Dark Magician Girl Card - Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Profile
Dark Magician Girl is an iconic 'monster' and is hugely popular with the Yu-Gi-Oh fan base. With her brings a classic nostalgic aspect, where you have seen her throughout many Yu-Gi-Oh series helping Yugi to get out of some truly difficult situations.
However, just looking at the card, it's a truly beautifully designed card that incorporates the holographic blend. Plus, it is a pretty effective card to have as well. You can see that from the following stats below - and it's why many players start to base their entire card deck profiles around her (see an example of that just below).
Dark Magician Girl
| |
Card Type
| Monster
| Dark
| Spellcaster
| ******
| 2000
| 1700
| 3
Information about Dark Magician Girl
Dark Magician is the character version in the Dark Magician Girl Card. In Japan, it is called as the Black Magician Girl.
The outfit of Dark Magician Girl is like the Dark Magician's outfit. However, it has mainly pink and blue color with a touch of the color yellow. She has green eyes, blond hair, and a wand that suits her outfit. In the card version, she wears a pink short below her skirt, her hexagram was changed into a red jewel, and her bust was reduced through erasing the cleavage lines.
Moreover, she has an off-shoulder, skirt outfit. This outfit is color blue with a combination of pink trimmings and a touch of the color yellow. She also has a pointed hat just like the Dark Magician's hat. It is color blue with a combination of pink spiral and rings on each side. Dark Magician Girl wears half-thigh boots, optional blue, and pink gauntlets. Also, she has a blue wand with a yellow spiral. The character design of Dark Magician Girl also has faint pink cheek marks.
Overall, the design of Dark Magician Girl is well detailed and planned. She has a great character on the cards and gives exceptional power. It is one of the reasons why many people like her and why she appears mainly in different great anime like Manga and cards.
In all, it really is a beautiful looking monster card.
Biography of Dark Magician Girl
Battle City
The character of Dark Magician Girl first appears at the arc of Battle City where Yugi battles with Arkana, the ex-magician. She defeated Arkana on using her power from the Dark Magician cards of Duelists. She had appeared on the expressive monster of Yugi, the Bakura Ryou, and Yugi Malto. However, just like other characters, she also cries when she was attacked by the Dark Spirit of the Silent of Bakura. This was affected by her owner due to the Dark Sanctuary effect.
Virtual World
In The Big Five, she was chosen as the Deck Master of Crump on the battle of Tea. As a Deck Master, she has the power to have telepathic communication on Tea, and it always helps her when she is in need.
Different Names of Dark Magician Girl in Other Countries
- Italian Name: Giovane Maga Nera
- Portuguese Name: Feiticeira Negra
- German Name:
- Dunkle Magierin (early Video Games and TCG)
- Dunkles Magier – Mädchen (recent TCG)
- Schwarzes Magier – Mädchen (Anime)
- Japanese Name: ブラマジガール
Appearances of Dark Magician Girl
- Anime Appearances
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time
- GameCube Appearances
- Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom
- Nintendo DS Appearances
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller
- Manga
- Destiny Board Traveler
- Duel Arena
- Tag Force
- World Championship
Dark Magician Girl had appeared in many anime series because of her great character and design. This brings her towards many appearances, just like in the card. Overall, a hugely popular card.
Dark Magician Girl Card Effects *Tips
Level: 6
Attack: 2000
Defense: 1700
Effect: Gains 300 Attack for every "Dark Magician" or "Magician of Black Chaos in the graveyard."
- Use Cost Down to discard a Normal Summon and Dark Magician this card
- Use Curse of Dragonfire to summon the Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight. This has an effect of qualifying the Fusion Material and performing the Fusion Summon.
- When adding 2 Dark Magicians from the deck to the hand, use the Illusion Magic when giving a tribute of 1 Spellcaster. Then, the player must use the Hand Destruction in removing the 2 Dark Magicians and increasing the ATK of Dark Magicians for at least 2600.
The card can also search through:
- Dogu
- Fusion and Reserve
- Single Purchase
- Fusion Conscription
- Temple of the Kings
- Berry Magician Girl
- Transmodify
- Magician Navigation
- Chaos Zone
- Ebon High Magician
- Dragodies, the Empowered Warrior
- Startime Magician
- Magician’s Circle
- Dark Horizon
- Rescue Ferret
- Dark Renewal
- Spellbook Star Hall
- Lemon Magician Girl
- Fool of Prophecy
- 20. Temperance of Prophecy
- Reaper of Prophecy
- Justice of Prophecy
Dark Magician Girl
Its Japanese name is Effect Monster. It has a primary dark type and secondary spellcaster type.
Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight
Its Japanese name is Fusion Monster. It has a primary dark type and secondary dragon type.
Statue Dark Magician Girl
Its Japanese name is スタチュー・ブラック・マジシャン. It has a primary effect monster type and secondary earth type.
Toon Dark Magician Girl
Its Japanese name is Effect Monster. It has a primary toon monster type and secondary dark type.
Dark Magician Girl Deck Profile
Building any deck can be a challenging process, especially one that is competitive. Make sure you have the right blend fo spell caster and trap cards along with some related monsters.
When it comes to creating a Dark Magician Girl Deck though, it's best to consider a lot of magic related cards including Magician's Rod, Dark Burning Magic, Illusion Magic and a range of monster variants.
For instance: Kiwi, Chocolate, Apple, Lemon and Berry Magician Girls. The Dark Magician himself as well as the Apprentice Illusion Magician (a truly beautiful looking card in itself).
Trap cards to consider are Magician Navigation, Magicians' Defense and potentially Quaking Mirror Force.
So, if you are fond of collecting cards, do not forget the Dark Magician Girl Card. The information above had helped many players in choosing this card. There are many cards available that everyone can purchase, but this card is one of a kind. No wonder that Dark Magician Girl Card is excellent and appealing to many players.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Harry Sheen