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How Beneficial is the Turmeric?

Updated on July 31, 2020
Olumisin Tolulope Tinuoye profile image

A cafe owner, recipe collector, writer, and aspiring food blogger.

The Aromatic Spice - Turmeric

I was taking something off a shelf in my Kitchen when I mistakenly dropped the not-properly- closed turmeric container. It scattered all over my kitchen floor diffusing my kitchen space with the smell, or should I say scent. And as always, in my quest to collect recipe was fascinated by the aroma and resolved to study the scented spice. Below is what I found:

Components of Turmeric

Turmeric has bioactive compounds that have potent medical features. But there are only two major components, and they are - curcumin and turmerone. The turmerone has the largest volume of the components which obviously resulted in the name Turmeric. The curcumin cannot be easily absorbed by the body, but it performs better when consumed with piperine a natural substance found in black pepper that allows easy body absorption in a large quantity. It is more advantageous when consumed with fatty foods because curcumin generally is fat-soluble (Can easily be dissolved with fatty contents)

Turmerone and Curcumin are so similar in properties that you can almost not be able to differentiate one from the other except for the pungency are from turmerone. The impacts of these two major components and their benefits to the body are disclosed :

Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Turmeric as anti-inflammatory Substance: Inflammation is a welcome process to the body, as long as it is mild, it helps to fight invaders and prevent pathogens like bacteria from infesting the body. But when inflammatory becomes acute and chronic it can degenerate into all types of diseases like cancer, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer's, etc. all these diseases are researched to be by-products of Chronic inflammation. Hence the consumption of Turmeric cannot be termed as nonessential. Constant consumption of Turmeric can help fight this inflammation.

Turmeric as a Beauty Regimen component: Oxygen is very important to the body. When the process of oxidation is damaged, the ripple effect is skin damage or aging. Especially for the people into the beauty business, it will be insightful to know that turmeric is discovered to be useful when included in the beauty regimen process.

Turmeric for Brain Improvement: Alzheimer's is one disease no one wishes upon enemies. It’s good to discover that mental health improvement is associated with turmeric.

Turmeric helps to improve heart conditions. The lining of the blood vessels when not function can cause heart diseases but curcumin as a component of turmeric helps in the prevention of heart-related diseases.

Protect cell damage

Improve wound healing capacity

Alleviate Arthritis

Prevent cavity

Alleviate Type 2 diabetes.

Reduce tumor formation.


There is almost no end to what turmeric does to the body. So I can say on good authority that anyone that wants general health improvement needs to add this particular spice to his or her diet as it does so much good. Next time you cook those special delicacies do not spare the use of turmeric.

And if you think the value of this spice might be reduced by the heat process of cooking, most of these components have been compressed into small pills that can be taken as dietary supplements. Some of which can be gotten from Amazon, other wellness sites, and local pharmaceutical shops. Health is wealth.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Olumisin Tolulope Abisola


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