Make Learning Math and Geography Fun With Board and Card Games
Many kids don't like learning math or geography. Card games and board games can add some fun to subjects that are difficult or boring for many students. Since kids actually enjoy playing these games, they can be used as a reward after kids finish the not-very-fun stuff they have to do. This is a list of some great math and geography board games and card games that can make learning fun. They're also a great way for parents and children to spend time together.
Math War
Learning math facts is very important but usually boring and frustrating for kids. Math War is a great way to make it fun. It's a simple game. The person with the highest number wins each round. You can get Math War for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Many young children who hate math love to play this game making it a pain-free way to memorize math facts including the multiplication and division tables.
GeoDice is a fun way for kids to learn the names of countries and capital cities and get to know their location on a world map. This game is best for 2nd grade and up because it requires reading. This company, GeoToys, also makes GeoBingo World board game and GeoCards World card game.
"Name a capital that starts with a B and is in the continent of Africa. Go! With GeoDice, exploring the capitals and countries of the world is social, upbeat and downright enjoyable."
GeoCards World Card Game
GeoCards is "5 Card Games in One." The great thing about this game is that the cards are large and sturdy, so they can stand up to the abuses you can expect from kids. Each card has a country on one side and a capital city on the other. Now there are 50 cards, so your child will be learning only a quarter of the world's countries but that's fine for younger kids. Each continent is well represented. There is also a USA version that teaches state capitals.
"GeoCards World and USA geography card game includes 50 jumbo-sized cards measuring 4.5 x 6 inches. Each card shows a state or country on one side and capitals on the other, along with population and land area facts."
Sum Swamp Addition and Subtraction Game
In Sum Swamp Addition and Subtraction Game kids have to use addition and subtraction to move around the board. It also teaches odd and even numbers. The game is designed for kindergarten and 1st-grade students. It's a lot of fun and each game takes less than 10 minutes.
"Develop fluency in early math skills as kids play the game. Perfect for Homeschool or classroom learning"
Learning Resources Money Bags A Coin Value Game
Learning Resources Money Bags A Coin Value Game teaches both money values and how to make up certain amounts of money. In some cases, kids may not be able to use a particular kind of coin, so they have to come up with different ways at arriving at an amount. Each game is short, which is great for children's short attention spans. The game is good for ages 6 and up.
Learning Resources Dino Math Tracks Place Value Game
Learning Resources Dino Math Tracks Place Value Game teaches addition, subtraction, and place value up to the thousands. It also teaches how to read the names of larger numbers. If your kids can't read a number like 9,342, they will after playing this game a few times. They learn by rolling four dice to make a number and then they must read the number out loud. The game is designed for 5 to 7-year-olds.
"Teaches place value, counting, addition, and subtraction. Learn place value of ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands"
DVD Bingo
DVD Bingo is a great way to teach preschoolers and kindergarteners colors and numbers at the same time. The DVD calls out each number for you. This is a great way to introduce kids to larger two digit numbers.
Other Math Games:
- POP for Addition and Subtraction Card Game
- ThinkFun Math Dice Jr.
- Learning Resources Pizza Fraction Fun Game
- Learning Resources - Smart Snacks Piece-A-Pizza Fractions
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© 2013 LT Wright