Get To Da Choppa!
This one's for all my fellow "nerds" out there! I personally love video games, always have, always will. I've been so sucked into one in particular, I decided to write a short hub about it! The game, COD Black Ops, the system, Xbox 360!
Let me start by saying, I've come a long long way in first person shooters, so I am not the best, but I consider myself decent at them. My KDR on Black Ops is currently 1.10 so I average just above even. My biggest kill streak at this moment, is 14 and my best ratio is 22.00. That round I went 22 kills and 0 deaths but I can thank my dogs for that one! I want to list a few tips that have increased my game when it comes to Ops that may help others who play the game as well.
1.) If you are a "sprayer" by means of, your gun just can't sit still, Use your first perk as Ghost and slap a silencer on your gun. It won't be as powerful, but this will help you out GREATLY when you are shooting and can't hit a guy. They wont even know your there! I use it and always get Ghost Pro so I don't have to worry about them dang Choppers!
2.) If you use a red dot site on your gun, when you unlock the option, opt for a brighter colored dot. What helps me a great deal is putting on the symbol that looks like two side ways hearts with a dot in the middle. It helps me focus in on what I am shooting.
3.) Don't run & gun every single round! You will reck your KDR horrible unless your a video game prodigy! Take your time and reel in your enemies with decoys!
4.) Get a little creative! I started a horrible trend that seems to make people mad. I will set my claymore by a car, throw a decoy in it and move! This is a guaranteed kill unless they use the Hacker perk. I also use the red barrels for this as well! Yeah, I play a little dirty!
5.) LISTEN! You can clearly hear when an enemy is close by unless they are using the Ninja perk. The foot steps on most boards are fairly loud.
6.) If you know you are getting sniped, DO NOT STAY STILL! Zig zag and run either toward them or away from them. If you are not sure where they are or if they are snipping you thru a window, hit the deck! Then move away from the window!
7.) Frags are your best friends! I only use frags and even use Warlord pro just to get the extra one! Learn how to cook and bank them and you will love them!
8.) If you are not a good camper, don't do it! It's not for everyone!
9.) I have found that the easier gun to use in this game is the Galil or the AUG. They both don't jump as much as other guns. The AUG is not the most powerful but it is VERY easy to shoot if you are a sprayer.
10.) Learn the maps! If you know all the hiding places, you will learn where snipers sit and where you can go to pop um!
I hope these few tips help out my fellow gamers out there! They sure have helped me out! Most guys don't even believe I am a girl because I simply don't do to bad! First person shooters on Xbox Live are all about timing and finding what works for you. once you find your gun and your style of play, you will be a great gamer!