I will opt out of the debate as to whether coffee beans *should* be oily. You can voice your opinion on that in the debate below. These organic coffee beans come in a variety of flavors including: Sumatran Dark, Peruvian Dark, French, Italian, or Regular Roast, Viennese, San Francisco, New Orleans, or Morning Blends, or Regular Roast and Decaffeinated. My only hesitation in recommending these beans for those who like a full-flavor coffee is the wait time in receiving them. Often an order placed for these beans will takes weeks to months to ship from Amazon. I'm guessing they try not to over-stock the warehouse, for the sake of fresh beans and occasionally run out of stock. Priced at just over 60 cents per ounce.

Coffee Bean Direct - Nicaraguan Organic Coffee Beans

The most economical coffee bean at

Do you grind your own beans?

See results

Are Oily Beans Better?

Which Do You Prefer, Oily Beans or Dry Beans?

Oily Coffee Beans

Guy E Wood: I much prefer oily beans because they produce a more robust and interesting brew. I like my coffee to have substance and texture, and find water-like coffee to be boring.

Sweetbunny LM: I think oily definitely has a better taste.

jessiesharee: I prefer Beantrees Organic coffees. They are perfectly roasted to order in small copper kettles & they only purchase the top 1-2% highest quality beans from organic farmers around the equator. I <3 Love <3 this coffee! Their Peruvian is AMAZING!!!

ChrisShaefer: This is an excellent lens, thank you for the hard work and effort you put into this. I always love an informative publication that has some substance. I have a few coffee articles of my own. Please stop by and share a little love. Thanks again, 2 thumbs up and a LIKE for you! Shaefercd

shandigp: Some coffee bean are supposed to be oily, some not, so i say "it depends." The darker the roast the oilier the bean will bee-unless it's decaf which has oils incidentally removed during the decaffeinating process.

hsschulte: I recently read this on a blog, "It is a common, misconception that shiny, oily coffee beans are an indicator of freshness." I have no idea if it is an indicator of freshness, or if it is a misconception, but I do know this: OILY COFFEE BEANS TASTE BETTER! YEAH!

Dry Coffee Beans

markkeeler: Oily beans mean that you are losing all your flavor! The flavor is in the oil.

Organic Camano Island Coffee Beans

Organic Camano Island Coffee Roasters Sumatra, Dark Roast, Whole Bean, 5-Pound Bag
Organic Camano Island Coffee Roasters Sumatra, Dark Roast, Whole Bean, 5-Pound Bag
These beans are 76 cents per ounce. I have ordered these beans, but haven't tried them yet. I can tell you they do come with a slight oil sheen and other reviewers of these beans tout them as "dark roast" without having a burnt flavor.

Information About Coffee and Its Various Forms

Interesting information about using coffee beans and storing it. It also talks about when to buy the beans roasted and when to buy it unroasted. Another comparison in this video is organic to conventionally grown coffee. If you drink organic coffee with a higher level of antioxidants (organic and whole bean) it can cut down on some health problems including diabetes and colon cancer.

Whole Bean Coffee

© 2011 hsschulte


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