Mega Man 6 - The Robot Tournament
The Plot
In the aftermath of the events that transpired in Mega Man 5, the Global Robot Alliance was formed. A year later, the "First Annual Robot Tournament" was held and a mysterious man named Dr. X is its sponsor. The robot tournament was held to determine who is the mightiest robot of them all. Robots from all over the world competed for supremacy. All of a sudden, the sponsor, Dr. X reprograms the eight finalists of the tournament - Plant Man, Tomahawk Man, Wind Man, Blizzard Man, Centaur Man, Flame Man, Knight Man and Yamato Man and announces his plans for world domination.
Mega Man is flabbergasted and asks Mr. X - "Why?" He could not fathom why the seemingly benevolent Mr. X would want to take over the world. He was supposed to be this philantrophist that was supposed to usher an age of peace and prodsperity and not usher an age of chaos and destruction.
Whatever the case, it is up to the Blue Bomber to stop Mr. X at all costs.
Mega Man 6 / Rock Man 6 Japanese Commercial
Mega Man 6 / Rock Man 6 US Commercial
Mega Man 6 US Box Art
Mega Man 6 / Rock Man 6 Japanese Box Art
Concept of the Game
Mega Man 6 is a a platformer with the rock-paper-scissors concept. Each robot master has a weakness and resistance to another robot master's powers. This particular installment features Yamato Man, Flame Man, Blizzard Man, Tomahawk Man, Knight Man, Centaur Man, Plant Man and Wind Man. Rush has evolved from being merely a vehicle robot to being able to actually fuse with Mega Man. He has a power and jet adaptor.
Mega Man 6 Menu Screen
Mega Man 6 Stage Select Screen
Mega Man 6 Minor Enemies
Mr. X has vast resources and sends a robot horde to crush Mega Man and take over the world.
Mega Man 6 Minor Enemies
Robot Masters
Mr. X uses the robot tournament to steal the eight most powerful robots in the world.This installment features Blizzard Man, Centaur Man, Flame Man, Knight Man, Centaur Man, Plant Man, Tomahawk Man, Wind Man and Yamato Man. Defeating a robot master would yield you his power.
Robot Masters
Blizzard Man
Blizzard Man
Blizzard Man uses the humidity in the air to manufacture artificial snow. He uses this as a form of attack. He also can roll into a ball and charge at Mega Man.Defeat him and gain the Blizzard Attack.
Blizzard Man Stage
Centaur Man
Centaur Man.
Centaur Man is very mysterious. He has the power of temporal distortion. He can literally stop time. He can also teleport and shoot a buster shot that splits into multiple shots upon hitting a target. Defeat him and gain the Centaur Flash.
Centaur Man Stage
Flame Man
Flame Man
Flame Man is a geothermal powered robot who can manipulate fire. He can shoot three slow fireballs towards his opponents. He can also create torrents of fire. Defeat him and gain the Flame Blast.
Flame Man Stage
Knight Man
Knight Man
Knight Man has a good balance of offense and defense. He has a mace that he can throw at opponents. He also has a shield that could deflect attacks. Defeat him and gain the Knight Crusher.
Knight Man Stage
Plant Man
Plant Man
Plant Man has the ability to create an energy barrier to protect himself from attacks and which he can hurl as a projectile. Defeat him and gain the Plant Barrier..
Plant Man Stage
Tomahawk Man
Tomahawk Man
Tomahawk Man has two forms of attack. He can chuck a tomahawk your way or use the feathers in his headdress as projectiles.Defeat him and gain the Silver Tomahawk.
Tomahawk Man Stage
Wind Man
Wind Man
Wind Man is a master of win power. He can suck his opponents towards him and can hover over his opponents and crush them under his weight. He can also launch two propellers as projectiles. Defeat him and gain the Wind Storm.
Wind Man Stage
Yamato Man
Yamato Man
Yamato Man has two forms of attack. He can chuck and spearhead your way and then tackle you to retrieve it. He also jumps and chucks three spearheads at once. Defeat him and gain the Yamato Spear.
Yamato Man Stage
Favorite Robot Master
Which Is Your Favorite Robot Master?
Mr. X is Dr. Wily!
© 2016 Jan Michael Ong