250 Big-Scoring Scrabble and Words With Friends Words Guaranteed to Flummox Family and Friends
Big Scores, Friends, Really Big Scores
The team here at greenswriting.com play a lot of word games, the most popular of which are Words with Friends and Scrabble. The team has learned some little-used but useful words to play. Read on for the words to improve your score.
Most of these words are under the 7-letter limit. No words from this list are capitalized or italicized. All words from this list have scored big points for someone on staff. We take our Scrabble more seriously than Bedlam football matches in the South.
Our Two Cents' Worth of Strategy
We can’t resist reminding you that to win regularly, you must consistently play these words on the colored squares with an eye to placing the big value letters on the double and triple letter score boxes. You must do this even if you had this other really cool word you wanted to make but which is worth only a few points. Play the word “toke” only if you can get that K onto a triple letter or triple word square.
We have beaten many a better player than ourselves just by using those colored squares to our advantage. We would go so far as to say that in Scrabble and Words With Friends there are two games afoot: the one where you are playing at making the most valuable, longest words possible; and two, the game where you are strategically exploiting those colored squares without regard to the quality of your words. If you can do both well, then you are certain to win, even against players you consider better than you are at the game.
Sure, laugh, but we have scored big points just from "eff" or cmw". Additionally, if you can bluff your opponents into challenging your weird but legitimate word, they lose a turn in Scrabble.
Yeah, We've Played a Lot of Scrabble
- Aby
- Abye
- Acinost
- Aebe
- Aeon
- Agio
- Ahi
- Alae
- Alai
- Alar
- Alb
- Allee
- Amidol
- Amie
- Ana
- Anatase
- Atonics
- Aurei
- Auto
- Avant
- Avosets
- Awa
- Azo
- Bap
- Barmy
- Bedu
- Beson
- Blasé
- Blate
- Blite
- Bluetics
- Braza
- Brio
- Brux
- Calla
- Calo
- Capote
- Caprine
- Carious
- Carrotin
- Caruch
- Cations
- Cesta
- Ciao
- Cirque
- Claxons
- Cleome
- Col
- Cuif
- Culms
- Cum:
- Cwm: valley
- Dasyure
- Deni
- Didymous
- Dita
- Djin
- Donee
- Dorp
- doum
- Eath
- Eaux
- Edh:
- Elint
- Eluted
- Emeu
- Entera
- Equid
- Etui
- Fard
- Farfel
- Fava
- Feus
- Fila
- Finich
- Flinder
- Fohn
- Fon
- Fou
- Foy
- Fuze
- Ganef
- Geoid
- Getas
- Gite
- Glebe
- Gley
- Guid
- Gumma
- Hadj
- Haemin
- Haniwa
- Helve
- Holk
- Hunh
- Hup
- Hutment
- Iatrogenic
- Ibex
- Ilea
- Ilka
- Impone
- Inarm
- Indol
- Isomeric
- Jalousie
- Jambe
- Jarl
- Jefe
- Jiao
- Jitney
- Jotas
- Kafir
- Kain
- Kami
- Keet
- Kex
- Khi
- Kier
- Kif
- Kin
- Kirn
- Kiva
- Kohls
- Krait
- Kurta
- Kyte
- Lek
- Leno
- Lingy
- Lipa
- Loup
- Lour
- Lown
- Lyttae
- Maduro
- Mano
- Maund
- Maxi
- Merk
- Miaou
- Mib
- Micra
- Milis
- Moue
- Naoi
- Navar
- Nett
- Nitroso
- Nucha
- Obi
- Obia
- Ogee
- Oheda
- Olia
- Ologies
- Opah
- Orby
- Ourari
- Outvie
- Ouzos
- Oxeyes
- Padi
- Palp
- Panga
- Parrs
- Pashed
- Paviours
- Pax
- Pax
- Peag
- Peewit
- Phut
- Pia
- Pima
- Pinach
- Pintle
- Pradouk
- Prink
- Pye
- Pyin
- Qadi
- Qiviut
- Quai
- Quayage
- Quey
- Quoin
- Ouri
- Rai
- Raja
- Ramee
- Raoa
- Rapini
- Raxed
- Refugia
- Renvoi
- Rete,
- Rhetor
- Rolfs
- Roto
- Roup
- Sadi
- Sajou
- Sajou
- Savine
- Scouth
- Serried
- Sexto
- Taces
- Tafia
- Takin
- Tali
- Tapia
- Tawie
- Tegua
- Teth
- Thous
- Toea
- Tola
- Triol
- Upo
- Urd
- Ute
- Uvea
- Vagi
- Vara
- Vasa
- Vasty
- Venenate
- Vert
- Vesica
- Virid
- Virl
- Vuggs
- Unai
- Wame
- Wherry
- Wold
- Wuther
- Yay
- Yogee
- Xi
- Xu
- Yowes
- Zaire
- Zed
- Zep
- Zeta
- Zills
- Zoea
Cheater Link
Click here to go to a website with word lists organized by length and letter. We like to come up with our own words, but many people use this site instead.
An Easy Score-booster
Works Cited
https://www.wordswithfriends-cheat.com. n.d. web site. 15 December 2017.
We wish you good luck in word games. Keep on loving words, and we will keep on writing about them for you. As always, we have enjoyed writing this article for you, and we invite you to come and see us every chance you get. We'll leave the site on for ya.
— Richard Green