Chess; a Guide to Beginners
Why Play CHESS?
Chess is an incredible game for the brain to develop.Brain is like a muscle,to make it flexible and healthy, we need to do some workouts.Chess does exactly the same.It is played by two opponents on a chess board having 64 squares both white and black squares positioned alternatively.Origin of chess is still under dispute,however it is played and enjoyed all over the world accepting the FIDE(world chess federation) rules and regulations.current chess champion is Magnus Carlsen.
Rules in chess
1.Chess board is having 8 rows and 8 columns.Chess board is placed with light square coming in the right.chess board should be arranged according to the fig.1(attached with the hub)
2.In the case of movement,white moves first,then comes blacks turn,then alternately.
3.Touched piece should be moved.(If you've touched a pawn first,you can't move a piece other than pawn)
4.No other movements should be done while your opponent called a check.(Movements such as taking away opponents piece which caused the check,covering king from the check ...can be made)
5.Rules associated with castling:
It cannot be done if the king or rook is moved once.
It cannot be done if the king is in check.
It cannot be done if the castled position of king is a check.
There should not be any pieces in between rook and king.
The king should be touched first as the castling is a kings move.
6.Touched piece should be moved.
7.Rules associated with claiming draw/stalemate:
If both opponents are left with pieces which cannot mate opponent,then the game is a draw.
If the position of both the players got repeated,thrice then any of the players can claim a draw.
If there isn't any increment of rank of pawn in 50 movements and no piece is being exchanged,then, any of the players can claim draw.
If the king is not presently in check,but cannot move to any adjacent squares due to threat of check,in that position,the player can claim for a stalemate.
Movement of pawn
A pawn is only moved forwards. Either it can move 2 steps or it can move 1 step in the initial movement.Once it makes its initial movement,it can only move 1 step each.Once a pawn is made to move it cannot retain its previous position.So a pawn must be carefully moved.The way a pawn exchanges opponents piece is quite different.It can only exchange diagonally.
Movement of knight
The moves in a particular way.It can only move in an 'L' shape.It can exchange pieces in this manner.The peculiarity of knight is that it is very difficult for any piece to block its way.It can threaten 2 or more piece at a same time.It is called forking in chess.The knight is known for its forking movements.Every player must be careful to avoid opponents knight from forking their pieces.
Movement of Rook
A Rook can move in row wise and column wise up to any square in the chess board.It exchanges pieces in this fashion.Normally rooks are not moved in the opening.Rook and king have a combined movement called castling.Rooks in kings side move two squares while castling and the rook in queens side 3 squares while castling.
Movement of bishop
A bishop can only move diagonally.There are 2 bishops for each player.One placed in black square and another in white.The one in white can only move through white and one in black can only move through the black.Bishops can exchange pieces in the same way.They cannot move further if a piece of its own is in a square in its way.
Movement of queen
The queen is the most precious piece in the chess.It has movement of both rook and bishop.It can exchange pieces in similar fashion.It is not advisable to make queen move in the opening as it is the most valuable piece.Queens are the valuable piece in chess after king.Queens have much more moves than other pieces.The only piece that threaten a queen is knight,normally.In opening movements,normally queens are used to support other pieces.
Movement of king
A king can only move one square in any direction.Normally king is moved only when it is in check or during the finishing movements of chess.King has a special movement called castling .
Chess Game Results
It is the most common result of the chess. It means that the king of either of two person is in check and has no valid movement.
2. Stalemate
Stalemate occurs when one player's king is not in check but has no legal moves.The rules of chess grants him a stalemate and the game ends in draw
3. Draw
This result rarely occurs. When both players don't have enough coins to checkmate the opponent,the game ends in draw.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.