Fire Emblem: Awakening Units - Flavia Info
This hub is going to talk about Flavia, the East Khan of Regna Ferox and the one Hero that you can recruit during the main storyline of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Heroes are a promoted class choice for both Fighters and Mercenaries (Flavia took the Mercenary route by default since Fighter is male-only).
She shares the distinction of being the last recruitable first generation unit with Basilio, as they enter the battlefield at the same time.
So, who is Flavia?
Flavia is the East Khan of Regna Ferrox and the Khan in charge of the country thanks to Chrom's victory over "Marth" in the arena. She is a proud woman who yields to no man, but gives respect to all of her opponents, regardless of their gender. In game terms, Flavia is the one Hero that you get to recruit during the storyline of Fire Emblem: Awakening.
Where can I get Flavia?
She joins automatically with Basilio when you defeat Validar for the first time in Chapter 23.
Why should I use Flavia?
Given that she joins mid-chapter, you don't have much choice in the short term. Like Basilio, she is a crutch character for those players who have lost a lot of units in Classic Mode, as she has high base stats and good growths, In addition, she can only support with Basilio and female My Unit and can only marry a male My Unit. In the few chapters that I did use Flavia, I would bring her along with Basilio and have Basilio Pair Up with her to give her extra Defense and Strength.
Should I use a Second Seal on Flavia?
You coud class change Flavia to a General for Pavise, and then class change her back to Hero once you get it. I don't really see any other real benefits of class changing for Flavia (I like to have Pass on units that want to infiltrate enemy lines and Flavia is more for holding a line than breaking an opposing line, at least in my opinion).
Flavia Stat Information at a Glance
| HP
| Str
| Mag
| Skl
| Spd
| Lck
| Def
| Res
| 95
| 55
| 20
| 70
| 65
| 55
| 40
| 30
Bow Knight
| 100
| 55
| 20
| 70
| 65
| 55
| 35
| 30
| 85
| 50
| 25
| 70
| 70
| 55
| 35
| 30
| 90
| 55
| 20
| 75
| 70
| 55
| 35
| 30
| 85
| 45
| 35
| 70
| 65
| 55
| 35
| 35
| 100
| 60
| 20
| 60
| 55
| 55
| 45
| 30
| 100
| 60
| 20
| 60
| 55
| 55
| 45
| 35
Great Knight
| 100
| 60
| 20
| 60
| 60
| 55
| 45
| 30
This is a list of the stat growths of every single class that Flavia can become. [Source: Serenes Forest]
As is the standard for units this late in Fire Emblem: Awakening, Flavia boasts good growths to add to her already great base stats, but she only has ten levels to grow before she is forced to use a Second Seal, so that limits her short-term viability outside of grinding. It's interesting to note that she has a 5% chance to not get an HP on level-up, but it hasn't come up for me yet.
Flavia Skill Information at a Glance
| Effect
| Class
| Level
| Attack does not reduce weapon usage (Chance = [Luck x 2]%)
| Mercenary
| 1
| Hit and Avoid +10 during the enemy's Turn
| Mercenary
| 10
| Recover HP equal to half the damage dealt to the enemy (Chance = Skill%)
| Hero
| 5
| Hit and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with an axe
| Hero
| 15
The skills that Flavia can learn as a Hero. [Source: Serenes Forest]
Flavia is a Hero, and has reached this promoted class by way of Mercenary. As a result, she starts out with both Armsthrift and Patience. Armsthrift is always useful since it grants a percentage chance (equal to 2x Luck) to not lose durability on a weapon when landing an attack in battle, which makes her a good candidate for Silver weaponry you may or may not be too stingy to use under normal circumstances. Patience is more situational, but will be good for staying alive if you come under heavy enemy attack during the enemy phase.
Flavia gets Sol and Axebreaker from Hero (although she'll need five more levels to access the latter). Sol is one of my favorite skills because it heals when it triggers, and healing is always good for holding a line against a wave of enemies. Axebreaker is just as good as any other "-breaker" skill, and perhaps slightly more so thanks to the fact that axe users seem to be all over the place in Fire Emblem: Awakening. The only real issue I have with Axebreaker on Heroes is that you can already claim a weapon triangle advantage by using a Sword, diminishing the usefulness of Axebreaker just a tad (although that 50 Avoid is much more useful than any weapon triangle bonus).
Tips and Tricks for using Flavia
- I like to have Flavia and Basilio Pair Up (might as well, seeing as how that's the only support either of them have that doesn't involve My Unit), with Basilio as the support unit since Flavia boasts much higher base speed.
- Like Basilio, Flavia starts with great base weapon ranks and the equipment to use them, so don't worry about outfitting her with any other weapons, at least initially.
- You might consider using Flavia's Short Axe to prevent enemy mages and bow-users from getting free attacks. Unlike Basilio's usage of bows, doing so won't give enemies an alternate opening to exploit.
Do you use Flavia on your team?
In conclusion, Flavia is the East Khan of Regna Ferox and a capable Hero. However, the fact that she joins nearly at the end of the main storyline means that you will probably have your army's composition laid out already, so she only really serves your army in the same capacity as Say'ri (a crutch character in case you've suffered heavy losses in Classic Mode).
Feel free to talk about Flavia and things related to him in the comments section. Also, don't hesitate to ask questions if something in this hub is unclear!
Until the next time, take care and have fun! ;)