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Games Like Evony - MMO Strategy Games

Updated on July 11, 2016
There Are Plenty Of Free Online Games Like Evony Out There.
There Are Plenty Of Free Online Games Like Evony Out There.

Games Like Evony - MMO Strategy Games

I love strategy MMO games like Evony but after getting tired of the recent lack of Evony updates I went searching for other games in this niche. After trying countless games I've put together this collection of great MMO strategy games for fans of this simple but enjoyable genre.

Evony was my first taste of the free to play MMORTS browser genre just like many other gamers. I stuck with it until it became Evony Age II but around that time I decided to find a new experience. I went on the long search for other browser based strategy alternatives and found some really good options that provided a different theme to the medieval setting that Evony offered.

Maybe you're story is like mine or perhaps you're looking for your first taste of the browser MMO strategy genre. Whatever the reason that has brought you to this page I hope you'll enjoy my top games like Evony featured here. If you think one is more deserving of a spot on the list then stop by the comment section at the end of this page I'm always seeking new games to play.

What Sort Of Theme Do You Like In Strategy MMO Games?

Which Strategy MMO Theme Is The Best?

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One Of My Favourite Games Like Evony
One Of My Favourite Games Like Evony

Goodgame Empire

Goodgame Empire offers a more active approach to the MMORTS genre with players having some control over combat in comparison to other options.

The setting for the Goodgame Empire universe is a tribal one with some medieval style components also thrown in. Jumping into the game as an undeveloped village you will claim the resources around you and slowly grow into a village worthy of respect. This journey is a fairly standard one in terms of the genre but it does have better pacing compared to Evony in my opinion.

In terms of strategy options Goodgame Empire has more than enough so you always feel like you have important decisions. Do you upgrade a certain piece of technology now, spend it on new units or maybe it is time to unlock a new building instead, these are choices you are constantly faced with in Empire.

I also really like Goodgame Empire because while alliances are there it is one of the games like Evony here that relied on them the least meaning you can really go far as a solo player (something I generally prefer).

Sign-up For Goodgame Empire Now

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One Of The Games Like Evony That Uses A Medieval Theme.
One Of The Games Like Evony That Uses A Medieval Theme.

Khan Wars

Khan Wars is one of the games in the strategy genre that is constantly reinventing and improving. In terms of age it's quite possibly one of the oldest on this page but this is not a weakness by any means.

With the age of Khan Wars comes a huge amount of gameplay depth that almost rivals that of full release real time strategy games. This also ensures it is a game you'll want to play for the long term as the constant developments and new content keep the game fresh.

This strategy depth starts very early on in Khan Wars with players selecting from a number of historic factions that each have strengths and weaknesses to alter gameplay significantly. The second element of depth that really attracted me to Khan Wars is the ability to set up formations for units in battle that does give you a great amount of control over your battle tactics.

This all combines with plenty of management elements and a never ending stream of tasks to take your basic settlement into a powerful war nation.

Khan Wars - Official Website

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Create Your Own Tribe In Tribal Wars
Create Your Own Tribe In Tribal Wars

Tribal Wars

Tribal Wars is another long running game in the strategy genre that has stood the test of time, originally starting as a basic browser based game it has since expanded to the mobile space along with a sequel in the works.

The game is just as complex as Evony but it does a good job at making the game more accessible with really good tutorials and the way it eases you into the features. Just like all the other games in this genre you'll get to join plenty of other players as you establish yourself in the medieval themed game world, gather resources, protect yourself, attack others and make alliances.

Similar to Evony the game is round based with rounds generally going for several months to years (depending on the speed of it). This keeps the playing field fair for new players who don't have to compete against ridiculous odds by instantly getting taken out by those that have had a huge amount of time to build up their army.

Register For Tribal Wars

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One Of The War Focused Games Like Evony
One Of The War Focused Games Like Evony


If you're a fan of the war themed strategy games with a small touch of sci-fi then this is the game I recommend to you, it's a strategy game that really captures a lot of the depth and complexities of actually running your own military encampment.

In general I found the game slightly on the slow paced side of the genre so it's got greater appeal to those that like to play for 5 or 10 minutes every time they jump on the computer but aren't really interested in sitting down for hours at a time. The game is simplified mostly through your "right hand man" that will keep you up to date on all the current game situations. I enjoy this mechanic in particular as I like all my information to be in one place, something I don't think many MMO strategy games manage to get correct.

The game gives you the entire army experience as you start with an empire that has been left in disrepair, are you the leader that the faction needs to rebuild. The starts out simply enough with a focus on restoring resource generating buildings and basic troop types but eventually evolves into raiding other factions for resources, a typical progression curve for this genre.

Equipping your army for battle with the right information is definitely the most important element in Sparta with players having to carefully scout out their rivals to decide on the appropriate number of military units needed for a successful attack in the PvE or PvP environment.

Start Playing Sparta

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Another One Of The Very Popular Games Like Evony.
Another One Of The Very Popular Games Like Evony.


Stormfall is another one of the great games like Evony that I've had fun with over the past few years and one that keeps bringing me back from time to time. It comes from the same developer behind Soldiers Inc. (featured above) but the two games do have very different focuses despite that.

The game offers a fun mixture between fantasy and medieval gameplay which is definitely the greatest asset of the game This also allows it to offer more depth than your typical medieval strategy game as it isn't restricted to what is realistic.

One key element of the game is the discovering of the Lost Arts and technological upgrades in general. Careful management of resources and choosing upgrade paths that fit into your ideal strategy is vital to success, especially in the PvP orientated elements. This PvP is heavily driven by leagues which encourage players to team up with others in order to consolidate power.

The final feature worth mentioning about Stormfall is the quality of its mobile apps (both iOS and Android). It's one of the few games to transition from the browser environment over to mobile particularly well with most games generally dominating one or the other.

StormFall: Register Now

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Images on this page are either provided by the respective developers or are my own images from the game. They are used solely for review and identification purposes.

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