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Code Vein Review

Updated on July 30, 2020
Berry Orebaugh profile image

Gamer and writer, experiencing story driven worlds and creating them is my main goals and wish to share them.


What is Code Vein?

The game is a pack of Anime styled art mixed with a combat style that many would compare to a dark souls type of game. the combat was easy enough to learn at the start. It's a new IP that I would say was an interesting take on vampires and how they came to be that i find very interesting.


The story I must say kept me wanting to see what was going to happen. It kept me looking for the extra tad bits to find out more about the cast of characters. it made me want to know just who my character was. What they all did. Not to spoil anything, but the world is not the exact same place as it once was. Revenants are now all over the place and humans themselves are rare. Blood beads becomes the main source that drives away the thirst and helps them to keep their sanity and avoid becoming the lost. While the main story is told to the player, there many parts of the story you'll have to go hunting for in many spots where you have to defeat a bigger monster of sorts but I would say is well worth it. Your character that you create sadly doesn't say too much, well anything at all really. Though through the game you are seen like a friend to your party members there isn't as much development between them, the story itself isn't too complex or really that long, to get everything out of the story you need to collect a lot of shards with multiple endings depending on how far your willing to go with these shards telling more about every character.

Game Play

Code Vein's gameplay was rather unique to me. Many would say its similar to a dark souls game. Some of that I would agree with. Unlike a dark souls game I found that it was much easier but with similar effects. When you die or... fall in battle and rise back up after taking what would have been fatal damage you must return to the same area to regain your currency that's used for leveling up and for buying and upgrading things. With that being said the enemies in this game are not easy, they're able to take you out if your unprepared to dodge and roll at the right time or block an attack. I found myself a number of times stuck in a spot unable to get through very easily with out really trying to go all out. the bosses in the game are even more of an obstacle to get through. The inclusion of blood codes make for a unique design in how you can play ranging from a heavy melee user to someone that might excel in magic, these can also be changed on the fly and you gain more as you progress through the story. The character creation definitely was something I was not expecting a lot from but it has quite a bit you can do in it that really makes the character unique to you where you can add colors different hats and hair styles.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics are that of an anime style, its well done and in my opinion really make the story come to life in a new way and really help me get into a game type that I originally was not a fan of. The sound is amazing. The music really brings everything home, the music during the character scenes fit the tone perfectly, the boss music really brought me to the edge of my seat as I tried to duck and weave my way out to the end and hope I could stay alive and try to out last the boss. the sound of a heavy sword or flying fire ball really made it feel right.

Final Verdict

My final verdict I would say that this game has a ton of action packed game play and might get you into game with a rough combat but fun pay out, with tons of hidden secrets waiting to be discovered, the main draw backs of the game I would say is some of the difficulty curve some players might not enjoy and lack of a protagonist that really doesn't speak much.



  • Great music.
  • Interesting story.
  • New take on Vampire world.
  • fun and interesting combat.


  • Difficult enemies some players might struggle with.
  • Silent protagonist.
  • a story more driven through your party members.

© 2020 Bear Bear


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